Dream interpretation about Falling, Crash, Flooding, Exam, Yelling, Storm, Alarm, Power, School, Lucid Dreaming, House, Light (Not Dark), Water, Year, Gym, Foot, Cameras, Face, Floor, Part, Stuff, Tree, Walking, Helicopter, Looking, 10 / Ten, Breathing, outside, Panic, Pushing
It was on the news, the worst storm to hit my state in the last 50 years. I had still had to go to work so I suited up and walked. I knew I could lucid dream so I quickly made the 50 minute walk into 10 seconds by shifting the placement of my feet. When I got inside and put away my stuff the alarms immediately went off and we had to rush all the students into the gym because of the lack of windows. The students were panicked as water started flooding into the building and no matter how hard I tried I couldn't hold back the water. With desperation thickening the room I tried my hardest to protect my students. The power goes out and there a multitude of screaming. Chaos ensues and soon a massive tree falls through the building. I look up to see endless flashes of lights and rain droplets the size of dimes falling down. It doesn't take long for the floor to be covered in a thin layer of water. I begin yelling and pushing the students towards other parts of the building. Outside we hear a loud boom, it's a helicopter crashing right outside the school. My breathing becomes louder and louder and it's all I can hear. The camera pans to my face which is the only thing now on screen and I look directly at it. I quietly whisper "I can't do this anymore" and at one last final breath I turn and never come back.
Dream date:
18 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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