Dream interpretation about Attack, My crush, Poop, Friends, High School, Group, Crowd, House, Middle, Mirror, Stairs, Toilet, Theatre, Water, Door, Front, Hallway, Hand, Seat, Side, Top, Looking, Walking, Circles, Going
Went inside of a school like building, kind of reminded me of my first high school. A group of people were walking up the stairs, I was in front and walked ahead through a walkway. When I turned left, I saw another big empty stairway and started going up those stairs looking for a restroom. When I got to the top, the was an opposite side of the stairwell that the group of people I walked with earlier were ascending, the were about half way up when I reached the top. The restroom had mirrors and sinks on the stair landing, then through an archway the toilet cubicles were lined up in a circle in the middle of the room. I found an empty door and went right in, glad that I beat the crowd. When I looked in the toilet the was a little bit of poop in it, so I squatted over the seat and peed, a little water splashed up at me and I was disgusted. I got out the restroom and washed my hands then went down the stairs to a concession stand, then entered the theatre hall and hung out with friends and my crush
Dream date:
12 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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