Dream interpretation about Attack, Dragon, Parent, Fighting, Ambulance, Yelling, College, Moving, Black Snake, Lizard, Tooth, Eye, Horse, Jewelry, Legs, Man, Couple, Girl, Elevator, Front, Walking, Wall, Looking, Clothes, Duck, Four, Banana, Guy, Glowing
I was in like a college or even a medical office. I needed to use the elevator. I got on and a man walked in wearing sunglasses. He took off his sunglasses and his eyes glowed like diamonds. The elevator moved to fast and was so unbelievably loud the man wrapped himself around me to protect me from the sound and speed. Next I was in an indoor horse riding ring. I saw a horse dressed as a banana. The man with the glowing eyes was still there almost like he was in charge of protecting me. I remember ducking into a hole in the wall and he came in after me. Next I was in my parents front yard but it was like a huge greenhouse, but empty. There were these black snake loke lizards coming after me and biting me. I was so scared of them. They would slither but had 4 tiny legs too. They had huge sharp teeth. A couple of girls came by in what looked like an ambulance and they said they were some sort of dragon and were only in here because of all the rain we got. Then hundreds of them started to show up, coming up the road. Then there was a guy on the phone across the street in his garage. He was yelling and fighting on the phone but I don't know what about.
Dream date:
24 Dec 2023
Emotional tone:
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