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Dream About School Trip Alley Escape

Dream interpretation about Injured, Chasing, Friend, Friends, School, Group, Teacher, Hotel, Reason, Running, Sleep, Trip, Child, Guy, Bag, Balloon, Floor, Side, Step, Looking, Bunch, Chocolate, Leader, Going, Terrified

Dream About School Trip Alley Escape
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This dream was about

We were at a school trip, me and my friend, So, we got up to our hotel, we were staying in a hotel, and then people decided to sneak out, so when we went to sneak out, the hote's ecit was through a naroow alley we saw a bunch of guys, a group of guys, one, the leader was holding a balloon, and we got scared, so we had to run up to the roof. When we did, I got injured in the process, and then my friend had to carry me over to the roof. when we got to the road we decided that it was too open so we decided to go one step below the road and the hotel had like 15 floors because there were a lot of floors on the hotel and we got down and it was dark like you couldn't see a thing dark so me and my friend just decided to hang out there for a little while because we were really really really scared we were terrified for some reason Then we got downstairs and my friend went away and I had to chase her but it was very dark and I couldn't see and the table was blocking the hole it was just tiny ways that we could go through. I chased her and I tried my torch because I carry a torch with me always but it got out of battery and so did my phone so I couldn't use any torch so I had to feel the table and go out because it was dark like extremely dark and then I caught my friend and then we got back to our home and everything was okay then like everything was okay I opened my bag I put my phone on charger like it was charging my phone and I opened my bag and there were chocolates and then me and my friend decided that we'll just keep this and this chocolates for now like save the rest for later then there was like a school assembly and we didn't want to go to it so we decided we're not going to go to it and let's just not go to it so we were like avoiding the teacher and when we were up on the roof we changed places a few times. now wben we were downstaires and we had successfully avoided the teacher who were forcing the kids to go. then things got really scary again like shitless scary petrifying me and my friends looked over to one side and then end of dream

Dream date:

30 Nov 2023

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AI-generated Dream Radar

AI-generated Dream Analysis


👨 men of your age from 🇮🇳 had dreams about Pregnant by 88.7% less than 👧 women.

Emotional tone:

Overall, the dream had a tense and suspenseful atmosphere with moments of fear and anxiety. The emotional tone was heightened by the feeling of being pursued and the sense of danger.


This dream was recurring 2 times last week


The intensity of the dream increased significantly when the dreamer and their friend were chased by a group of guys and had to hide in the dark. This part of the dream was particularly suspenseful and heart-pounding.


The dream took place in a hotel and involved sneaking out, running up to the roof, and hiding in a dark space. These elements added to the realism of the dream.


The dreamer vividly remembers the details of the hotel, the narrow alley, the dark space, and the feeling of fear and anxiety during the chase. The visual imagery in the dream was strong and immersive.


The dream had a clear storyline and a logical progression of events. The dreamer was able to recall the sequence of events and the connections between them, although some parts of the dream may have been fragmented or disjointed.

Dream symbols



















































AI-generated Dream Details

🤩 Emotion
😟 Depression
🤯 Sentiment

AI-generated Dream Review

Denys Chumak

Denys Chumak

Hey A! Thank you for sharing your dream with me. It seems like a pretty intense and eventful dream, filled with various emotions and scenarios. Let's dive into the interpretation. The school trip setting in your dream may symbolize a desire for exploration and new experiences. Sneaking out with your friend could represent a sense of rebellion or a need for freedom in your waking life. The group of guys holding a balloon might signify an element of fear or intimidation that you encountered during this adventure. Running up to the roof and getting injured could suggest that while trying to escape certain challenges or obstacles, you may have experienced some setbacks or difficulties along the way. The darkness you encountered when going below the road represents feelings of uncertainty, confusion, or being in the unknown. It's possible that you're currently facing a situation where you feel lost or unsure about which direction to take. Your friend going away and you chasing her in the dark may reflect a fear of losing connection or support from someone important to you. The table blocking your path could symbolize obstacles hindering your progress or making it difficult to reach your goals. The fact that your torch and phone ran out of battery suggests a lack of resources or tools to help navigate through challenging times. This could indicate a feeling of vulnerability or being ill-prepared to handle certain situations in your waking life. However, finding chocolates in your bag and deciding to save them for later implies a sense of comfort and reward amidst the difficulties you face. Avoiding the school assembly and trying to dodge the teacher may reflect a desire to avoid responsibilities or obligations in your waking life. It's possible that you're feeling overwhelmed or pressured by certain expectations or demands. The shift in locations, such as changing places on the roof, could signify a need for adaptability and flexibility in dealing with changing circumstances. Overall, your dream suggests a mix of fear, uncertainty, and the desire for freedom. It's important to remember that dreams are highly personal, and only you can truly uncover the specific meaning behind this dream. Reflecting on the emotions and situations in your waking life may help shed light on the deeper significance of these dream symbols.
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The content above was generated by AI, under the supervision of experts in dream interpretation. The AI model was developed using the latest advancements in psychology and dream analysis.

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