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Dream Interpretation: Pillow ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Pillow? Discover the significance of seeing a Pillow in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Pillow appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

A pillow in a dream symbolizes comfort, relaxation, and rest. It may also represent your need for emotional support and security. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are avoiding facing a problem or situation in your waking life.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Think about your current state of mind and whether you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Consider taking some time to relax and recharge. If you are avoiding a problem, try to confront it and find a solution. Seek emotional support from loved ones if needed.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of a pillow can evoke feelings of comfort, relaxation, and tranquility. It symbolizes a need for rest and rejuvenation, providing a sense of security and support. This dream may also represent a desire for emotional or physical comfort in waking life. The softness and familiarity of a pillow can bring about a sense of peace and contentment, allowing one to escape from the stresses of daily life. Overall, this dream elicits feelings of calmness and serenity.





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9 Jul 2024



My friend who doesnโ€™t have a license was supposed to be driving the car on the highway while I was napping and when I woke up in the dream, he was asleep on the dashboard with a pillow and blanket and then we swerved off the road and down a hill in the woods, we were okay.

26 Jun 2024



I'm at the training I was last week, and I'm on one of the last days, and me and another girl, we are not participating in an exercise. And we're both very tired for some reason, so we're settling in very uncomfortably, watching the others, and there's a mountain of jackets. So the other girl is sitting down already, falling almost asleep, and I'm going to grab my things, and I want to go to the mountain of jackets with some pillows where I want to sit down. And as I move towards there, she's kind of crawling towards the spot, and tries to sit down just before I get there, and she had seen that I wanted to sit down, so she really just went there to take it from me. She's tiny, I'm a bit bigger, so I'm not having it. So I try to push her away, and this pushing away turns into a massive wrestle, where we each other, we become pretty intense. So I see myself biting her fingers, and it's a very slow and calm wrestle, almost the other group will not notice it, but we're fighting tooth and nail for this. And I say something to her, she's like a gent settler, I say something to her, which I forgot now, I say something like, that's what you get when, and I don't remember what I said then.

2 Jun 2024



my workmate is giving her old pillow cases

5 Apr 2024



I had a dream about my dog Dusha that I don't have anymore. It was a nightmare and it started with me being at this big wedding thing. And I was supposed to marry my friend Nina, a girl, because of some conspiracy. But it was not today that I was supposed to marry here. My family has just asked me to fix this and marry her and it had to be a girl because it had to be a gay wedding for some reason. And I was walking through the hole and thinking about that and I said I don't want to do that. and Nina was walking in front of me and then somebody booked a flight and it was happening already the next morning But they didn't give me any information. I just had one email. It didn't say where it was supposed to be or how it worked or check-in information, nothing. So I was angry, I thought it was my brother or some man that booked this flight that was close to me. I don't remember who it was, but I think it was my brother. And I haven't talked to Nina about the conspiracy to marry. She would probably agree to it. And I thought, oh my God, she's a drunk and she can be really mean. I don't think that this is a good idea. I don't want to be married to this person. and then it turned out that I would have to But I don't remember the reasons why in the dream. And then I was walking around, I don't remember how the dream moved in this direction, but Tusha, my dog that I had to give away a long time ago, she was in the dream too, but she was my dog in the dream. She was walking around being cute and I took her and then she was coming up to another dog. My mom was holding her on the leash. but she let her get close to the dog and Tusha has aggression problems. so she was biting at the other dog but she didn't bite them because my mom pulled her leash back But the other dog bit her, or we didn't see that it did, but it looked like it did. And then she was hurt and she came back and came to me and then I was like, Mom, what are you doing? And I took the leash from her and I unleashed her and I took her with me. And she was so scared that she was starting to bite at me, too. But she didn't manage, and she was just doing it to scare me, and I didn't think anything of it. Because I trusted her that she wouldn't attack me. And then I let her lay for a little while. She was bleeding from her leg and there was a lot of blood coming. and then I came back to her and I tried to touch her a little bit and I said Tusha come on let me lift you we need to take you okay we need to take care of this And when I saw her hurt, I was so close to tears. I was so sad and emotional. This was my doggie, and she was hurt. And then I went and picked her up and I put her in my dad's room. I was in my dad's room in my family home, my childhood home. And then I took a pillow and I put it under her and I also took paper wipes and I put them under her as well so that she doesn't dirty the pillow. There was a lot of blood and I thought I need to take care of this, I need to take her to a doctor. But first I wanted to disinfect the wound. I knew it would hurt, but that's what we needed to do as fast as possible. So just looking for disinfection and some bandages so I could bandage it up for now that it's not bleeding as much.

2 Apr 2024

Make Out


Me and my ex best friend (same one from the second to last dream) ended up at a narcotics anonymous meeting. Honestly didn't know where we were until I found opiates and we decided to take them, had a quick shag and then ate some hot dogs. Later I was alone setting up a bedroom, in particular I was trying to paint this very exorbitantly long pillow I was using as a decoration. I was trying to plan out how to space the letters and what words I wanted on there. Then I was just going through the room. It was really full of stuff. There was one of those beds that fold into the wall and other compartments that fold into the wall but the only one folded into the wall was the bed because there was stuff on all the other ones. I found a soap dish made out of one of my work buddies soap dishes made from his deceased (and completely fictional as far as I know) dog so I wanted to get it back to him because I thought he'd miss that. Then my mamaw and I went to some sort of store for art supplies and other things (I think) and when we went to check out there was nobody there so I went to look for someone to check us out and I saw a beefy looking dude amd a gallon of doctor pepper. I exclaimed to the dude that that was the biggest doctor pepper I had ever seen. Then behind me came a woman who was definitely considerably older than me (I knew immediately the dr pepper was hers though nobody ever said it) she was pretty with dark features and a tan and slightly wrinkled complexion. There was more but my memory of the dream kinda disintegrates after that.

