Dream interpretation about My crush, Exam, Cockroach, Searching, Moving, School, Car, Breaking, Bus, Flying, Man, Message, Space, Driving, Girl, Guy, Climb, Old friend, Stuff, Looking, Figure, Ask, Spiderman, Grasshopper, My Teacher
had a dream i a student in London, and my teacher was actor Andrew Garfield. We somehow had each other on Facebook, i then must’ve posted something along the lines “of course the guy whose in spiderman is attractive” or something i cant exactly remember, but basically. He pulled me in his office and basically asked who I meant from the comment, it was quite flirty and I definitely had a crush on him but clearly nothing went further. In the end it was an end of a school day and there was a semi cute guy i asked to put my coat away for me and I was with my old friends Kat but couldn’t figure out who the second person was, we had to climb up to search for my coat and then i saw really big grasshopper/cockroaches that were about to pounce or fly away down, i felt scared so i climbed over them and slide down to my friend Kat. I was also talking about the whole Andrew Garfield stuff, while looking for my coat. Then the dream switches to when i’m on a bus and i’m private messaging Andrew Garfield and someone tries to grab my phone but i quickly dodge - and then they start apologising for attempting to do that, then i get off the bus and then there’s multiple cars at the car shop trying to get fixed and there’s a man with a disability so he needs like 10/16 wheels on his car but it’s broken down and it’s taking a lot of space, but he asks the girl who drives a Range Rover whose wheel has been ripped off in a way, if she can move her car more straight. It was a bit weird but yeah, that was my dream.
Dream date:
9 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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