Dream interpretation about Stolen car, Leaving, Hugging, School, Aunt, Crying, Job, Man, Guy, Stuff, Thought, Uncle, Parking Lot, Restaurant, Eating, Clothes, Computer, Ask, Going
I parked my car at a restaurant, and then I went in to eat. My aunt and uncle were there too, but I was not sitting with them. Then this random dude comes up to me and he just starts talking to me about random stuff. My uncle thought that he was kind of weird, so he came up to us and he started talking to try to get the guy to leave me alone. When I went to leave the restaurant, I could not find my car. I ran around the parking lot so many times, but it was not there. That’s when we realize that that man stole my car. So I went up to the line and I was asking them for a video footage and all that stuff that was crying because my car was gone and I was coming back from the campground so it had all of my, nice clothes and my expensive computer in it as well. Then I ended up seeing my boss in line and I went up to her, and I started crying and I hugged her and then one of my other coworkers were there, and he asked me how I was going to get to work because he was not going to cover for me and I was crying still on being like I don’t know I don’t know how I’m even gonna get to school
Dream date:
11 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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