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Dream Interpretation: Floating 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Floating? Discover the significance of seeing a Floating in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Floating appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of floating symbolizes a sense of freedom, relaxation, and detachment from the stresses of life. It may also represent a feeling of being ungrounded or disconnected from reality. This dream may indicate a need to let go of control and trust in the flow of life.

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🧭 Direction


Consider if you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed in your waking life. This dream may be a reminder to take a break and relax. Alternatively, it may be a sign that you need to let go of control and trust in the universe. Try to find ways to ground yourself, such as spending time in nature or practicing mindfulness.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of floating evokes a sense of weightlessness and freedom. It brings feelings of tranquility, peace, and a release from the constraints of everyday life. This dream may symbolize a desire for escape or a need for emotional detachment. It can also represent a sense of empowerment and control over one's circumstances. Overall, the feeling associated with this dream is one of serenity and a temporary escape from the burdens of reality.





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9 Jul 2024



I was a nurse in my dream and I was walking out of the hospital. My mom pulled up under the porte cochere in a mini van with my brother and her boyfriend at the time to pick me up. As I was about to get in the door closed, she drove away, and I started floating up to the roof and watched her drive away.

6 Jul 2024



dreaming with lullaby sounds with floating heads around emotionless

1 Jul 2024



Me and this girl were fighting kinda like a dramadic move fight kinda thing but somehow now agresivelyn and also we weren't on the floor we were just kind of floating and there was this red kind of building surrounding us but there was no ground and she was trying to hard to saduce me and in this dream i was a boy even though im a girl in real life anyways I'm not exactly sure what happened next, but all I remember is us sitting at a floating bench and this other girl that we were fighting with was there and Me and the girl I was fighting with were having sex and it was verry verry vivid i was really focusing in how my dick felt inside of hwr and i we were going for a while and started flyign around ab of something and we were atill trying to fuck as hard as we could idk why this part means so much to me but i can visualize exactly what it looked like it was sexy asf anyways im sorry and i remember actually waking up horny but anyways i woke up but i couldn’t move i could mive my eyes and mive my hands a bit but not the rest of me and then it kinda started to feel like i couldn’t breathe so i tried my beat to move and i fully woke up but then i went back to bed And then, in that dream, I went to this weird building, kind of looked like a church, and I saw this park. And, in this dream, I was a kid, and I was surrounded by other kids, and my mom told me not to go to the little park that was down the hill. And I went, and when I went there, I somehow stepped on the body of water, and a boat filled around me. And I remember looking up at the place that I was just at, and it looked really high. And I remember thinking, wow, this looks like Minecraft. And I took a picture on my phone.and then i kept going in the boat and i physically felt myslef moving with the waves idk it was weird and then it happened again i kind of woke up but i couldn’t really move and my breathing was weird and then again i went back to sleep and then this happened maybe 2 more times and then i just woke up and got coffee

30 Jun 2024



I dreamt I was in the middle of a bridge over water. It was a beautiful day. I could see the green land at the end of the bridge. I started to go over the side of the bridge into the water. I did not realize I was dreaming, but I realized I had control. So I stopped falling and floated down to the water. I realized I could walk on the water, so I looked below myself but could not see my body or feet. I figured I was a spirit. I floated across the water toward the land.

28 Jun 2024



I was back in the Marines and we were away at a facility for a training course. The course took place in an imaginary facility that sat on the land between my childhood home and the neighbor behind that home. The instructor was known to be mean and violent and he was. Everyone was afraid of him. Marines started being killed by him or disappearing. Many of us started trying to plan an escape while others thought this was a bad idea. Our group was coed. Some Marines started forming relationships with Marines of the opposite sex. I tried escaping with a inflatable float that could fly but got stopped by members of my group first as they were concerned i would be caught and I/they would be severely punished. When there were only 5 of us left, we figured out how to murder and hide the body of the mean instructor. While cleaning up one of the Marines turned on me so I had to kill him and dispose of the body. The 4 of us gathered our things after we cleaned the facility as to not leave clues that we were alive and/or guilty of murder or self defense as we saw it. One person was able to sign up for alternative training clases and stay. Before i left the lower level of the facility become more fathers best friends house. I took a bottle of wine before i left. I escaped while riding my dog that recently died. I rode her like a horse then found myself hiding under a semi truck. When the truck stopped i got a hotel room. I later went out with the bittle of wine and i was floating in the air and found a couple that was sneaking off from their friends. Just as they started to make out, i lowered down from flying and killed thenguy so I could have my way, sexually, with the female.

