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Dream Interpretation: Underground 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Underground? Discover the significance of seeing a Underground in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Underground appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A dream about being underground show your repressed desires, actions, and emotions. It shows that you have well hidden your unconscious mind and are purposely hiding your individuality. It also suggests some new development in your life that will come from your subconscious mind rather than your conscious self.

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🧭 Direction


Tune into your subconscious mind; it is trying to guide you to what you have been hiding so far. Revive the things or your qualities that you have repressed for so long as it's time for them to help you reach your destination. You will soon find success after a bit of perseverance and a little help from your subconscious.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being underground can evoke feelings of confinement, secrecy, and hidden emotions. It may symbolize a desire to escape from the pressures of daily life or a need to explore deeper aspects of oneself. This dream can also bring a sense of mystery and curiosity, as well as a feeling of being disconnected from the outside world. Overall, the emotions associated with this dream can range from curiosity and exploration to confinement and hidden emotions.





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Dreams of users containing the word Underground

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18 Jul 2024

Sexual Assault
Baby boy


In the year of 2020, I had a dream that the US was nuked, and we had to go into underground bunkers. However, the bunker that I was in only had one other person, a man that I didn’t know. In this dream, the man sexually assaulted me repeatedly, until I ended up pregnant with twins, a boy and a girl. I don’t remember much else of the dream other than that.

15 Jul 2024



I was in a dirty world, at an underground club. I was walking towards the VIP section, but the path was very small and had gaps, so I was scared. I talked myself up, and made it to the VIP section. But when I got there my boyfriend had my phone and was angry at texts he’d seen on my phone. Before I could respond to him a smaller guy ran right in between us and screamed “they’re coming for me, oh god they’re coming for me” and then three HUGE bald and heavily tattooed men came running after him. I was just staring at the direction they ran in

9 Jul 2024



There are bits and pieces of dreams I remember across weeks. I was in a new location, resembling Mack and Darcee’s abode. I had my cane…but it was a symbol of power and submission? The elastic broke through, and my metal cane peeled like a growing bamboo. Before reforming, it was…like that everytime I tried to defend myself. There were times where there was another person…seemingly representing Alfred from Batman’s stories. We were living a somewhat mundane life—when suddenly something blew us into the water. Including a white dog. I managed to save myself and several others, and the dog I saved just in time. There was also…a time where I was attending a large party? Food was being served, and there was a choice we had to make between several opposing forces? I was also able to remember…Chase? Who was so accommodating to me…I kept flashing above ground with a flourishing business and a underground water location where monsters lurk every turn. I kept picturing, Mack’s bathroom—having to use it…but something in it prevented me from flushing and exploded.

4 Jul 2024



Last night I dreamt that I was at an underground spa grotto with Juta, and he told me how many times he had defended me upon hearing rumours when Alan died. I felt loved.

3 Jul 2024



Dream So there was this guy with blonde hair that would meet me in dreams but really he has dark hair and the blonde guy was like an avatar he used to greet me. He follows me around like a ghost cause well I think he cares for me and he’s worried about leaving me alone. He kept trying to kiss me as the blonde guy and I kept turning away cause I felt really really embarrassed. He’d get this really sad look about him then act like nothing happened. The dark haired guy watched people be mean to me. He couldn’t seem to do much about it other then hover closer or knock on walls. He smelled nice, I just felt like I really really wanted to touch him. Cuddle. But he was an invisible ghost when I was awake. I wanted to hide my face pretty badly I was so scared he’d find me ugly. When I went back to sleep I saw this guy with dark hair messing around on computers. Some lady said to me, “Well there he is” Later there was a bunch of strange noises and I was barely awake, but I was in a hospital bed with 2 women fussing over me. The dark haired guy came into the room. He had a really long beard. I was like 😃 beards. I was so out of it. I kinda reached toward him and he held my hand for a second but quickly left the room. I was confused why he didn’t stay. I was bored while the woman were talking so I looked around the room and saw some choccy milk hanging on the door. I think it was for me. It made my heart melt a little I also started helping people move into the undercity. Underground caverns that kinda resembled the sewers. I watched some kids die from the flooding.

1 Jul 2024



There was a underground school tour. My environment was darker, only lit up by candles, which were everywhere. It looked like Hogwarts basically. I went to one of the classes. They had a competition and I saw a lot of my former classmates. I lost the person I was with before but sat down to a group of my classmates. They were the girls i didn’t have much contact with, but were very friendly. We worked as a group to win the competition, i don’t remember if we did tho._

25 Jun 2024



I was in the school and again I met my ex friend idk why she was wearing abaya . And then we were called in principal office. We split and I went with my classmates after sometime we were let to go through some way a woman took the old nun principal through the circular staircase underground. Suddenly one of the shoes of the nun slipped it was black women shoe so I just randomly took it and funnly thought about throwing it at staircase down but one my junior started staring at me . I went through the staircase and it was a home underground I met one of dead family member and I greeted him and I also saw her wife . I went outside but the house seems familiar even from outside. Anyways I was in. A room outside sitting with my Lil cousin brother their was a man infront of us who was not looking good . He attacked my brother rather than me being a girl . The man hold my cousin brother by throat and broked his collar bone . I ran away for help

