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Dream About Massage Parlor

Dream interpretation about Cockroach, Friend, Life, Cousin, Girl, Month, Bed, Looking, Wall, Five, Ask

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This dream was about

In real life I have this spa appointment booked in a month. In my dream I went to this appointment and the place looked sketchy, I was asked to go into this room and there were 5 beds, I was asked to go on one of the beds. There were girls on the other beds. There were bugs on the wall. Then my friend Marielle’s cousin entered the room and was asked to go on my bed too. Then the massage lady told us to all get undressed. I didnt feel comfortable doing that so I didnt

Dream date:

7 Apr 2024

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Dream analysis


👧 women of your age from 🇺🇸 had dreams about Sex by 31.1% less than 👨 men.

Emotional tone:

The dream had an uneasy and uncomfortable emotional tone, possibly due to the sketchy setting and the feeling of being asked to undress in front of others.


This dream was recurring 2 times last week


The dream was moderately intense, as the dreamer felt some anxiety and discomfort in the situation.


The dream was fairly realistic, as it was set in a spa and the events that occurred were plausible.


The dream was quite vivid, as the dreamer could clearly recall the details of the spa, the people present, and the events that transpired.


The dream was fairly coherent, as it had a clear storyline and the events flowed logically.

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🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

Dream review

Yvette Miller

Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

Dani, it sounds like your recent dream about the spa appointment left you feeling a bit uneasy. The sketchy appearance of the spa and the discomfort you experienced when asked to share a bed and undress are indicative of vulnerability and perhaps a fear of exposure or invasion of privacy. This could reflect underlying anxieties about trust and personal boundaries in waking life. The presence of bugs, often symbolic of irritation or small problems, could signify minor worries or nuisances that are present in your mind. Marielle's cousin's appearance in the dream might suggest feelings of intrusion or unexpected complications in what you expected to be a personal or private space. Your previous dreams often feature elements of transformation and social interactions, like the plants that resembled animals or the workout class with an old high school acquaintance. These could point towards a theme of navigating changing environments and adapting to new social dynamics, which may sometimes be unsettling or require adjustment. The recurring theme of familiar places and people, like your childhood home and friends, suggests that past relationships and experiences are significant to your current state of mind. Connecting to your life events, the dream may be influenced by your past experiences with trust and reconciliation, such as dealing with your parents' addictions and the subsequent healing of those relationships. Your recent transition into a new relationship with Tim might also be stirring up feelings about opening up and being vulnerable again. Similarly, navigating a professional environment where you feel underutilized, like working for your dad, could be causing a sense of restlessness or a desire for a more challenging space where you can grow and assert your independence. Given your history, it's understandable that themes of trust, personal boundaries, and the need for control in comfortable and familiar settings are recurring in your subconscious. Your dreams seem to be a reflection of your inner dialogue as you process past experiences and your current life stage, where establishing a sense of self and navigating intimate relationships are prominent. Remember, Dani, dreams can serve as a means for our minds to explore and process our waking life experiences. Yours seem to be rich with symbolism and emotion, providing a canvas where your subconscious can express and work through the various themes that are important to you.
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Yvette Miller

Behavioral psychology & Wellness Advocate

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