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Dream Interpretation: Threesome 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Threesome? Discover the significance of seeing a Threesome in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Threesome appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

This is a symbol related to your relationship signifying your desire for greater sexual exploration and variety. It also symbolizes your interest in connecting with parts of yourself that generally your ego does not allow you to explore.

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🧭 Direction


Explore your identity, sexuality, and desires. There are parts of yourself that are unexplored and are waiting for you to form a connection with them. Of course, do these with respect for others and yourself, but don't let prudishness keep you from maintaining a deeper relationship.

❀️ Feelings

This dream of a threesome may evoke a mix of emotions such as excitement, curiosity, and desire. It may symbolize a desire for new experiences, exploration of one's sexuality, or a need for more excitement in one's intimate relationships. The dream may also bring feelings of guilt or shame, as societal norms often dictate monogamy. Overall, this dream may leave one feeling both intrigued and conflicted about their desires and the boundaries they wish to explore.





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Dreams of users containing the word Threesome

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2 Jul 2024



My boyfriend and I had a threesome with a cancer patient. Our feelings towards the situation were normal

2 Jun 2024



in this nightmare, I had been sexually groped ,not consensually, by a close friend. Earlier in the dream I had made an off hand comment about how I’d join a throuple with my other friends in a joking manner. But after my friend assaulted me basically she said she would tell my fiance what I had said if I told anyone what she did. I told her I didn’t care and was gonna tell anyways, so she broke my mirror and used a shard of it to try and kill me

6 Mar 2024



I dreamed that me and my boyfriend were in a house party, there were just a few people there and we were drinking, we talked and I said I wanted a threesome with this girl I saw, later that night I girl we already had I threesome started flirting with us, I told him that we would not fuck her because I didn't like the threesome we had before, he doesn't remember well since he was very drunk and he usually forgets things when he drinks too much. I was mad he was still being too friendly with her but let it slide, I went outside to open the door since some people arrived and it was my uncle (who's dead) I went to introduce him to my boyfriend and I see him and the girl from before hooking up, I get mad and ask how could he do this to me when I clearly said I didn't like her, we break up and I leave. The I'm hit with the realisation that I can't really break up with him because I need him since we are in the process of obtaining the partnership visa so I can stay in Australia as a citizen, and if I do that I won't be able to renovate my visa and will have to go back to Brasil, which I don't want. So I woke up super expressed about this at 5 am

5 Feb 2024



I was having a threesome with this couple.

4 Feb 2024



I was on a tour somewhere where nature was unbelievably beautiful. There was a flying machine that would take you up then extend its arms out, with you in its β€œhand” so it feels like you are flying above able so see for mines. At first I was afraid because I don’t like heights but once we got closer to the center I decided to get on the machine. It was an amazing experience. I felt free and not weighed down. Then it switched, I was someplace with a male friend and we were looking for someone to have a threesome with but we couldn’t find anyone because of me I guess no one wanted me.

5 Dec 2023

Oral sex
My crush


I was in a beautiful garden looking at my phone that had subliminal audios to change my beauty. There was a line of alternative guys and then I met a guy who was a fan of a punk band and dressed like the celebrity Sid Vicious while I was dressed as Nancy Spungen. I had a crush on him and was shy. I saw a woman having sex with a celebrity on a tape, oral sex, and a threesome Later to the end, all I saw was black and white jumpscares of Samsara crawling out the TV from The Ring and other ghostly figures.

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