20 Jun 2024



It was cloudy and peace full weather. I was having a calm time with my family mother and sister . Then I went in balcony then suddenly a train crash infront in the building cutting the building and crashing in our house I was terrified. Apocalypse happened, everyone have to go underground to save ourselves I was with my cousin and father , we were hiding in a underground room and I saw my celebrity he was with his grandfather he was disappointed. I suddenly felt a connection with him . I don't remember much . My dream was insanely crazy and weird . I went to his room and I am a girl but I became gay and we had sex but I can only see the shadow I cum him a alot filling his stomach and the shocking thing that I was a girl how I do I had a dick????

19 Jun 2024

Blonde hair


People: Me A blond woman with glasses An gentle Older white haired woman in the library who seemed to know me and was disappointed. Place: Library School Outside Underground? Wearing: clothes then pants Barefoot Actions Rushing around Sitting in a class Talking to both women Explaining stimming Being tired Being unable to recall what happened that day or how I got there Running around outside Time: Afternoon

14 Jun 2024

Swimming Pool
Video Game


I am in a sort of underground tunnel with lots of other women in swimming suits. There is a glass wall and door in front of us. Behind the glass is a stone staircase leading upwards. A man in a suit opens the door for us and we rush up the stairs with me in front. The stairs lead up to an overgrown cave that we walk out of and into a small complex of three outdoor swimming pools filled with people. It’s all made out of stone and seems like an old roman ruin or something like that. I jump in the pool closest to me and start swimming but realise the water stings my eyes without goggles. I come up and rest against the wall where I see my friends I’ve known since childhood that I have mostly drifted away from these days: Euan, Umair, and Finn. We get out of the pool and sit at a wooden table with lots of other people and food between us. Umair starts talking about how his brother swims alongside sharks with his eyes closed for up to six minutes at a time while meditating and that he wouldn’t feel any fear. We’re all impressed by such a feat and we wonder how you begin training yourself to do such a thing. Euan and Umair start talking about a video game they have been playing together and I feel excluded from the conversation. I get up and walk back into the cave repeating the mantra, ‘Hare Rama, Rama Krishna, Krishna Hare, Hare Krishna,’ and feel myself become at peace with the present moment. I walk back to the pool and see that somehow everybody has disappeared apart from a child who is starting to leave. I see a toy ship in the furthest pool from me that shoots out water. I feel like I remember this place from my childhood and from early holidays. I start wandering around and say ‘you don’t miss it until it’s gone.’ I feel sad and a sort of longing to re-experience those times so I look into the waters of one of the pools and try to remember a moment from my childhood. I can’t quite do it but still feel a sort of nostalgia for the whole place while at the same time still residing in my peaceful awareness of the present moment.

10 Jun 2024



I was going to my school by train as always but it seemed much earlier in the morning as if I was leaving the station at 3 or 4am. After a while I remember arriving and again I was leaving the station. Then suddenly I remembered I didn't have money for the ride so I got stuck in the station. Then I started complaining that I didn't want to do it anymore because it's too much money and I didn't want to fake me. While I was there a girl came up and she was wearing a strap of my favorite group so I asked her. She said it was but she looked a little bit uncomfortable. Then she left the station and soon came back. I was complaining again for the job? that I needed to do. I had to wear a green ink all over my body. Then more people came and they said the girl's bag's strap was good so I got proud of her and started praising that too. And without realizing these people got the face of the my favorite group band's members. The youngests were called by a man that appeared suddenly so they went through a gate that was downstairs. And I only realized right then that I was one of the member, like my face and personality, everything. I was "Felix" from "Stray Kids". Then I went to the bathroom out the station and I remember that there was a underground passage. We waited there for a while and the leader of the group started knocking the wall and a secret portal opened and we got in. Right then, I got up.

19 May 2024



I was a part of an underground reistsence group and we were doing a top secret mission to get some sort of power device from a government building. It was me and two others, one a beautiful man. We got most of the way into the building without being detected but then the alarm went off and suddenly there were armed cops everywhere. I hid in the changing room of escorts who were there for the politicians and disguises myself as one. I found my comrades who had gotten the power device, but my beautiful companion double crossed us because he was going to use the power device for evil. Well he got caught by the cops and was put on a chain gang. I disguised myself as a prison gaurd to help him escape. All the prisons and guards were made to walk in a deep black lake, the full moon overhead. We were heading to the prison but the water was calm and the moon beautiful. He was in the back and I revealed myself to him. He said "I betrayed you, I'm not going to help you save the world so why are you following" and I said "because I know deep down you don't mean that. Plus you're beautiful and I'm going to marry you" he sighed as though exasperated but then said with a shy smile "you really think I'm beautiful" and I said "yup and I'm gonna bust you out" then I woke up

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