Dream interpretation about My crush, Girlfriend, Friend, Being Late, Laughing, Meeting, Beach, Couple, Eye, Shower, Elevator, Floor, Face, Hair, Hand, Room, Thought, Walking, Looking, Clothes, One, Intimate, Order, Rooftop, Speak, Study
I was walking to the elevator,I didn't know who I had to meet up by the spa but I knew I was late and needed to hurry. When I arrived on floor and turned a corner in the spa I found out it's Adam,a friend of mine that I had a huge crush on,he has a girlfriend now. He says you late,when I entered the room it was a booked coupled massage,we were a couple. After that we had a intimate shower together,got dressed in our room and went up to the rooftop bar, it overlooked the beach. He ordered me a range of different cocktails,ones he thought I'd like, we laughed and made jokes, talked about politics,that's what I am studying and he's studying agricultural science,so I spoke to him about agro business within the political arena. He looked down at me, deep into my eyes, and he touched my face and ran his hands through my hair,and I woke up
Dream date:
2 Nov 2023
Emotional tone:
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