Dream interpretation about Falling, Fighting, Mother, Crying, Life, Self, Daughter, House, Mall, Man, Waves, Sleeping, Attention, Thought, Walking, Couch, Ask, Familiar
I was dreaming that I texted my oldest daughter to fond out if she needed to go to the mall. She said yes so I agreed to pick her up and take her in a few days. I was at the mall the day before that and I saw her mother walking. I do not get along with mother in real life, and she appeared as her young self in the dream. I waved at her and at second thought, decided to be an adult about it and ask if she needed a ride. She reluctantly accepted and I gave her a ride home. I came back and I was invited to an unfamiliar residence where my oldest daughter was, I fell asleep on the couch which I'm sure was happening be ause in real life I was exhausted and waking up on and off through these dreams. I listened to a man that was dating my oldest daughters mother talk about how he was taking care of her and the stories he was telling felt familiar like the sob stories age would tell people when we were younger yo maje them feel sorry for her. I was annoyed by that, but trying to continue sleeping. I started feeling feelings of being suicidal, which was something that I felt when we were fighting over our daughter when she was younger. The feeling was strong, i could feel myself crying even though i was asleep. I was thibking about calling a crisis line or getting a couselor or something. Im sure tgesecare justvrepressed residual feelings that o have, but i havent felt them in so long.
Dream date:
23 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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