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14 Oct 2023
For this dream I was up a hill house and I was holding a Qur'an and a Bible. It was the day of judgement I didn't know if Islam was the truth or if Christianity was the truth. At times I would say Christianity is the truth and other time I would say Islam is the truth. Later on I was in a car with my mum leaving the uphill house but some was still there with a bottle of prime
I had a dream I saw my ex’s truck in the ace Beaufort parking lot where we used to meet to carpool to work. There were a couple of gray bricks stacked underneath it
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I’ve been having nightmares lately that either a little doll or girl watches me. She hides where no one else can see her, but me. If I say something I’m not supposed to, her red eyes catch mine like a threat in waiting. I can’t move or speak. So I skip the subject to another to avoid confrontation with this entity. No matter where I go she follows. She’s always judging me.
My little brother has passed away and I keep dreaming about looking for him at this huge house party because I need him. I go from room to room looking for him and it seems to take all night, till I finally come to the last room and there he is completely wasted and unable to help me.
I was walking through the mall then I was at a table with my friends and they were all looking through a telescope and I was looking down at the table but I could see what they were seeing. My ex was standing there but we weren’t speaking. I walked into a room and an old man was laying on a bed and the bed started to inflate and raise up. I asked if he needed anything and he said sex. I walked out. Then I was on a plane flying over the ocean and the plane suddenly stopped in mid air and rolled and took a nose dive. The ocean looked black and was bubbling and looked like mud. I tightened my seat belt before hitting the water. I took a deep breath and slowly swam towards the surface
I dreamt that I was dating but that before the dates they’d always get canceled but there was this one that I actually liked and felt I had a lot in common with but it also got canceled at the last minute so I was talking to my friends about it and they started laughing then they said that they were were had secretly been calling me and that’s why my dates were all canceled.
It was my birthday and I got a message saying my cousin couldn’t come because «I know Why» and then my uncle was there and we walked down the river. At the end of the dream we found a donut shop and we got donuts and ate them.
Jeg hygger mig stille roligt på mit værelse indtil det ringer på døren. Det er min bedste ven fra min gamle skole. Hun kommer med op til værelset, hvor hun så siger at jeg ikke har været en særlig god ven. Jeg forstår det ikke og siger hvad mener du til hende at jeg burde vide det. Men hun forklarer. Jeg er også Aseksuel. Jeg får et chock at overraskelse. Og så vågner jeg
jake (the guy i’m seeing) and i went on holiday and he told me he loves me and i said it back but then all these horrible things kept happening like floods and tsunamis and earthquakes and then jake was like protecting me from all of it but we both died
was being chased down a street by men and i was completely naked and i kept trying to call jake (a man that i am seeing) but he wouldn’t pick up and he kept messaging me saying he was busy and then all the men chasing me caught up to me and took turns raping me
13 Oct 2023
A weird church camp
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