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Dream Interpretation: Temperature ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Temperature? Discover the significance of seeing a Temperature in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Temperature appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Dreaming about temperature can represent your emotional state. If the temperature is hot, it may indicate anger or passion. If it is cold, it may indicate feeling distant or disconnected. It can also represent changes in your environment or relationships.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Think about the context of the dream and how the temperature made you feel. Are there any changes happening in your life that may be causing emotional fluctuations? Take time to reflect on your emotions and try to find ways to regulate them. If the temperature in the dream was uncomfortable, it may be a sign to address any issues causing discomfort in your waking life.

โค๏ธ Feelings

This dream about temperature may evoke feelings of discomfort, unease, or even relief. It could symbolize the emotional climate in your life, indicating whether you are experiencing warmth and contentment or coldness and detachment. The temperature in your dream may also reflect your physical well-being, suggesting feelings of being too hot or too cold. Additionally, it could represent the intensity of your emotions, with high temperatures indicating passion or anger, and low temperatures representing emotional distance or indifference. Overall, this dream may leave you with a sense of the emotional atmosphere surrounding you and the impact it has on your overall state of being.





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12 Feb 2024



We were on another planet. There were people I didn't know and my friends on board. I was the captain. The planet was like in the Subnautica game, entirely covered in water. We had to gather materials, build the equipment, etc to study it. It was hard. Nevertheless, we managed to build several safe ships and even decorate them from the inside, turning them into cozy homes. I was getting stuck and didn't know how to proceed โ€” what else to gather and build. But I eventually figured it out. Suddenly, it started to get colder. I figured that the planet was getting away from the Sun, and we had to prepare. Temperatures dropped, and water disappeared, leaving the planet with an entirely different appearance. We found things that were hidden underwater this entire time. My crew asked me to fly away, but I said that we need to explore and study these new things. So, we found a way to keep ourselves warm, and continued the adventure.

27 Jan 2024



One day I was checking the weather app and it said there was supposed to be a huge lightning storm in a couple days where thousands of lightning bolts struck at once, so I was looking at the days after and it said it could stay between to 2,000 or 3,000 degrees with one of the days hitting 9,000 degrees. For some reason my family was leaving me alone to go on a trip to Canada and I had to stay home and take care of my dog. I kept asking them how he was going to be able to use the restroom since the temperature would be in the thousands and they said to just lay out a big sheet of paper and let him use that to go to the restroom. And I asked how we were going to be able to get food and they didnโ€™t answer and just walked out the door. Then I woke up.

23 Jan 2024

Make up
Old Man
Light (Not Dark)


I saw multiple small dreams. However, I only remember one of them. Where I was helping an old man with white robe and white long hair. We both were on a platform made up multiple white blocks. The platform was surrounded by water. All of this setting was inside a ware house. I was forcing the old man to drink the water which was surrounding us with a sea shell. Water temperature which surrounded us wasnโ€™t consistent in temperature. And it was pitch black I couldnโ€™t see the bottom of water. But there were two light inside water orange light for watm water and blue light for cold water. I was filling the shell with the cold water and forcing him to drink because his throat was burning. There was another dream where I was on the terrace of my house. Fighting with a super villain. But I wasnโ€™t very strong so I had to hide multiple times.

15 Nov 2023

Make Out


I woke up in the pavement if a dark alleyway, it's night time and I'm in some sort of city that looks like Philadelphia in the USA. I see directly in front of me is the main road but there are no lights to light up the road except for 1 sole lamppost standing by itself only illuminating about a 3 metre radius. I walk towards the lamppost and see that behind it there aren't more buildings on this side of the road in fact just a metal wire fence. There is a hole in the fence and I decide to crawl through. On the other side there is nothing just a dark shade of grey filling the void. For some reason I feel confident walking alone and further into this void of colourless space. As I continue I can suddenly make out a different shade of grey like a large wall going up infinitely to the sky. As I draw closer I see light and colour emanating from some somewhere. I approach it to see 2 men and 1 woman sitting on overturned plastic milk crates arranged neatly in a semi circle around a bonfire almost as if they had been expecting me. The look of shock and then confusion plastered on their face told me that they were not expecting my arrival. "Hello?" I ask in befuddlement at the purpose of their location.... "you should of stopped... why didn't you just stay in your happy little world you were in? You should have stopped searching" they speak in unison their words harmonising together. "You should have stopped searching" they chant again.... I can see just beyond their bonfire is what appears to be impossibly a darker section if space in the already dark charcoal grey emptiness that surrounds me. There is a sudden crashing sound from somewhere behind me.... my head snaps onto the mysterious strangers around the fire my eyes trying to look for some sort of a reaction... there is none. The man closest to me looks up reluctantly and his watery brown eyes cut deep into my soul. Sometimes in life the simple sentences are the ones that hit us the hardest.... His words echo in the suddenly cold night ( my senses of temperature now kicking in) "Run you may but it will always catch up to you". What did he mean? My whole world seems to spin and I become light headed.... When I refocus I make out behind me is a shadow it's presence blurred but this fact does not take away from its menacing presence. Orange flaming eyes piercing through the night I can almost feel the warmth of this beings eyes. My mind joins the dots between the old man by the fires' words and the sudden rising panic I feel within myself. I turn to assess my options and it seems that the only place to run is into the dark gap in the charcoal surrounds. I take off and as I do I get the feeling if butterfly's as I see from the corner of my eye that the shadowy figure behind me moves like a cheetah with astounding swiftness as if it is simply gliding through the air! I run hard and fast to the dark gap. All I feel are eyes upon me and the feeling is like weight. And as I run I see flashbacks of all my memories in life flashing before me and I hear him say that he's been there through everything. I wake up suddenly and get this feeling that he's apart of me?

