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Dream Interpretation: Sadness 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Sadness? Discover the significance of seeing a Sadness in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Sadness appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes emotional pain, grief, and loss. It may indicate that you are going through a difficult time in your waking life, feeling overwhelmed and helpless. It may also suggest that you are suppressing your emotions and need to express them in a healthy way.

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🧭 Direction


Take some time to reflect on your emotions and try to identify the source of your sadness. It may be helpful to talk to someone you trust or seek professional help. Allow yourself to feel your emotions and express them in a healthy way, such as through journaling or talking to a therapist. Remember that it is okay to ask for help and that you are not alone in your struggles.

❤️ Feelings

This dream evokes a sense of melancholy and sorrow. It may reflect feelings of loss, disappointment, or heartache. The dreamer may be experiencing a period of sadness or longing in their waking life. It is important to explore the underlying emotions and circumstances that contribute to these feelings in order to find healing and resolution.





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16 Jul 2024



I was hanging out with friends when a foreboding sadness came over me. I could not figure out where it came from. My friend Joel and I decided to go investigate something and took this indoor jungle gym like path. We passed a lot of children and this made me more sad. We got to where we needed to go and realized we forgot something so we took a multi slide path back up. We saw a destroyed tampon box and the tampons were sprawled throughout the slides. We passed more kids who were laughing and having a good time. We made it too the top and joel took my hand and said it's going to be okay. I woke up.

11 Jul 2024



Last night, I had a dream that a woman that I had a lot of problems with when I was living with her and my fiancé’s family , came to the house that I’m living at right now while everybody was having a get-together party and me and my fiancé went to sleep and my baby was asleep in the crib next to us and the girl came in there and started taking pictures of my baby, so I grabbed her once I noticed and I tried to beat her up, but I couldn’t get any damage on her. I was just continuously getting exhausted. my fiancé’s mom grabbed me and told me that it’s not worth it and that I should leave her alone, but I continued to try to beat the woman up. She ran into a closet, and I pulled her out by the hair of her head and told her to talk to me and face me, and she just continuously started smiling and laughing at me then she laid out a whole bunch of apers and pictures of my baby and I took them and I started ripping them up and she just kept laying more out and I was getting so frustrated and I started taking things and throwing them against the wall and just getting so exhausted because I was so upset And then I turned back around and she has walked out the back door so I tried following her and she gets into this little minivan and two people come out of the minivan and are asking what is going on so I tell them that it’s a lot of drama between me and her and they say OK will come with us and they get onto a golf cart and my fiancé’s mom comes out as well and is driving the golf cart and I’m is my fiancé and they keep saying he’s in the house with my baby. He will be OK. We just need to leave. But we are leaving I looked down the road and there is a half horse half man walking up to us down a trail and I start screaming and asking what is that what is that and they just say to be quiet and stay still because if he sees you or hears you then he will kill you, but they told me that he comes by every year and goes into the house next to us and takes food or whatever he needs and just walks back out and we don’t see him for the rest of the year and I was very confused but my fiancé mom had her hand over my mouth to keep me quiet and as soon as the half horse half man left out of the house and went back down the road, I started crying and then the dream ended

9 Jul 2024



It was about my boyfriend again it left me for one of his baby moms but me and her was still friends so I had to watch him be with her and not me.he would call her right in front of me and say the same things he would to me..we was siting outside on the steps and he worked over to tell her he would be right back..and I was just siting there sad because I wanted to know what he doing and where he was going when he got in the car and pulled off I woke up mad just looking at him.

6 Jul 2024

Saving someone


I had a dream that I was by the beach but the ocean was not real. It was a man made hurricane simulator. And the water was full of dogs including my dog. I saved my dog but all the other dogs were spinning around in the water with some dying and I was so sad I could not save all of them

5 Jul 2024



I had a dream I was on stage and I turned into a baby and I did a bunch of cool umbrellla tricks with a band playing in the background and after that I texted my dad to send me the videos (I was still in the dream) but then I was saying oh you can’t I’m in a dream and I was sad After that and then I was bored and Somone one trying to get all the floats inside the filter and one of the filters were exploding and you couldn’t open it but Anna’s grandpa fixed it and then somehow I had a turning red mask on me and I showed it to a random guy in the pool after that Somone was about to tell me the spoilers to the minion movie with lol doll water bottles and there was minion figurines and fake cotton snow and the water bottles were made out of steel and when he was about to explain it my dream ended because my sister came into my room and told me to come eat so I wish I knew the spoilers to the next minions movie

4 Jul 2024



I dreamed about being at a youth camp but it was also like my recent visit on a phyciatric ward in the hospital for 3 days for suicidal thoughts and psychosis. It was more like a prison. In the dream we were not allowed to have anything and some kids had hidden candy in their bunks. The counselor discovered the hidden candy and called the parents of the kids that did it. When the parents came there was a military father and he was so angry at his son. I could tell he was going to beat his son whenever they got home and I felt fear and sadness at realizing this was going to happen over something as simple as candy. I had an overwhelming sense of powerlessness that I couldn't do anything about it because I was just a kid myself.

3 Jul 2024

High School


Had super powers like flying, super speed and could see through walls. I met up and tried to get back together with my first love from high-school. We got together and enjoyed a night together and then I had to leave for a bit and I came back and she was with a friend and another guy and I thought she was possibly cheating like she did when we were younger. I confronted them but didn't act like I thought there was anything wrong, just feeling out the situation. I don't think they were but then we had to escape for some reason and we were in these sewers and the holes we were climbing through were getting smaller till the point where I could move in them and felt claustrophobic and said I can't continue then I left. I came back later to see her with her friends at a hair or nail salon kr something and her friend spoke for her and told me she didn't feel the spark anymore. I said wow, that's wild because I felt the spark a lot but I understood. I held her hand and looked at her thinking this is my last time seeing her and I was very sad. She was in a car trunk at this point, like it was to plbe closed and not opened or looked at again. I left and regret not getting to kiss her one last time. Then I flew off

30 Jun 2024



I dreamt that my father had cancer and it was final, there was nothing he could do and I was devastated, I thought of all the time I took him for granted. People around me were very supportive. I was single again at a certain point, with a dying father, and I was very sad but felt like I could make it. Then I discovered I had cancer too.

28 Jun 2024

Black Cat


There were three cats: one black, one white and one grey. The white and black cats were ganging up / fighting with the grey cat. I shooed them off of the grey cat. It looked at me with sadness and I then realized it had flies/ bugs on it

27 Jun 2024



I was driving in the car really fast and ran into a bunch of stuff. I drove so fast I flew into a sign and then told my dad I had done that. Also I was reading and all these messages of autism keep coming at me saying I have autism. Also I sat with someone who seemed sad like they couldn’t say anything and then a man came saying he was going to be a balloon bird on his head.

21 Jun 2024



I am going to a prom with kids but I am not wearing a prom dress like everyone else. I feel out of place. Another kid is mean to Gavin and I want to protect him so badly, I am sad that a kid is being mean. I pick him up but he is really heavy and hard to hold. Corinne is telling me that she might put a half bath into her house. You can buy the whole half bath premade and just install it. I am in line to get into the prom and there is lightning in the distance. It is bright and vivid and looks like it is striking something

20 Jun 2024



Last night I dreamt I was looking at old photos of Alan when he was a young man. My heart was filled with love. He looked so happy and carefree. I felt love and intense sadness at the same time.

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