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Dream Interpretation: Wife 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Wife? Discover the significance of seeing a Wife in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Wife appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This is a representation of your own inner feminine side, called the "anima". Notice, is this your wife? How do you feel towards this person in the dream? Is this different than how you feel in your waking life? A marked difference may indicate a lack of honesty with yourself and towards your wife. If this is someone else's wife, the way you feel about this person may indicate hidden emotions you have towards the person married to them. An imagined wife can indicate anxiety over one's future, or a need to reconcile with your own inner woman or how you treat women in general.

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🧭 Direction


What about your own feminine side and women do you need to connect with? If your wife is living and with you, consider your relationship and how you can improve, go out of your way to improve this relationship. Consider having a "deep" conversation with her and acknowledging your own feelings towards her. Alternatively, if this is someone else's wife, consider acknowledging your own emotions towards that person--maybe you are not entirely aware of these feelings. Finally, especially if you identify as male, this may mean you need to change your behavior towards women in general, or try to contemplate what you associate with femininity and how this affects your own life.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about a wife can evoke a range of emotions such as love, companionship, security, and commitment. It may bring feelings of happiness, contentment, and fulfillment, as well as a sense of responsibility and dedication. This dream symbolizes the importance of relationships, trust, and support in one's life. It may also reflect desires for a stable and harmonious partnership or a longing for emotional connection and intimacy. Overall, dreaming about a wife can elicit positive emotions and a sense of deep emotional connection.





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Dreams of users containing the word Wife

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18 Jul 2024



I also had a #dream I was in the #three-kingdom era, I was some brother for a #prince, the #prince killed one of my #sons so I killed him, another kingdom won over the #war but I was it's chancellor, I realized I'm #Koumei, after all that ended the #maghouls came to take over our kingdom but we fought fiercely against them. Then it came to our era, I had #drawings for a lot of the things that happened, one of them was the death of #Koumei, I drew him #sleeping #peacefully inside his #bed, Hugging the #fan his #wife gave him with his #blankets.

2 Jul 2024



On my wedding anniversary, I spent time with a female sponsee instead of with my wife. Although we were just talking,I am attracted to her. I felt afraid that Gabi, my wife, would be upset that I was putting my sponsorship before spending time with her, even though she seldom shows any interest in spending time with me any more. This, however, was my own assumption, not based upon any indications from her.

2 Jul 2024

School Bus


I was helping the youth wrestling club I resign from with their fundraiser. They were trying to decide what to do so we had them sale girl scout cookies. They had to sell at least five boxes in order to make money to cover their registration fee for the tournament. I was on the yellow school bus talking with them and had to leave in order to I get home on time for the dinner date with my wife and her family. I attempted to call my wife on my cell phone to let her know I would be late but my cell phone was not working correctly so I had to turn off and reset it. When I got home I was at my old Boys Town job working as a youth care worker in a residential group home. When I arrived some of the kids were outside to greet me. There were desserts and other food dishes in the mailbox from our family and friends. I took those things inside. Christie's step and an uncle followed me inside. Then when I was about ready to leave one of the kids began to act out and I had to do a teaching her action with the kid and the kid and some consequences. Instead of the kid responding positively to the teacher interaction he escalated his behaviors to the point where I had to call a timeout with the other kids so I could work with him one on one. And I could tell he was trying to draw out our action so I would be late for the family gathering. As we work through that problem, there were other obstacles that were happening with the other kids. The kids kept delaying leaving the house to go to the neighbors house I tried my best to deal with each situation as I encountered them. We moved from the dining room to interaction in the garage. I was closer to getting them to leave. At one point I even apologize to the one youth for losing control of my own emotions and rushing through the teaching interaction with two big consequences instead of a big one followed by a small one. This would have made its less hopeless for the kid and would have allowed him to see some light at the end of the tunnel by issuing the big consequence followed by the small consequence before going to a larger consequence. Eventually there was an assistant youth care worker that came to the home to help so I could leave. By that time I got my phone working again and my wife was upset that I had missed the celebration for us. I tried to explain to her that my actions were not intentional. I ran into some issues with the youth I could not leave them while they were misbehaving. She did not believe me and she was hurt by my absence

