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Dream Interpretation: Whales 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Whales? Discover the significance of seeing a Whales in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Whales appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

This is a spiritual dream symbol signifying good fortune, rebirth, and new life. Though these changes might be surprising and frightening, they are treasures from your unconscious mind that will transform you into your higher self and full potential. In addition, this new life will bring great opportunities.

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🧭 Direction

Good fortune

There is a change that is happening in your life; pay attention to it. This change, when utilized properly, will bring good fortune and success. Allow yourself to experience this transformation and shift to your inner values and emotions as they will eventually reconstruct your life.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of whales evokes a sense of awe and wonder. It brings feelings of fascination and curiosity, as these majestic creatures symbolize power and grace. The dream may also elicit a sense of tranquility and peace, as whales are often associated with the vastness and serenity of the ocean. Additionally, the dream may evoke a feeling of connection to nature and the need for emotional and spiritual nourishment. Overall, the dream of whales leaves a lasting impression of beauty and a desire to explore the depths of the unknown.





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16 Jun 2024



I don’t remember a lot of specifics of this dream but I do remember having to swim in the ocean in dangerous waters to protect my dog on land and while I was swimming I felt the peace and protection swimming alongside humpback whales, blue whales and orcas, though the orcas had me second guess a little on safety, but the feeling was still peaceful. Felt like they were protecting me to get to shore.

1 Apr 2024



I once had a dream that I was on a small boat with someone, I can’t remember who now. Maybe my husband? But we were on this boat in the ocean and it was dark out. There was a whale that kept circling the boat and just swimming around it a lot. I remember being kind of scared in my dream. That’s all I can remember from it

29 Mar 2024



I was swimming under the deep blue Arctic Ocean with two girls. one was my sister and one was my friend who recently left my company. we were swimming with whales with what seemed to be whales

18 Mar 2024

New Job


I dreamt I was preparing to meet a client for my job. My coworkers and pulled up in cars and met in an open field. Everyone was wearing shades of pink except myself and another coworker she was wearing a black outfit. I didn't realize that we were to wear shades of pink to meet the client so she told the coworker in all black that I would be right back I left a suitcase or bag and it has a pink top in it that I could put on. She responded that the meeting with the client was at 10:30am and wanted to know if I thought I'd make it back in time. I told her I should be back so all my coworkers got into a single file line and headed towards the side walk to wait for a bus to take them to meet with the client. I sprinted across the field back to the suitcase to get my pink top. When I made it to the suitcase my coworkers that took the side walk met up with me basically at the same time it took for me to run across the field to get the suitcase. They waitin the bus and I waited for another. I never got to put on the pink shirt or meet with them to see the client because the dream switched to a different scene. This scene my boyfriend and I are at a fancy expensive restaurant were sitting at a table with a lady I know from church she say to the left of me and a little girls was with her she sat to the right of my boyfriend. Our racks cloth was white and our tables had long table legs that were anchored in the ocean and so did our chairs we sat up pretty high above the ocean the entire restaurant looked that you can tell we were outside no walls it was evening. Across from our table was an African American woman and her daughter . Below our table I could see an Orca whale it splashed its back tail fin on the water and I felt some of the water touch my face. Across the ocean I could see a group of orca whales at first it made me nervous but then I just pointed at them to show my boyfriend the group of whales. The a waitress comes out in the middle of the restaurant with a microphone. The waitress was a caucasian woman with red hair and the traditional black and white waitress uniform. She made an announcement that she was sorry but a storm was coming and we need to prepare she asked everyone at the restaurant to hold on to the tables and each other because the hurricane would be there shorty. My boyfriend and I made a comment to each other that we couldn't believe this was happening and it was our first time there. We put our heads down held on to the other two people at our table and then I looked up and I can see the sky getting darker as though the storm was forming the waves in the ocean were more and more intense and the wind got stronger and suddenly the ocean waves came straight to the restaurant. We were getting splashed by water left and right , I began to pray I said God cover us and protect us with your precious blood surround us with your angels God shield us from hurt and harm. I repeated the prayer over and over and I became more confident with prayer and got louder as though I was commanding the storm to stop. The lady sitting next to me starting praying to and then the storm stopped. The waiter came out again and asked if we were all okay and we told her we're ok we were just wet. The African American lady and the little girl that at the table with her was annoyed because her little girls fish had fell off the table and onto the bottom I could see the fish on the plate at the bottom. I told the African American woman that at least we are safe and she could get a new plate and she should be grateful she rolled her eyes at me and we argued about for a coun of minutes and then she and the little girl got up from the table and left the restaurant. My boyfriend and I also left the restaurant we were walking the location reminded me of Clearwater Fl. We were looking for a hotel to stay for the night as we were walking we saw a building that looked like a lighthouse we thought it might be a small hotel And I remember saying to him that we Joe's it wasn't a hotel because how would we sleep if it was a lighthouse. When we walked inside it was a restaurant. We then went to the Wyndham hotel got in the pool we didn't have any swimsuits we just wore what we had on. We were playing in the pool it was a large pool with pool dividers on the water I remember splashing to much and starting to float in the air across the pool. I was worried i would float away but I managed to grab hold of one of the pool dividers and come down i got back in the water and my boyfriend met me where I landed. We then decided to get out of the water and go to our room. As we were leaving the water it was an African American man sitting on ledge of the pool he had on a brown shirt blue denim shorts and long skinny dreads. He grabbed my arm and asked what was on my shorts belt loop. It was basically small locks of dreads tied to the loop of my belt I told him and then my boyfriend asked him to basically leave me alone we were on our way out the pool. As soon as we got on the walking area by the pool other guys got out and started to follow us they were complimenting me and I was telling them I was with my boyfriend. For whatever reason my boyfriend didn't see the other people behind us and kept walking ahead of me. I remember thinking why isn't he saying anything to stop them. Eventually we made it to our room and he got in the shower and I started to look around the hotel room . I got an odd feeling that the room was already occupied by someone else but they just weren't there. I opened the closet and there was a brown purse sitting in the closet and hair accessories like beads you would put in your hair they were yellow . I also remember a little girl pair of white dress shoes sitting in the closet. I closed the door and told my boyfriend that I don't think this is my room but he didn't seem really bothered by it. Then I thought to myself we never really checked in. We left out or the room and went to what felt like a beach or springs he told me to call his family and they could all meet us there to have fun and swim so I did. I saw a relative there who in real life is no longer living but she reminded of taraji p Henson the actress she was very pretty she had on a sun hat and a blue dress she was having a great time. I was taking pictures of her with I a ring that I wear in my real life it's a gold ring that says "faith over fear" the photos I took of her smiling and enjoying life were so pretty and I really wanted her to see them. But as people arrived some of the photos weren't coming out very clear. However she didn't seem to mind she was just having a good time. I saw an older lady from church and she said Karriscea how are doing nice to see you baby and I said I'm good just trying to take some pictures of cousin. Then the dream ended