4 Nov 2023

New Job


In my first dream, actually in all of my dreams I was outside. I was standing in my driveway and I believe a real estate agent came up to my wife and I and gave us her business card. She started talking to my wife, Christi. She give us asked for Christi's demographic information and I begin to write it on the back of the business card in the fill in the blank fields. The ink pen didn't write as well as it should have, so I had to struggle a little and retrace my writing off and on inorder to get the information written on the card. I got through it all and got the card all filled out. Then there was a food truck in our neighborhood and we decided to get in line to get some food. One truck happened to be from Salem Baptist Church, which is the church I belong to. My was belongs to a Luthern church. We got in line and the line was so long that the truck had to pull forward to the end of the block. Everyone in line had to walk down a little further to get to the truck again. We all maintained the same place we had in line. When it was my turn to order. I only wanted a lemonade. The lemonade was handmade and had a little fizzle to it. The glass of lemonade was $10 per the sign in the food truck. He poured some of the first batch of lemonade into another glass. Then started with a new batch of lemonade for my order. I watched the guy make my lemonade and squirt the fizzy ingredient and flavoring into the lemonade. Then he hand it to me and it had ice in it. Although i didnt see him add the ice while making it. I didn't get anything for the family at the food, but the tasted the lemonade. They weren't hungry at that time but they were in line with me. Then my dream switched to another scene and once again we were outside and a couple of people were selling fresh vegetables and fruit in the neighborhood. My wife and maybe my oldest son, were in the garage with the garage door up, cleaning off some of the vegetables amd fruits before repackaging them to resell them. I opened up the geen grapes, which are my favor grapes and begin eating them. My wife said, I shouldn't eat grapes because they were going to resell them. Now I would have to repackage them with more grapes. I said will buy the grapes so I don't have to replace them. I asked how much are the graped? They were $6 and something, maybe $6.50. After that, I went into the house to the kitchen. I could hear Alex downstairs with a friend. They were playing a girls softball video game. He was really excited about playing the softball game because he said the girls softball game was much better for building skills and learning proper techniques because the girls game moved a little bit slower than the men's baseball game. After that, I was back outside again and I was driving. As all of this was going on, I should have been at work but I wasn't going to make it to work on time. It was almost 2:30pm or 3pm in the afternoon. I was debating if I should go in to work late or if I should call in and just say I'm not going to be in at all today. I found it was interesting that all my dreams were mainly outside. It was a beautiful day while I was outside. It was probably late spring or early summer because the temperature was perfect, not overly hot and humind. The grass was green, it was warm and sunny and perfect weather for being outside.

17 Oct 2023



The end of the world. Itโ€™s a reoccurring dream. Usually followed with a sense of impending doom. Iโ€™ll look in the sky and itโ€™s either multiple moons, a second either, a nuke, or some sort of earth shattering phenomenon. Itโ€™s not immediate, itโ€™s usually anywhere from an hour to a week (dream time) before all hell breaks loose. And I always try and find a way to survive it, the fear of dying pumps me full of adrenaline and everything around me seems realistic. To the panic in peoples voices, the bass that hits my chest, the eardrum shattering shockwave that hits my ears, lack of oxygen in the air, I even feel the radiation poisoning in my lungs and on my skin. If the sky has two moons, itโ€™s something along the lines of some sort of alien invasion or earths core collapsing, if itโ€™s a second earth, the earth in the sky will begin to crack and explode, if itโ€™s a nuke Iโ€™ll feel the impact of the shockwave in my chest, itโ€™s almost like the feeling of bass that hits you when your next to a loud speaker, if itโ€™s an aurora borialis, oxygen in the air disappears and the temperature becomes blazing hot and freezing cold at the same time.

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