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Dream Interpretation: Self ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Self? Discover the significance of seeing a Self in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Self appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This is a clear representation of you. It signifies a part of your personality and critical components of your identity and potential. This symbol allows you to explore different and new aspects of who you are.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Explore your own identity and potential. This is a common theme in dreams, as we all explore different aspects of ourselves. In addition, the dream may be prompting you to consider how you want to grow and develop in the future.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of oneself can evoke a range of emotions, such as self-reflection, introspection, and self-awareness. It may bring feelings of curiosity, as one explores their own identity and inner thoughts. This dream can also elicit a sense of empowerment, as it allows individuals to delve into their own desires, fears, and aspirations. It may generate a mix of emotions, including nostalgia, as one reflects on past experiences and personal growth. Overall, the dream of oneself can be a thought-provoking and enlightening experience, evoking a variety of emotions tied to self-discovery and understanding.





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Dreams of users containing the word Self

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19 Apr 2024



This was a pretty straightforward, wet dream. I dreamed I was stroking my cock until I ejaculated and it felt really good. I remember feeling confident, secure and strong and it was just me. No one else and I was using my hands. My penis appeared to be it's normal natural size. I had gone to bed pretty aroused so this makes sense.

9 Apr 2024



My best friend was walking on eggshells with her bf. I was there and I gave her advice donโ€™t like him control you . Thatโ€™s not real love thatโ€™s control. Then she confided in me we went to this room and started telling me everything. Then she kissed my ear, my lips then my neck. Her bf kept texting her she had a service that would automatically text him. Then she said she had to or was going to drive to Florida to get the snacks and candy he wanted. We talked then when she left I heard her standing up for self to him in front of my family. She ended the relationship and I was so proud of her. The guy left walking to his car. He put the hood back onto his car. The we all celebrated, and told her we were proud of her.

7 Apr 2024



I was at school with my friend from school and i grabbed some milk and sweets to eat and then we went to a self tanner store and she was gonna let me try on different colors that look good on me but then i woke up

4 Apr 2024



I had a dream I was in my hometown and I see everyone was coming up to me telling me that my ex was there talking to other girls trying to flirt. After walking for some time around downtown I see him standing by his self hand in pockets with his family

4 Apr 2024



My dream was about, we was at dad's place back in township and all of a sudden we see something moving in the sky so fast light faster than the speed of logjy and the stars was moving and it.was like something from the future then they said we can travel like that but there is a chance we can die. There was this place where you can use a certain place where you can call your past self and apparently I was a Spanish person. The first time my soul was born and its a never ending cycle of being reborn and they figured out how to get in contact woth our future and our past. So cool

3 Apr 2024

New Job


I had a really jumbled up dream. I'm not sure if it was actually one dream or more that I'm just all remembering together. So in one part I was at the airport waiting for a flight and I was with my friend Katie and I can't really remember the details but it was like I was in the airport waiting for a flight but I didn't actually have one booked and then I wasn't sure how I was going to get it booked and then I tried to ask a lady where I go to book a flight but she didn't want to talk to me and now I'm remembering that at one point I wanted to go to Chicago but at another point I was supposed to go to New York to see my friend Brian but then I realized I had wasted too much time and I really couldn't go to New York and get back in time. And then the dream morphed, or maybe it's a different dream, but I was in a new place. I think it was in Spain because a lot of people were speaking Spanish and it looked European. I was my younger self like in my 20s and going around the city and going to different little coffee shops and restaurants and cafes and different places like that. And at some point I met a young man. He was really skinny and had long hair and was super kind of crazy and danced a lot and I was really really attracted to him. and we were going around the city just having fun and enjoying each other's company and then somehow we ended up at someone's house and we slept on the floor and we made love and it was really fun and in the morning he had to go and I was hoping he would call me but then I went with the girl and for some reason my son at his current age 17 was with us and again we were exploring the city and looking at bookshops and riding these weird buses and just doing all kinds of tourist things and we were having fun for a whole day but I was disappointed the man didn't call me. But on the next day he did call me and so he joined in our adventures around the city and there were all kinds of things happening. We went on some strange bus where we were on the upper deck but we were driving through an area that looked like a Chinatown and just dropping into weird little bars and nooks and crannies in different places. There was one place where people were sitting on these cushy chairs and like one woman was reading and a couple people were talking but there was like a monitor for the room who said yeah you can come in here and hang out but you have to keep moving at all times and I noticed the woman reading the book was just doing some interesting hand movements the whole time she was reading. There was also a part where we were hanging out in a bar but we were in some kind of uncomfortable chairs and just having drinks and having a good time but then these people who were in a back section that had these are really really plump comfy chairs and couches left so we moved back to that section and it was like really comfortable and homey and again we were just having a really good time. There was one part where the young man I was attracted to was hanging out with us and there was another guy there and they seemed really really close and I figured out that he must be gay or bisexual and I was really fine with that I just was a little jealous because I really wanted him to be with me. It was a very expansive, complicated, and realistic dream. but overall super super fun and reminded me of something I'd like to do like travel and hang out with people and just be kind of crazy and have a good time It was one of those dreams that was so fun that when my phone started beeping at me I really really did not want to be disturbed and leave the dream and I even turned off the phone and tried to go back but it didn't work.

