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Dream Interpretation: Watermelon 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Watermelon? Discover the significance of seeing a Watermelon in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Watermelon appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

This is a symbol of sexuality and fertility. The inflated, juicy red interior has clear symbolism for reproductive organs, suggesting that you are ready to pursue a passionate relationship or are going to take a step to begin a romantic bond.

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🧭 Direction


Embrace your sexuality and enjoy the pleasure that intimacy and your sexual appetite bring. It may be time to pursue a relationship or become more passionate in your current relationship. Take care of your desires and passions, as they will help bring harmony and connection back into your life.

❀️ Feelings

This dream of watermelon evokes feelings of refreshment, joy, and indulgence. It symbolizes abundance, happiness, and the simple pleasures of life. The vibrant colors and juicy sweetness of the watermelon in the dream bring a sense of satisfaction and contentment. It may also represent a desire for nourishment, both physically and emotionally. Overall, this dream leaves a pleasant and uplifting impression, reminding us to savor life's delightful moments.





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29 May 2024



ion rly remember what had happened but ill give u the basics . so i had to go to a different school where i got pushed back to 6th grade . i had teachers that i didnt even know had existed. my mom brought food that took up half of the cafeteria . n one of then was a watermelon . i had eaten the watermelon n had a watermelon growing in my stomach . but when i got to the school i had a presentation due . n one of my boy bsfs was in my group . we were doing it outside n bears would throw food at us . when we got inside to eat lunch i told my little sister to come skip in lunch with me .

5 May 2024



I dreamed that I was holding watermelons. But the watermelons had pores like human skin and felt like rubber. I kept telling people that something was wrong with the watermelons but everyone kept telling me that they were normal.

20 Apr 2024

Panic Attack
Sexual harassment
Tarot cards


i am outside with my friend Lisa and we are shopping for new clothes. we enter clothing stores, which are too perfect to be real as its exactly my style. everything is nice and we're having lots of fun. at some point i switch friends (not sure what that's about) but suddenly i'm with my friend Gaia. we go to another store, a gothic one this time, and by this time i look and feel very drained and depressed. in this store i suddenly see a man who sexually harrassed me at work so i tried not to appeal to him but eventually when i was looking at tarot cards we walked past me and touched both of my shoulders as if he gave me a 1 second massage. he left but i got a full blown panic attack right after. no one cared about my panic attack or anything else really, they were rather rude. by this time, i wasnt with any friend anymore. when the workers forced me to leave, one that was previously really mean to me decided to give me a treat (a piece of watermelon on a stick costed in melted sugar). after she gave me that i hugged her tightly and left the store.

2 Apr 2024

My crush
New Job


I was at a hospital for high risk and special needs kids. I don't know if i was one of the kids or just there to help. It was all so new to me. I'm pretty sure I was there as an adult to help, but I was just observing for the day. We took the kids to the zoo for an interactive day. We all got a special tour of the facilities and even got to watch them feed the hippos. They gave the hippos watermelons and it was amazing to see them crush the melons so easily in their mouths. The even let a few of us toss the melons into their mouths. It was so cool! The dream shifted and we were back in the hospital. Apparently they had a second of the hospital where they kept some dogs for the kids to play with every so often. One of the new dogs was having a hard time adjusting to the environment and one of the men caring for them asked if I might be able to help. He took me to the room they were keeping her in. It was just an empty room with hay on the floor and a food and water dish. The man said she's too big for the standard kennels so this is what they came up with. She was a russian bear dog who was donated from a shelter that aslo couldn't keep her due to her size. The door to her room was one of those doors where the top and bottom halves can open separately. The man opened just the top half so we could look at the dog. When I saw how massive she really was it was no surprise they had to give her a whole room. She was about 4ft tall at the shoulder and so fluffy it was no surprise why they called her breed bear dogs. She had so much energy and seemed very agitated and even came over to snap at us as a way of saying to back off. I explained to the man how they could improve her living situation to make her more comfortable and explained that she'd need A LOT of play and exercise daily if they wanted her to calm down enough to work with the kids. I suggested we got another man to help us take her on a walk to get some energy out and then do some light training while someone else upgraded her room. The man said that was a good idea then called for some help with the dog. I knew we could train her, it would just take time and patience. I was just watching her pace about the room when I woke up.

24 Jan 2024



I'm in the middle of a store, buying groceries. I holding a watermelon and a cantaloupe. Trying to decide which one I want. I hear someone call my name and turn to see my cousin Brittney. My anger raises quickly as she approaches me. This woman had sabotaged my relationship, turned my life long friend against and married my ex. And she had the nerve to approach me with a smile. I put both melons in my cart and start in the opposite direction. She continues to call out to me in an attempt to stop me but I ignore her. Then my ex, her husband, appears in front of my cart, asking to talk. I snap at him to leave me alone and try to push pass but won't let go. Brittney catches up and starts to talk about their life together and how they're trying for a baby. As if we're friends. And just as I was about to scream, this handsome man wrapped an arm around my waist and lead me away. Making me leave behind my cart. He walked me out of the store and to my car before kissing me and walking off.

5 Jan 2024



I wa shaving a sleep over at my great grandmothers house but there was a scary ghost with an axe trying to kill us breaking in through the back door and we had to keep running off or fighting him and there was a bunch of tents in out back yard with the nabors in them and they all didn't believe me for some reason and it was all dark and their faces looked weird and uncanny valley like. The ghost with the axe kept funding us and then there was rotten watermelons with flies inside them and no one beloved me about that either but I broke one open in front of one of my friends a young girl with red hair in long braids and freckles she freaked out and tried to get everyone to be live us but they didn't until they saw it themselves.

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