Dream interpretation about Drunk, Family, Grandmother, Light (Not Dark), Finger, See, One, Reunion
I was working for this company and Diddy was the owner and CEO. It was a large electric company and we ended up getting very close. I can't remember the entire dream but we began to like each other too much and would tell each other secrets and started to become more than friends. He had a personal assistant who he suspected of something. I was just in awe that Diddy was interested in me. He suspected someone of lying or something and it was a lot of drama going on and he would come to me and confide at me and I would kind of spy on the workers because they didn't know. My husband and I were at this park but it was still a part of work and people were playing games like tennis and racket ball. The assistant was there but Diddy wasn't. I was trying to tell my husband something but could not get it out and I'm like that what I was trying to tell him maybe about the Diddy. A dog went up to her and kept smelling her leg. It turned out that she had sepsis and died the next day but she never knew she was sick. The same thing happened to another lady so I realized that the dog can tell and when I started sniffing around your leg being attached to you would die. Then I woke up
Dream date:
5 Nov 2023
Emotional tone:
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