29 Jun 2024

Angry at Dad
Angry at mom


My second dream of the night I was talking to someone who I knew in the dream but never met in real life. His name was Gabriel and he had a wife, a young son of about five and a young baby girl around two and his wife was close to giving birth to new Child. Gabriel was consoling me in the dream. I was upset and angry and hurt and didn’t know why Gabriel is trying to help me understand. I think it had to do with some trauma that experience as a kid that I am not aware that’s affecting me and I remember I’d be getting upset in the dream and accidentally push his son and his wife would get mad and Gabriel would explain to his wife. Don’t get mad. He just hurt he upset. The dream transition to me being behind a target by the dumpsters and my dad and mom were in a car next to me. My dad was in the front driving and my mom was in the backseat. They were trying to me and I was very upset. I was very angry and crying and throwing a tantrum I was pained by something and I didn’t know what I was pained by. My dad tried to share some thing, but I was so angry that I didn’t even wanna hear it. I wanted to be angry at him.

25 Jun 2024

Light (Not Dark)
White snake


I was at the college I work at, in the student services building but trying to leave for home. I kept getting lost as People kept coming up to me, asking if I had done different surveys, asking if i had grabbed any of the food in the foyer, one woman told me her husband was really impressed with me, the workers from the native american student services were asking if I needed a ride home but I said I could walk. I left the building but suddenly couldn't see anything because of a blinding light, like shining metal or like how biblical stories describe the light of angels blinding, no matter how I squinted or tried to put on sunglasses the light continued to flash in my vision , i got glimpses of a huge boulder in the entry way that seemed to have a sacred white rope around it. A coworker of mine offered me a ride and since I couldn't see I accepted, but when we got to the car our boss stopped us to chit chat. Then I was back in student services building and the same scene happened except this time the head of my department found me and asked about the prizes I had won. I had a white snake charm and a charm of a dogdemon lord from an anime. Then the husband mentioned before asked if my password was secure and joked that if it was Rin or snake it wouldn't be good enough, I laughed and assured him my password was much stronger than that as it was a combination of two words (snake was one but I forget the other) I made it outside again and the blinding light hit again and I tried walking down the pinetrees bur before I got to the bottom I was back in the student services building. Everyone was in a tizzy, my boss showed up wondering why I wasn't back in the writing center so I headed there only to fins one of the women from earlier telling me that one of the high ranking administrators was dying and we needed to be there because he had something to tell us all. I followed her back to student services and there was a gaggle of everyone gathered on the top floor where the administrator was surrounded by coworkers and his wife. My boss was there and glaring at me, I wanted to go home but knew if I did I would only be hit by the blinding light again. The husband from before grabbed my hand ans was about to tell me something but I was woken up

14 Jun 2024



I’m in a man’s bedroom. We are talking about cleaning up because his wife is coming home and I need to be out of the room before she gets there. There is a towel that was used that is messy that I collect. I tell him that I will take it and dump it when I get out if the house. His wife calls him and tells him she is coming home. I feel a little panicky to quickly get dressed so I can leave. He passed me my clothes to put on. I see myself in the mirror and see that my hair is messy. I want to leave his place

11 Jun 2024



I see a futuristic space plane that is taking up a pair of astronauts. The pilot is taking up an older man who has a respiratory disease as part of his treatment. Breathing in zero gravity is part of the treatment. He takes him up for short intervals of about 20min, multiple times a day. Then I see they give his daughter, or grand daughter, a ride into space. The little girl is so happy. My wife and I are there watching from a platform. I see the young girl introduced and I see two women, Lauren and Patty. It's Laurens daughter getting the ride into space. "which one is Patty?" I ask my wife. 'the one in green, in the st. Patrick's day dress. Lauren is in blue. "oh, ok". I say. We smile as the little girl climbs into the space plane, in her homemade space suit/astronaut costume, and gets a ride up into space. The plane tilts up into a vertical launch position and blasts off, flying away into the distance.