2 Apr 2024



I dreamt I was visiting another family that I don't know in waking life, but in the dream they were part of my group of friends. We had all decided to be part of a Christmas gift-giving tradition where each family drew another family's name out of a hat to buy a gift for. We were visiting this other family at their home. There were about 20 children, all homeschooled and they were also self-sufficient, growing all their own food. They lived in a decrepit house, and there were piles of spare parts and broken items in the dirt all around the house. The mother gave me two very prickly chayotes, and yelled at me about how to hold them without getting painfully spiked. I was uncomfortable and wanted to leave, but the mother called me back, reminding me that she still had to give me the gift. She had laid a dirty piece of tattered cloth on the dirt, and was piling odd objects onto it. She had decided to give me an object for each letter of the alphabet. Most of the items were broken, or were fresh produce from their garden. I didn't want to take anything from them, partly because it was so dirty, but also because they seemed to have so little. I just wanted to get away.

31 Mar 2024



I was in my hometown biging up a steep hill to my grandparents house. I got to the house and I looked behind me and there was another girl biking. She pulled up the the house next door and mentioned something about me biking and how we could have bikes together even though I didnโ€™t know her. She mentioned itโ€™s cool that weโ€™re neighbors and I didnโ€™t tell her it was actually my grandparents house not mine. Then I ended up biking with someone and went off a bridge into some water and there was some sort of monster in it. The monster was trying to catch me and I was scared. I kept convincing me self it wasnโ€™t real and trying to shake it off but it kept making the monster stronger and scarier. I would start to get away from the water then I would end up back in it. I eventually managed to get away from the water and then I was with some people I didnโ€™t know well. Some of them were taking photos together and I wasnโ€™t sure if I should join in on the pictures or not. I decided not to because I didnโ€™t want to intrude so I was asking around in a tree waiting. Then someone told me and someone else to take some pictures together so I went over and we posed for the camera. We ended up going somewhere else all together but I kept feeling like the monster from the water was trying to pull me back somehow

30 Mar 2024



There was a book. I hadnโ€™t seen people since a long time. So I had like a program for this moment. I stressed because I had cancer. My sister and mom talked in another room. My head was partially shaved. I couldnโ€™t sleep so I went to see my sister and my mom who were talking in my bedroom, my mom didnโ€™t helped my, just cared about my sister, and crossed my boundaries by not respecting my intimacy and touching my bald hair. I heard noise outside so watch hidden behind my window. They were children in the middle of the night who happened to be the children of fairies, baby fairies. An hold friend, related to my agressor who sent me a long text to boost my self confidence. It looks like she hit on me.

30 Mar 2024



I had a dream that I was driving an orange convertible Audi, but it was like a burnt orange color. And when I was working at the strip club, I remember in my dream self, I was saying I wasn't going to hand the keys over to the VIP guys to take my car. Well, when I come to realize, I forgot that I had to leave it in my car. So I ended up getting into a different Audi. And then when I came back out, several days later, I had a pothos plant that I told this guy specifically not to cut the leaves off because it was very lush. Well, I came back and then I got into a different Audi, but then when I came back, the pothos plant was butchered and the car, the burnt orange Audi car had a flat tire on it and it just looked kind of like it was ransacked and it still looked okay, but it was dirty. And I just remember being so upset and so hurt and just like, and I forgot about it. And in my dream self, I just couldn't believe that I forgot that I had gotten this really, really nice sports fancy car. I was walking somewhere and had recognized this monster guy I quickly seen him and hide a big hood on and just kept walking by he had turned around to look at me I just kept walking he then turned back around and proceeded to what he was doing I had gotten into a magical fight like wizardly wizardry fight

30 Mar 2024

Infinity Symbol


I was at a party on the top floor of a fancy contemporary bachelor pad/hotel. We were probably on the 4th or 5th floor, but it was the top floor. The party was full of rich/snobby self absorbed people. There were lots of windows and the location was tropical. You could see over the tropical jungle treetops from the party. Outside on the balcony there was an infinity pool. At the party I felt that everyone was focused on the worldly pleasures, but nothing of spiritual importance. I felt out of place at this party and was just observing everyone. It was sunset and I went out on to the balcony to enjoy the view. I saw the orange sunset glow in the reflection of the water in the infinity pool. I looked up from the pool and realized that some of the orange glow was actually from a nearby volcano that was erupting. Everyone seemed oblivious to this so I alerted everyone and people started to panic and go toward the elevators. The elevators didnโ€™t work, and the lava was heading toward the building. So we attempted to escape down the stairs, but when we got to the bottom of the stairwell, there was lava coming in. In this moment I knew there was no escape and that I was going to die. I felt like I failed and I alerted everyone too late.

28 Mar 2024



I woke up as my child self and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, there was a cockroach on the sink on its back showing a female face. I used water to guide the cockroach to the trash can. A version of my mom and aunt from my childhood walked in and told me I had to go to work. 2 girls got transported an abandoned building and were dismembered but still alive, so 3 men went to the woods around the building and also dismembered but still alive.

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