Dream interpretation about Bear, Giants, Mother, School, Brother, Laughing, Woman, Girl, Middle, Reason, Animal, Child, Man, Name, Two People, Gym, Bag, Dinner, Picture, Side, Type, Head, Looking, TV, Conversation, Eating, Food, Paper, Yellow, Going, My Room
I was in the gym of my old middle school, but it was slightly altered, and for some reason we were eat lunch in there. I had no where to sit so I sit by this one girl I know. I’m not sure how it started, or who initiated it, but a conversation was stricken. The belcher we were sitting was yellow and not may people were sitting on this side. Then I started to draw these two people from some type of magazine. I seemed to know them in the Dream. One was a woman with a short Afro and darker skin and the man had the same. The reference photo was kind worn out. Then i get these bag they both looked to full of food but when I look again it’s full of paper, and the other is jsut full of food…then this random bench just appears in the middle of the gym and kids are eating at it. I also failed to mention the gym was divided into these dividers. Back to the papers they all have my moms name on it and that’s where I found the picture of the man and the woman. Lastly I come home and oddly nothing in my home was altered in this dream besides the tv. And giant polar bear was in my room it disappeared, and I became frightened. My brother popped out of nowhere and helped me look, but we where just find other weird things like a monkey that also disappeared. I call me mom and she reminds me that she called the man and he supposed to bring them over. I got a picture in my head of what he looked like I think he was white, bald and had something around his wast. I remember having a negative feeling about him, and for some reason I tell myself that I knew this the hole time., that I knew he was going to bring wild animals to our home the hole time. I say oh and laugh then hang up. The last thing I remember is me turning on the tv and that think or something tlaking about the price of Netflix, but I guess dream me couldn’t hear it because I was just was silent watching tv.
Dream date:
27 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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