9 Jun 2024



In my last dream i was in a room in someone else’s house. My wife was in that room too. There were other naked girls there. We were all laying on this big bed. My wife wanted me to have sex with these other gorls. The girls were very beautiful and they were all different races and different body types. I remember being attracted to them. My wife said in the dream she was having trouble with her libido and getting her vagina wet. She still wants me to enjoy my life so she found some girls to have sex with me. She just wants to watch so she knows that I’m happy. She only wants me to have sex with them but nothing else so our relationship is still safe. I felt horny in my dream with all these sexy naked beautiful women in the bed with us so i started caressing each of them and I had sex with them while my wife watched. I remember it feel good. These girls were feeling up on me and it felt great. I kept looking at my wife to make sure she’s okay. She was watching amd she didn’t look like she was mad. She had a smile in her face. My wife had to girls feeling in her and she really enjoyed it. I wanted to have sex with my wife but she said she couldn’t.

8 Jun 2024



some undercover cop fell in love with a child molester, i was her at one point as i tried opening a pink door and i did but there was another door inside it, he apparently kept kids behind his bookshelf & allegedly had a wife of 25 years. He wasn't white. We tried having BDSM. Pregnant. A man came to visit, he had to stay still like a mannequin, someone was watching us from the bird angle (above), trying to hide from him & i eventually hid in some square box that had toys & was trying to hold my breath so he wouldn't find me.

28 May 2024

Violence and death


I had a dream that I was with my wife’s who was the tik toker named Yorkshire peach who I follow. We were living together but then my girlfriend came to see me and I had to lie to both of them about where I was. I was then outside a shop while Kayla ( Yorkshire peach ) went inside and bought some shipping. Outside there were a group of teenagers who wanted to start trouble with me and one had a gun. He held it up to me and I wasn’t scared at all because I knew the gun would not work. It did not work when he fired it and I punched him in the face really hard. I then walked off and another person wanted trouble with me and tried to hit me and missed so I went into the floor and was going to punch him in the testicles with an uppercut but he all of a sudden printed on me through his trousers. I congratulated him on a great way to stop me attacking him

26 May 2024



I was in what I perceived to be our house with my wife. The house was somehow separated into two residences. The two residences had a joining wall. We were in the room with the common wall. We could hear noises and crashing sounds in the other residence, as if someone was in the house. According to us, there should be no one in the other residence since the kids and our nieces were not around. We went to investigate, with my wife behind me. The door was open, we had a knowing that the door was left open by the kids when they left. When we went into the room , there was a burglar in the house. He had a weapon in his hand. He turned around and saw us. He darted towards us with the weapon, my wife behind me ran like a mad woman and I followed behind her. She ran and climbed over the fence into the neighbour's yard. I ran behind her, unfortunately I could not jump over the wall. So I had to face the burglar had on. As he came charging at me with the weapon in hand, I administer a flying kick at him. I woke up.

26 May 2024



I opened what I perceived to be our bedroom. As I opened the door, a black snake came charging at me. I closed the door and ran. As I was running I was shouting out to our kids that they need to get out of the house. The snake succeeded to get out of the bedroom through a gap underneath the door. I came to my wife and frantically told her that there is a snake in the house we need to get out. She was annoyed and felt that why should leave her house because of a snake. The snake came to where we were, it darted towards us. My wife realized that she needed to get out of the house but insisted that she cant leave without getting this one crucial item. Nonchalant about the snake, she went into the house and fetched the item. We all went out the house and stood looking at the door. There were now more than four snakes standing by our door. They went into what seemed to be a dog house and began mating. As we were watching that'll, an eagle came from the sky and landed in front of us. The eagle started to approach the mating snakes. In the midst of the snakes there was now a monkey. The snakes were all black in colour.

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