21 Jun 2024



I had a dream that I went back into the past where I was in the mountains with snow and a village.. I realized I was dreaming so I thought about going into the future. When I did I ended up floating in space where earth was.. then I woke up.

18 Jun 2024



I had a dream that I was in an auditorium full of diverse people. I was leading a civil rights movement and our message was being broadcasted. I stood up on a table at the front of the auditorium facing the camera, but my legs were shaky. I was on an unstable table and I felt super wobbly. I was having trouble standing firm, and two very tall people stepped up. They both stood beside me and helped stabilize me. I held their shoulders and I stood tall and delivered our message. After the speech, I decided to demonstrate and fully show the strength behind our words, so I floated to the center of the room. I was levitating and flying around by harnessing my inner energy. I remember it was a little bit clunky at first, but eventually I got the hang of it. I floated back to the center in front of the stadium and floated with my legs crossed to balance and recenter myself. It shocked everyone and I myself was in awe. It felt very much like a meaningful, almost spiritual-in-nature, dream.

13 Jun 2024



I had two dreams last night. The first dream was about me giving something away because I felt like I was too old enough for the item, I felt sad about my decision, but thought it was the right thing to do. The second dream I was blind, and drifting off on a floaty into the ocean, when I was trying to swim to shore, I didn't know which direction to swim because of not being able to see, and ended up drifting off further out into the ocean as the voice of the one calling me to come back got harder to hear.

10 Jun 2024



The appearance of this dream was when I was about like 6 or 7 years old. It is me in the space floating, but then there is a planet earth and I’m heading towards it. I can physically feel the pressure and the power of gravity, I can’t help myself to get rid of this, like I can’t free myself from this. I felt a pure fear, like something inevitable was coming. I’m keeping getting closer to the planet earth. And also I felt like big and small at the same time. After waking up from this dream I’m crying.

9 Jun 2024



So, yesterday night I dreamt of me, my parents and my eldest brother travelling somewhere. We hadn't said where, but I somehow knew we were going to Athens. Apparently we weren't in our home city since that's where we arrived after taking the bus. Now that bus was all white, and the doors were acting strangely. They would just keep on closing every few seconds, as if they were programmed to do so. We were 4 people and I was the furthest on the front. So I had no view of the people in the back. At one moment my mom held my cloth and then my brother held hers, and my dad his. That way we formed smth like a chain, allowing us to enter the vehicle, despite my thoughts that someone had been unable to. When we reached out destination we were close to my old house where my dad and brother had 2 yellow taxi-like cars somehow. They drove off without seeing us and my mom was annoyed at my dad. After that we were suddenly near my school, where my mom & I split up to look for the others. When I went to the school's yard, there was a girl i fought as if were in the Roblox game TVL. She had a stake and very good aim, unlike me, who despite managing to get his hands on the stake, couldn't hit the girl with it. It also hit my back a few times and hurt a little, but only because i was running to take cover, thus with my back exposed to the girl. When i turned around after she had thrown the stake, it seemed as though it was floating mid-air with a blood-like red thing preventing it from getting any closer to me. After some time I woke up.

24 May 2024



I was in the abyss, it was just black no episode just pitch black darkness but I felt happy floating into complete darkness I also seen myself in 3rd person slowly falling but happy.