14 Mar 2024



My last dream was kind of normal but then switched to weird. It starts we are in a duplex that my brother owned just relaxing and hanging out. Then it switches to me taking care of a whale in my room which confused me because there was no water in the room I ignored that thought and kept looking to see what was wrong and there was a turtle stuck in its tail so I pulled it out and the turtle was mad for some reason. I was trying to grab it so that I can put it in water but it kept trying to bite me then as I was struggling we found out it was a mom and it’s baby was still on the whale so we gave it back and the turtle calmed down and then I woke up.

6 Feb 2024



I had a dream about this mother, son and a man called cam i only got his name from the dream. Cam was a father figure to the son and they were in the ocean swimming around and then this blue whale comes out of nowhere and swallows cam whole. Then it happens again but this time cam was swallowed by one blue whale then another blue whale swallowed that blue whale and the mother shouted cam whilst she was under water and talking about how he was so amazing and they have to keep his spirit alive. There was also a wooden baby hippo in the sand and the son found it and the mother stopped him from digging it out

3 Jan 2024



I remember walking through a classroom. There was a class present. We were walking to a funeral or a ceremony. We were dressed nice. A cute boy said my name, I think he was my boyfriend. Someone commented on my white tank top I was wearing. They thought I looked great. I felt good. Next I was riding a whale shark to the beach. Almost like a training class for the whale shark Next I was trying to get ready for school. I wanted to wear the white tank again knowing that people thought I looked good. I was trying to get ready. There was a knock on the door. Some older kids were outside. I told them I would be there in a minute I needed to brush my teeth. I couldn't find my toothbrush, it was in my purse. I texted my boyfriend (I think it was a boyfriend) that I really wanted to see him. I went to brush my teeth and my baby was in a basket on the floor trying to nap.

1 Jan 2024



I dreamt that my friends and I were on a beach, hanging out and sun tanning. All of a sudden these dolphins came out of the water and started to attack us trying to drag us back into the water. My friend and I were able to get a way but these two guys we were with were not and the dolphins pulled these guys back to sea. My friend and I were freaking out screaming for help. All of a sudden we see a whale rescue the two guys and let's them onto his back. My friend and I rushed to the lifeguards to tell them what's going on. And they take a boat out to the water to help bring the two guys back to shore. But then all of the whales started acting crazy and freaked out and dove under the water with the two guys on its back. Then I woke up

31 Dec 2023



I had a dream I accidentally pissed off someone in a funny way driving by them ahead of them and made an earnest attempt to be silly to them and then I got into the Publix Parking Lot and sat at a table and kinda blended in and said ha they’ll never find me and they kept moving on. My friend from Freedom High that didn’t want to talk to me in 2018 I reconnected with Manny and made friends and it appeared in the dream he was trying to give away balloons 🎈 and no one accepted them. He didn’t ask me though but that’s ok online he’s been very nice and sociable and a great friend. I also dreamed about a cartoon where I could control whether sharks 🦈 appeared or whales 🐳 πŸ‹ or penguins 🐧 or fish in my cartoon plaza. It was pretty cool I guess that signifies I can control how I respond to everyday life. Amen πŸ™

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