Dream interpretation about Classmates, School, Car, Crosses, Life, Lot, Girl, House, Mall, Message, Name, Driving, Guy, Back, Gates, People, Walking, Way, Looking, Feeling, One, Blue, Eyelashes, Four, 10 / Ten, Ask, Confused, Missed, Pretty
I had a dream that I had messaged one of my primary school classmates. Her name was Jade and I mistook her for a different more recent Jade in my life. Then I went to the mall and did what I needed to and came back home. As I was walking down my complex driveway, it was much longer than usual. Suddenly a girl who I did not know came running and said "Kyle, you were supposed to be at Jade's house 10 minutes ago!" I was so confused and didn't know what she was talking about. Suddenly a glittery blue Porsche pulled up to my gate and Jade Rawberry from primary school got out and said she was waiting for me. I said "Were you the Jade I messaged?" She said ye she said yes she said yes and then we got into the blue Porsche and Bronwyn who was also from primary school was in the Porsche driving and there was another girl that I didn't know but she was friendly. Then we started driving asking each other how we were and they were complimenting me a lot. Talking about my eyelashes and then I looked at bronwyn's eyelashes and eyelashes were very long and pretty. I kind of missed these people even though we weren't particularly close. But that didn't really matter because I had such a good feeling being around them, no nerves or anything. Then we crossed a four-way that was on our way to our old primary school and there was another car at the four-way. It was four guys that stared at me while we passed them and I stared back at them. Then I woke up
Dream date:
31 Oct 2023
Emotional tone:
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