Dream interpretation about Injured, Chasing, Friend, Friends, School, Group, Teacher, Hotel, Reason, Running, Sleep, Trip, Child, Guy, Bag, Balloon, Floor, Side, Step, Looking, Bunch, Chocolate, Leader, Going, Terrified
We were at a school trip, me and my friend, So, we got up to our hotel, we were staying in a hotel, and then people decided to sneak out, so when we went to sneak out, the hote's ecit was through a naroow alley we saw a bunch of guys, a group of guys, one, the leader was holding a balloon, and we got scared, so we had to run up to the roof. When we did, I got injured in the process, and then my friend had to carry me over to the roof. when we got to the road we decided that it was too open so we decided to go one step below the road and the hotel had like 15 floors because there were a lot of floors on the hotel and we got down and it was dark like you couldn't see a thing dark so me and my friend just decided to hang out there for a little while because we were really really really scared we were terrified for some reason Then we got downstairs and my friend went away and I had to chase her but it was very dark and I couldn't see and the table was blocking the hole it was just tiny ways that we could go through. I chased her and I tried my torch because I carry a torch with me always but it got out of battery and so did my phone so I couldn't use any torch so I had to feel the table and go out because it was dark like extremely dark and then I caught my friend and then we got back to our home and everything was okay then like everything was okay I opened my bag I put my phone on charger like it was charging my phone and I opened my bag and there were chocolates and then me and my friend decided that we'll just keep this and this chocolates for now like save the rest for later then there was like a school assembly and we didn't want to go to it so we decided we're not going to go to it and let's just not go to it so we were like avoiding the teacher and when we were up on the roof we changed places a few times. now wben we were downstaires and we had successfully avoided the teacher who were forcing the kids to go. then things got really scary again like shitless scary petrifying me and my friends looked over to one side and then end of dream
Dream date:
30 Nov 2023
Emotional tone:
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