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Dream Interpretation: Blanket 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Blanket? Discover the significance of seeing a Blanket in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Blanket appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A blanket in a dream symbolizes comfort, security, and warmth. It may represent a need for emotional support or a desire for protection. It can also indicate a desire to hide or cover up something.

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🧭 Direction


Think about what is currently going on in your life that may be causing you to feel vulnerable or exposed. Consider reaching out to someone you trust for emotional support. Alternatively, if you are using the blanket to hide something, it may be time to confront the issue and deal with it directly.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a blanket evokes feelings of comfort, security, and warmth. It symbolizes a need for protection and a desire for emotional support. This dream may indicate a longing for a sense of safety and a desire to feel nurtured and cared for. It suggests a need to create a safe space for oneself and to seek solace in the midst of life's challenges. The blanket represents a sense of coziness and a desire to escape from the outside world. It signifies a need for relaxation and a desire to find comfort in one's own personal space. Overall, this dream elicits feelings of tranquility and a yearning for emotional well-being.





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Dreams of users containing the word Blanket

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10 Jul 2024

Big waves


There was a great wave, like a tsunami, drowning everything in ice cold water. It was so violent, so huge, just one big wave that destroyed everything in its path. I could hear people running but no one said a word, it was completely silent, almost like I wasn’t able to hear anymore but I could still hear the water rushing. It wasn’t even like being under water, it was more like an extremely heavy blanket that weighed me down. Suddenly I found myself in a room. My youngest son was there playing, like any normal day. There was another woman there, older than me, I somehow knew she was a nanny to some other kid I couldn’t see but I knew was there. I sat there, completely calm but also knowing I had moments before been in a tsunami wave although everything was completely normal now. Inside I felt the urge to run, to go outside and help and see the disaster the wave must’ve left behind but I didn’t move. I could’ve, nothing was stopping me. But I didn’t. I just sat there, watching my son calmly play.

9 Jul 2024

Abandoned home


I was in some sort of old creepy house and there was other people there with me. I think we were some sort of survivors of something and there was constantly monsters coming out of nowhere that we had to fight against in order to survive. One of the main things that the monsters seemed to love was messy blankets so I would always try to keep mine neat when they were not being used, I tried to be helpful to a little girl who was there who in the dream was my sister by taking her blankets and folding them for her but she got mad at me and accused me to our mom who instead of agreeing with me since she knew I was right scolded me for taking her stuff. It was dark in the house so we would try to keep some light going with the stove but at some point it went off and I went to try and fix it but instead of grabbing a candle to help me look on accident I grabbed a little firecracker that went off so I had to stomp on it to keep it from exploding next to my foot.

9 Jul 2024



My friend who doesn’t have a license was supposed to be driving the car on the highway while I was napping and when I woke up in the dream, he was asleep on the dashboard with a pillow and blanket and then we swerved off the road and down a hill in the woods, we were okay.

7 Jul 2024



Lying in a field covered by a blanket downhill from a windmill on a hill

4 Jul 2024



I was at this store with my son. We walked around for a little while and I bought him a toy and I got some lingerie to surprise my boyfriend. When we left the store we walked past this playground in the neighborhood I used to live in as a child. I had to move my son because he almost got his by a kid in a swing. Next thing I know I run into a friend and we go back to her place. We are chilling in a room when she walks out to do something. I looked up and wonder where the attic door came from when it slowly started opening. I immediately felt fear and covered myself up with a thin see through blanket. The attic door opened all the way and this dark dead hand appeared and dragging me off the bed and tried to drag me under the bed. I woke up afraid and could still feel the hand from the dream

