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Dream Interpretation: Period 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Period? Discover the significance of seeing a Period in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Period appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

Dreaming of a period can represent a time of change or transition in your life. It may also symbolize fertility, creativity, and the potential for new beginnings. Alternatively, it could indicate feelings of discomfort or embarrassment related to your menstrual cycle.

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🧭 Direction


Consider the context of the dream and how you felt during it. Are you experiencing any major changes or transitions in your waking life? If so, embrace them and trust in your ability to adapt. If you felt discomfort or embarrassment in the dream, it may be helpful to explore any negative feelings or beliefs you have about your body and menstrual cycle.

❀️ Feelings

This dream about a period may evoke feelings of anxiety, frustration, or discomfort. It could symbolize a sense of unease or uncertainty about a particular phase or cycle in your life. It may also reflect concerns about femininity, fertility, or the passage of time. The emotions associated with this dream could vary depending on personal experiences and cultural beliefs surrounding menstruation.





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18 Jul 2024



Had a dream that me and my boyfriend were in some sort of national park and as we were getting out of the car, two girls jumped into the seats that me and my boyfriend were just sitting in be at the driver seat and the front passenger seat we kept walking because Eli didn’t say anything so I figured he knew them from work or something and I asked him I was like do you know them he said no so I went over and they weren’t sitting in the front seat anymore. They were in like the back hatch laying down so I woke them up and told them to get the fuck out of my car And they did and so me and Eli kept walking in the national park and we stumbled across what looks like an abandoned airport. Somehow we lost our group and we were walking around the abandoned airport. I all of a sudden realize that my period was starting so I went into this bathroom Attached to some sort of laboratory room while Eli went out and got me a tampon from the car as I was sitting there the bathroom door started to slowly open and all the lights went out. I could hear this whispering it sounded like a whole crowd of people were whispering, and then the lights went out, so I turned off my flashlight, and I could see a figure walking towards me, but it ended up being Eli with my tampon and that’s when I woke up

11 Jul 2024



i was at my new college and there was a lot of stressful yet fun things going on. this dream turned into another one kinda where i was just hangin out somewhere drinking and my boyfriend and brother and friends came and started hanging out with me but then my boyfriend went off to do something without telling me and at that point one of my old bestfriends wanted to facetime me but he didn’t wanna make my boyfriend mad. then i started my period in my dream then me and my boyfriend were in the shower together talking about shampoo then i got woken up

4 Jul 2024



You should go ahead to sleep because it’s too much and it’s getting worse every time you’re here it’s getting really worse every night because I have my period but you have your periods now because it’s really bothering my body it’s getting really annoying I can’t breathe anymore it’s getting better but you need some sleep because I’m going back and then I’ll just be laying on your back for two it’s like bad

10 Jun 2024



i dreamt of getting my period 1 day before going to vacation and that means i wouldnt be able to swim and enjoy

23 May 2024



Being a young girl period time older dress, with an overpowering man trying to take advantage of me. Another girl was present. Felt vunerable, scared and froze in the dream. Work up feeling a little off balance. I did watch a period drama on television about Marie Antoinnette the night before the dream. Have always felt drawn to a lifetime in this period.

20 May 2024



I had a dream where I was on my period and I was chilling on the bleachers wearing a skirt and someone looked up my skirt and asked if that was blood and I looked extremely horrified I ran out as everybody laughed and went home and laid down and cried after I finishing crying everything faded to black.

19 May 2024



I had a dream I kept going in and out of hospital to have my reproductive system looked at to check to see how fertile I am. Everytime I go, I have to take a pregnancy test. The first time I went, the test was negative but the second time I went, my appointment was when I was on my period but I still had to take a test, it ended up being I was actually 9 weeks pregnant

2 Apr 2024

Tarot cards


I was in Colorado in the mountains. We were on a retreat, period. There was a school bus that we were getting around in. Then we got dropped off at a grocery store. It was familiar, and I felt like I'd shopped there before, but I didn't shop for any food. Instead, I went to the counter on the side to find boxes, period. There were boxes of tarot cards. I looked through all of them and opened them to see what was inside, period. I remember seeing the devil card on one of the decks, and I opened and looked through a bunch of them, period. I was looking through them for a very long time, and I knew the bus was leaving soon, but I did not care, period. I brought the decks over to the counter, and he said it would be $30 for everything. The bus was about to leave, but I was still checking out, and I took my time. He said, $50 for the books and the tattoos, and I said, tattoos? I don't need any of those. He said, okay, good. Then we'll just do $30 for everything, period. I paid them in, and the bus left without me. Another person was left with me, too, and we were told the bus couldn't come back until Monday, even though today was Saturday, period. Oh, it's not the end of the world. I'll just call us an Uber. So I called us an Uber back to the house, and we drove through the mountains, and there was a beautiful crystal hot tub outside, and the dream ended.

