Dream interpretation about Dead, Falling, Stabbing, Famous, Father, Dog, Past, Stairs, Bedroom, Mansion, Bed, Part, Step, Window, Jumping, Looking, Side, Walking, Garden, Paper, My House, My Room
I ran up stairs to my bedroom and then jumped on my bed. And then Jason Voorhees (the famous killer from Friday the 13th) walked upstairs too but walked straight past my room and into my dads before quickly stepping backwards and noticing me. He charged in and stabbed me but it tickled so I pretended to be dead whilst he returned to downstairs. I immediately grabbed a piece of paper and jumped out the window into my back garden but I fell because the papers couldn’t hold me up. I saw my nan pegging the washing on the washing line and my dog and I warned them not to go inside. I then went down the side of my house but when I looked inside it looked like a fancy mansion and Jason was walking down some fancy stairs but my house isn’t fancy and then I woke up.
Dream date:
21 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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