29 Jun 2024



I had a hotel room booked for a few days. I don’t know the specific reason. I did plan on seeing my brother quickly before I left though (like on my way out). Some of my family decided that my suite was the place to meetup (I didn’t really agree to this). My mom wanted to go back to the stadium as she thought she forgot something. I thought she took my car so I was looking out the windows to see if my car was still in the parking lot (I couldn’t tell with the amount of cars in the lot and how they’re parked). I vented to someone and it turned out my mom was behind the door and what I said apparently hurt her. Next thing I know is that I’m packing all of my stuff up to prepare to leave as I think I exceeded my time of renting the suite. I thought I lost a spare key and someone offered theirs saying they (hotel staff) wouldn’t know the difference. I declined it. In the midst of my frantic packing, I saw familiar blankets that I hadn’t brought with me as well as cat litter (flooded in a laundry basket (idk how that fits but it was in my dream)). A cat was also running through as it had peed or made a mess on the floor. I don’t think it was my cat. That’s all I remember

26 Jun 2024

Black man


The first dream I can remember. It was like I was following these characters cause I didn't see myself in most of the dream except for one instance when I was the girl. But basically, there was this militia. The militia was fighting these wars in different faraway lands like you had to take a spaceship to get to these battlegrounds. Anywho, there were three main characters I was following in my dream. This young Black man was ambitious but not talented or skilled at fighting, timid, and wanted to get better. He was a very kind person. Then, there was this young black boy he took under his wing like a little brother, but they weren't related. This young boy was cute and a kid. Very young and playful but pretty inquisitive. Then, there was this young Black woman he met in this militia. The young woman had short, kinky hair; I believe her hair was dyed blond. She was extremely talented and skilled at combat. Very intuitive, a bit of a romantic, quirky, and friendly. All three of them ended up banding together in this militia. They were ordered to join this fight in this faraway land. They entered the spaceship, where many people were on board, not just soldiers but regular people too; it felt like a commercial flight. On the ship heading to combat is the only time I became the young black woman in the story, and I looked like myself at this point. I usually run cold, and the ship was very cold. I was looking for a blanket on the ship shelves. I guess the ship carried extra clothing and blankets. I remembered someone telling us you should've gotten a ticket for the upgraded seats because this side of the ship is where everyone is and the other sides are like first class and have hearing this side is purposely cold. But I knew we didn't have enough money for an upgraded seat. The young man and the boy were helping me look for a blanket to wrap around since I tend to run cold. Finally, I found a sizeable purple shawl and comfy pink gloves. I took those and put them on, and we returned to our seats. Once we arrived at our destination, it went back to the Black woman I saw earlier. They went off to combat and did pretty well working together and fighting the enemies of this land. However, I don't think either of them believed in this war, but they felt obligated to become these soldiers because of the state of the world at the time, and there were very few options. I think the militia took care of their essential needs. At some point, they were on this battlefield, and they did a very good job. I think the militia fought off most of the enemies of the land. The people who lived there seemed thankful. The group of three met this older Black woman who insisted on giving the young black boy this tasty milk from their land. He was excited and laid down on something so she could feed it to him in this tube-like thing. While that was happening, something felt off, and the young Black woman sensed something, and the young black boy did, too. Eventually, the older lady heard it and told us to run. The young black man didn't quite sense it, but he did follow once there was shooting. I think there were more enemies that we didn't fight off yet. We were able to get away, and the whole militia, including the three, mostly fought them off. The last thing I remember about this militia dream was the young black woman in the militia ended up fighting another young black woman. They were wrestling behind a pickup truck, and the one not in the military cut the one I'd been following throughout the dream across her chest. But she ended up overcoming her, fought, and killed the girl that cut her. She was severely injured. Seemingly, the militia prides you on your injuries, but if they see you incapable of getting to the next fight, they honor you, but it's expected they will kill you in this land as you are no use to them at the next fight. So the commanding leader told her she fought courageously, but this was the end of the road for her. Before she was going to get killed, she asked if she could say her goodbyes to her friends, the young black man and the young boy. He said that's fine. They went somewhere, and then they decided to leave. Before they left, they expressed their love for one another, and I think they shared a kiss. She found this food item that can heal her. They stole this open-air jeep, she hopped into the driver seat, the young black man hopped into the back, and I didn't see the young black boy, but I wanted to believe he was with them; if not, I'm pretty sure he was going to be ok in the militia like he wasn't going to be in danger of any kind. At the end of the dream, the young Black man seems to have a stronger sense of self and strength. He flipped off the other soldiers, trying to get to them, and they happily drove away, charting their own destiny together. The last dream I remembered was in my apartment. I was unfamiliar with this apartment but knew it was my home. I took Diesel, my puppy, out earlier that day, but I was engrossed in something, so I kept pushing off taking Diesel out. I told him I will take you out soon. While in another place in the house, I started to smell feces. I knew he ended up defecating in my house. I went to the corner of the apartment, and I saw a large pile of Diesel’s feces. I was upset at him. But I also knew it was my fault for holding off on taking him out. I pointed to the poop and told him no several times. He looked at me sad. Then I told him to go to the crate. I started cleaning it up. I realized I was low on the formula I put in the handheld vacuum cleaner for accidents like that. Diesel is potty trained, so he hasn't had an accident like that for a while. I got this carpet-cleaning spray to help clean this mess since I was low on formula. I also remembered Diesel being happy in his crate, lying on his back.

