Dream interpretation about Sex, Wife, Leaving, Son, Flirting, Mad, School, Brother, Car, Father, Problem, Breaking, Meeting, Child, Traveling, Dog, Girl, House, Pool, Sleep, Swimming, Hand, Ice, Part, Top, Looking, Map, Parking Lot, Walking, Paper, Backyard, Frozen, Watched
I was married to Trina although we were seperated and we both traveled to London. I was in school in America so I would have to show my airline tickets to have my absences excused. While in Britain we had to travel through a huge park that I looked at on a map. My brother Chavel lived there and he was having problems with his wife and I had sex with her and she was a single mom and had one kid and we were flirting woth each other alot. Then the owner of the house we were staying cooked a huge meal although I slept through it. When I woke up and walked around the house my mom and dad were having sex and he was sucking on my moms breast. I pretended not to see and walked away. I walked Trina to her car and she paid the owner of the parking garage for the tune he car was parked there. He handed her a piece of paper to calculate the total and she paid him and left. As she was leaving an attractive young woman saw us walk away from each other as if we didn't like each other rornwe were mad. I then went swimming in the backyard pool that was frozen with ice. I went with my son. We broke some of the top ice and swam in it. A man watched us swim and there was a small dog also watching us. We had great success while swimming. It was awesome to break through the hard ice although one time I couldn't and I hit the top ice but didn't get hurt. Trina said she would ne and my son at home she would go ahead of us and meet us there.
Dream date:
10 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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