Dream interpretation about Bully, Mother, Leaving, Moving, Grandmother, Make up, Couple, Girl, Trip, Floating, Dancing, Shopping, Stuff, Looking, Walking, Clothes, Conversation, Food, Ground, Pizza, Five, Hotdog, Popcorn, Going, School Bus
I was on a trip somewhere- I think it was a school trip because I was on a school bus with other people and we had to be back at a certain time, for a school dance I think- but we had to stop at target for a bit. I think we needed to get food (there is a food court with pizza/pretzles/popcorn/hotdogs/slushies and whatnot) but people also needed things for the dance. I was one of those people who needed stuff for the dance. I was walking around the target looking for make up, extensions, and a dress, but there were a few girls that were bullies that I was avoiding running into. I had to keep avoiding them in the store. I also saw my mom and grandma in the store and ran into them, but once I did, it was like I was filled with helium and couldn’t stay on the ground. Like I had to hold onto things to keep from floating away, even as I was talking to them at the checkout counter. It made moving through the dream extremely difficult. I had to really think about my moves, where I wanted to go, what I needed and where it was in the store, how I was going to get there, etc. but I was also trying to converse with my mom and grandma as I was calculating all these things, and they couldn’t tell that anything was wrong with me, so they couldn’t understand why it was so hard for me to concentrate on the conversation and contribute to it. When they left, I tried to keep shopping, but I almost ran into the bullies again and it would be REALLY difficult to deal with them in this state. I was looking through the things close to the checkout counter when the bus driver gave us a five minute warning, so I wasn’t able to get what I needed to. I just grabbed a couple of snacks and split.
Dream date:
7 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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