25 Jun 2024

Childhood home


I dreamt of my childhood home was with my parents. I had to go to the bathroom and so I peed on my parents bed then stripped it and started washing the blankets and sheets And a circus was happening outside of my home. There were several guys who wanted to be with me but I was afraid to.

25 Jun 2024



I was in the car with my friend. We were both in the back seat, but I’m not sure who was driving. She was starting to fall asleep. It was dark outside but I had also grabbed some blankets to cover up the windows so I could fall asleep as well

24 Jun 2024

My crush


I was in the car with my crush. We were both in the back seat, but I’m not sure who was driving. She was starting to fall asleep. It was dark outside but I had also grabbed some blankets to cover up the windows so I could fall asleep as well

23 Jun 2024



I was in an apartment on the first floor. The curtains were closed and it was dark inside. There was a lady in there that I knew from work. I don’t really like her. I was coming to understand that it was a shelter and this would be where I was staying. There was a little girl who was big for her age, she was two and I got her stroller out. I asked what time the buses came by and she was on the phone. I figured they came by on the half hour and I wanted to leave so I figured we would walk. I see a little baby snake come out of the floor and wall. I remembered there was kittens at my house and I was going to go and grab one. I looked for a blanket for the child because I knew it was cold out and windy. I put the blanket on the child. She didn’t have any shoes on. I grabbed her shoes and put them in the bottom of the stroller as I went to. I noticed that she had a backpack on and she looked uncomfortable. I asked her if she wanted me to hold her backpack and she said yes. When we walked out of the apartment, there was a foyer, but it led to entrances of more buildings. I looked around, and I seen a girl that I coached, and she has walking towards another building. I followed her and then seen her mother, and we were talking and asking how to get out of, these buildings and we’re laughing because of how confusing it was. We entered into another building and I checked in to a hotel. I was a day early, but I got it at a discount rate for $60 and I was happy about that. I didn’t have the little girl anymore switch to my daughter Aleya and we were there for a hockey tournament. The bell hops were bringing us to our room and we were walking through a stairwell and Aleya switched to my younger daughter Elayna and she was asking if we could get a baby hamster and I said no because we would end up with more baby mice when we left the hotel

23 Jun 2024



I was in a garage looking for knives and then I was outside my old house. I was putting moose antlers in the tree. I had my old dog that died and my dog now outside with me. It was time to leave and I was going to leave but there was only a trail leading into the forest. I hugged a lady bye, then I went to go hug her husband. It switched to me laying on a blanket or something with my supervisor. She held my hand like my mother does. It made me think that every time she talks my mother that past away 3 years ago comes through her.

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