29 Mar 2024



- i filmed a video with the same audio that i used in serveral other periods of my life and met multiple versions of myself. i got to interact and talk to them, there was split-dye hair me, 8th grade me, and others. i remember different versions of my friend were there too, and i made sure to talk to them also. i talked to split dye hair me a LOT, we ended up becoming friends and hugging before saying goodbye.

27 Mar 2024



A trip to my old high school. At first, I was in an apartment with my secondary friends. Two of them are recognizable, while one was not. So we start by the point of view of a game FNAF where we need to guard the animatronics, and me and that one recognizable friend Hiep was doing the security guard, while Long and another inrecognizable doing the invader or the animatronics. We start looking around the apartment as we see them chasing us after our backs. They chased us through apartment and apartment until we get out of a building and then we get to a noodle vendor, suddenly we stopped chasing each other. There we order ourself a noodle bowl, but Hiep refused to eat it when he got his meal. He said his grandpa has health problems and he got to go back to his home. His grandpa has high blood pressure and it's hard for him to breathe and he cannot even talk with high blood pressure. I think this is indicating me because I have been experiencing high blood pressure in real life recently. In addition, I attend three highschools overall. Then the scene changes, I am informed to go by car to the second highschool, but it was a flight instead. So I am back to my second old high school. It was a private school with international students. I started my dream there in the third highschool's cafeteria, but the people were the second highschool. I am Vietnamese and the Vietnamese kept staring at me and then they come and talk to me. They said that I should not pretend to be not a Vietnamese anymore because they all know it. So I laughed and admitted that I am a Vietnamese. A friend of mine at that second high school told me that am I not going to meet my best friend here which is Jacob. Jacob is a friend who I havent met for one year even though I have met everyone through 2 of my real trips back to my second old school. And then the scene changes to the dormitory of the school. Here, the dormitory was of the second high school, but the people were the third high school. A student name Xavier, come to my room and ask me how things were doing and we talk about things that is banned from the school so the second high school banned phones and we cannot use phones in our dormitory due to our safety. However, I do got a phone and he laughed because he knows that all the students here, they are all hiding the phones. At this period of time, I realized that this trip is not going to be one-day trip, it's gonna be two day trip as I will be going back to the third highschool, where I am currently studying, tomorrow. Then I slept, and suddenly had a crazy idea. I asked for a girl student here if she wanna come to my room for sex. But she wasn't actually a student here, and she was just a friend on a game I currently play. Then the dream ends. You

24 Mar 2024



I was on this weird vacation. I was in this frozen land but also at work. I had moved into my classroom for a short period of time but for some reason my classroom door wouldn't lock. So I got to work on fixing it. Once it was fixed I went exploring. But I had to make it through this prison type place. I ended up getting a huge beating before I got out. Then I was running with these kids. It seemed as if I was baby sitting the kids. One slipped on a super muddy slope and landed covered in clay Mud half under this bolder and half out. She didn't get hurt but I pulled her put and got her cleaned up. Then we kept going. We got to this convince store that didn't want to serve us. I managed to get them to sell us a small snack so we could he on our way. Then I get back to the place I was staying and I'm in one kahki pant leg and one Jean pant leg. Everyone is looking at me and making some remark or another. I fire back with some smart ass remark about my day which shuts them up. Before I walk inside everyone seems to be trying to solve a riddle or something. I laugh and say I know that. Wanna know the answer? I go inside and laugh to myself about all these people trying to answer this question. Then all of a sudden im on this lake or ocean.. but im not in a boat I'm just on someone who's swimming as fast as a speed boat. And we and dodging and weaving through all these icebergs. Then we stop and have a conversation about how someone told people that throwing clear plastic and glass into this ocean was okay because it collects itself to make its own icebergs. And it wasn't true. So we were trying to clean up what we could. Then we ran across this one iceberg that had greenery growing on it. Which made me ask the question "are icebergs just islands growing"?

14 Mar 2024



I had where my girlfriend and i were a car and a random guy was in the backseat. My girlfriend ended up having sex with him in the backseat and did not care that I was there. I looked at her underwear and there was blood in it. I was confused because she hasn’t had her period in over a year. I asked her about it but she was too busy having sex with this random guy. I was angry that she decided to cheat on me while I was right there and didn’t care about my feelings at all. I gave up on being angry because I didn’t know what to do. I remember asking them β€œhey guys, what time is it?” They stopped immediately and looked at me like I wasn’t supposed to be there. My girlfriend held my face and looked at me so lovingly as she told me I needed to wake up. She looked at me as if she was trying to protect me and something bad was going to happen if I didn’t wake up.

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