17 Mar 2024



I was pregnant. I got an app on my phone and I had to complete a challenge in the time restraint or it would corrupt my phone. I was also trying to pack a bag for the hospital because I was going into labor. Nothing I was packing was making sense and I was trying to pack everything into a pillow. I went to my closet to grab clothes but my shirt turned into a blue porcelain cat. I tried getting more clothes and they turned into yellow plastic bunnies. I packed the animal figures anyway and just went without clothes. While I was packing, everyone kept telling me that I had to finish the challenge on the app. I felt nervous because of both time restraints. I was upset with myself because I thought I had already packed a bag for the hospital

8 Mar 2024



I was in the house i lived in throughout middle and high school, but it was two-story instead of single. I was deep into a zombie apocalypse. I had my whole ground level of the house boarded and barricaded off so that hopefully, I wouldnt get overrun. But in my bedroom I had a window that opened over the roof of the garage, so if I ever needed to escape that would be my way out. I was in the middle of cooking some kind of delicious soup. I could smell it. It smelled like Pozole the Mexican soup dish. Then I heard a massive smash coming from the other side of my house. I grabbed my sword I had set down next to me and quickly went to see what in the hell had happened. Some how one of my barricades had broken away, and the zombies quickly began flooding in. I ran back across the house to peek out of the crack in a window and I was completely surrounded by zombies. Luckily, like I said, I had an escape. I grabbed my already packed emergency escape bag, a tupperware container that I filled with my half-done soup and ran upstairs as fast as I could. I shut the door quietly behind me. None of the zombies had made their way upstairs yet so If they didnt hear me they couldnt locate me. I sat there for awhile just staring at my soup and salivating at the smell. As I reached for it, there was a bang at the door. It just kept getting louder and louder. I could see it starting to lose its strength so I made my way to the escape window and tried to open it. It was stuck. I couldnt open it at all. I grabbed a heavy object in the room and broke the glass away. As I began to climb through the window there was a shard of glass still sticking out that I missed and it cut my arm, very deeply. The pain vibrated all through my body. All I see is blood flowing out all over me. I tore off my shirt, wrapped it around my arm and held it there as hard as i could. I turned back to look inside and thr zombies had just broken through. When I woke up I had this massive dark bruise in the exact same spot where I had cut my arm in the dream. But I sleep in the middle of my bed with a pillow on each side of me. How on earth did I get the bruise?

4 Mar 2024

My Room


I was outside walking home since I had a shower and went to a shop after my parents saw a knife from my room underneath a pillow where I hid it (it was flowery). I was also having a sleepover with my friend Liezl like and she had a brother like we were ready to escape and I said I wanted to get a gun and I knew her brother could because he was 19 but I also knew he wouldn't.

1 Mar 2024

Being Late


I dreamt that I was sitting in my living room, watching TV, it was late at night so It was very dark and I was alone. I was watching a weird TV show where a woman was the main character. She had yellow eyes and was scary but seductive. I remember most of the time It was just her on a black background and Iโ€™d just stare at her. It gave off an eerie feeling of being watched but also drawn by the woman. Eventually I got up and went to the kitchen to get something, when I went back to the living room I felt a very tense presence in the atmosphere, as if something was about to happen. And then, one of the pillows that was on the couch simply started levitating and making itโ€™s way through the couch, like it was being dragged by an invisible hand. That made my heart race and I felt very scared and uncomfortable but I also felt the urge to fight back, and so I did. I suddenly ran to the couch and grabbed the pillow so it would stop moving, and then I fell on the couch like if something was grabbing me as well. I started feeling heavy and then I had to shake my body to try and take that thing off of me. I was moving a lot to push that presence off of my body and thatโ€™s how I woke up

1 Mar 2024

Running away


I wish I could just talk to you or someone like youโ€ฆ. I had this really Weird dream and have been trying to figure out what it means it had a copper head snake and a ball python the small ball python was eating the huge ass copperhead and they had three green baby snakes this was all happening in my garage in the the snake cage my boyfriend was there ( there is actually a snake in a cage in my garage a small ball python) and at some point the snakes made like a circle and the copper head that was being eaten was visibly seen trying to tear through the ball pythonโ€™s stomach then the two became one and it was horrifying thatโ€™s when I realized there were baby green snakes. The monster tried to attack me or bite me several times and a soft block with a pillow I think always stopped it omg it was scary I ran away eventually and the whole time my boyfriend was there. I wish I knew what the hell that meant.

20 Feb 2024



90โ€™s rock star ,Lenny Kravitz, fingered me while watching tv under a pillow. I liked it.

20 Feb 2024

Black Spider


A large black spider crawling towards my face in bed making a strange noise the spider crawled under my pillow and yet again I woke up couldn't move or breathe I could hear the spider making it's strange noise i felt panicky

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