24 May 2024

Dead Dog
Lucid Dream


I had a my first lucid dream. I realized it was a vivid dream, because in the dream I was in my bedroom with my boyfriend John - it was starting to get a little sexual/romantic but I stop because I saw my family coming out from the house and for some reason I could see completely clearly out of my bedroom window which is normally covered. I looked out of the window and I saw my mom do a gymnastics maneuver like a front walk over that I knew she couldn’t do and I realized it was a dream. I actually told John that I was lucid dreaming, and now that I’m thinking about it I wonder if as a non-playable entity in that scenario he tried to distract me from the fact that I knew maybe I wasn’t really supposed to announce that I knew. I’m not sure, that’s sort of my theory right now though. I’ve never had a dream like that before it felt completely real most of the time, and I was so aware of what was going on and I was actually able to manipulate it a little bit and do things and that’s a literally never ever happened before and I’m over joyed that it did so back to the dream. As soon as I realized, what was going on, I quickly went to work started trying to see what else I could do in the dream and I was able to do a few different things, but then dream John (who was kind of inside of my closet/wardrobe thingy, and manage to be fitting in there, even though that defies logic of physics) started telling me a story that I really didn’t like some thing about a dead dog that his dad had found or heard about which had been stabbed and it’s private parts being mutilated. As soon as he started telling me that story I basically wanted him to stop because it started taking my attention away from the pleasantness. It was just too gruesome and I don’t know if he was upset or offended by that, but he didn’t seem to like that. I asked him to stop. I realized that I couldn’t control the dream as much as I wanted to, and maybe that was just because I didn’t know how to do that I didn’t fully believe I could. Maybe it’s because I said it out loud? I change some things about the dream, but John suddenly disappeared, and I was all alone. But I wasn’t worried. And then I myself did a handstand, at first I tried, and I didn’t do it very easily because I didn’t think that I could or I thought that it was going to be dependent on my actual real life, physical prowess. As soon as I should be able to do it for sure I was able to do it very easily, and then I was sort of floating the air and was even able to adjust my hands while upside-down. The only odd thing was that I was doing it between where my bed and the cat closet is, and in the dream it felt like that space was very narrow and then I was basically being squeezed by it, so when I did the handstand, my hip sort of picked up the part of my bed, where the curtains hang from, but doing a handstand at that point was incredibly easy because I wanted to see what else I could do. I felt a little sexually frustrated and so I wanted to imagine John came back, but I wasn’t able to make him materialize again I think this is partially because I couldn’t convince myself in that moment that I could or it was possibly because I was disturbed by what he had said before and I didn’t fully want him to come through. I’m not sure. But I wanted to play with myself, so I laid down in the bed fully clothed with my feet facing for the head of the bed, and as I was looking up at the wall I saw that there was a Minecraft style painting, with a bunch of hotdogs on it. It was like a hotdog tree in hotdog grass and a hotdog flying through the sky. And in that moment I realized that this is a game or at least I could play it like a game. Suddenly it shifted in a way that felt like I was waking up at first but very quickly. It was clear that that wasn’t what was happening. Suddenly it was like I was watching a screen without seeing the edges of the screen that I was a character from what I thought was Krapopolis. I was hippo, but hippo had like this long orange hair - at one point the animation shifted from sort of the normal animation style that was originally presented to a pixelated style and then back and it was like he reacted to that happening. They were like observing a bridge or like a ramp, or some thing and talking about how they needed to get into a Town and there was the theme of stars. I knew that this was actually very important and I tried my best to listen and I heard him talking and referencing stars a few times but the very last thing that I remember before I woke up was him saying “we need to get that star fire back”after that I immediately woke up. Before I realized it was a dream I remember that I was eating some jelly beans that were in a mixed box of taffy and jelly beans. The very last one of the three I ate was a popcorn flavored jelly bean which I thought was John’s favorite flavor. Also there was like some sort of takeout food that John had left in the room that I was eating. And there was a cat that definitely wasn’t marshmallow who I thought may have started to eat the food at one point before I shooed her away.

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