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Dream Interpretation: Television 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Television? Discover the significance of seeing a Television in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Television appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

To watch something thru a screen embodies a sense of disconnection--not really being entirely present. What you see thru the screen is a part of yourself that you are trying to seperate from.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

What are you seperating yourself from in the screen? Try to think about this symbol and ask yourself what it is about the image you might not feel entirely present with. This may be something you need to 'shed' from yourself so you can grow and move on.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a television may evoke feelings of curiosity, entertainment, and connection. It symbolizes the desire for information, escape, or a need to be entertained. It may also represent a longing for connection with others or a desire to be part of a larger community. The emotions associated with this dream can range from excitement and anticipation to relaxation and comfort. The television symbolizes the power of media and technology in our lives, and the feelings it elicits in a dream can reflect our relationship with these aspects of modern society.





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Dreams of users containing the word Television

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18 Jul 2024



I was walking in the clothing section of a store and as I go farther in a notice my ex. I can’t believe it’s her. I could walk away but instead I go up to the clothing she’s looking at and she notices me and we start talking a bit and she’s being fairly nice. Then we walk over to a spot and sit down and continue talking and then she starts to get rude and continues to get ruder with me. Eventually she goes off on me and gets up and walks away. She has a tv with her and so after she walks off I see some security.. so I was petty and said she was trying to break it. Or steal it? I can’t remember. But the security went after her and obviously she was angry but then I woke up. This was the first dream I’ve had in a long time that was somewhat funny or wasn’t a nightmare, or that involved an ex and I wasn’t devistated or bothered.

15 Jul 2024

Dead Relative


I had a dream about helping my grandma who passed away with her tv and getting her tv shows she was wanting to watch… on her tv…

7 Jul 2024

Sleep paralysis
Living Room


I recently had a dream where I thought I was asleep, but I was awake. Before the occurrence, I was watching TV with my husband. I was trying my best to stay up but I was really tired. Eventually my husband went to kitchen and that's when I immediately felt a tingling / vibration all over my body. both of my ears were ringing I tried to get up out of bed but I couldn't. It felt like weights were over me. I finally was able to get out of my bed. It was really hard for me to breathe as I was walking down our hallway. I noticed when I walked down the hallway it seemed different but the it look the same. The hall was way longer than what it is in reality. When I finally got to living room I seen my husband but he just was staring at me and I was telling him I couldn't breathe he ended up walking past me, as if he literally couldn't see me and then I followed him back to the room. I was telling him again that I couldn't breathe and then I laid back in the bed with him and I turned over and asked him can he turn off the TV and that's when I realized I was awaken from the dream.

3 Jul 2024



Crestview thug yyv icicles yfgyttthicvh TV Uchitel yf Uchitel yyv in in yyv Un Un in university th unicycle ug union uh yyv ug thigh yyv icicles in iv ugh ugh ugh 7th ugh 7th 6th 6th 5th 6th 6th 7th iffy 7th 7th ivy ugh uni ugh tho 8th uniform 6th 5th 7d red 44a t 4FZ5 44a UCI if oomph yf 6th ugh if th yyv in OC if 7d 7d Uchiha in oh OC I'd TX yes txt in ijb Istrail if oh over icy 7 TX TV on yf Uchiha d in Istrail if uh if h 8th j if yf ug uh ju if I 7d used rh ihram 7d yet u 7th uh oh 8th f iffy f users td icicles h orders yyv IC if 7d TV in iv f td iced td yf uh yes g uh yes thigh it td g uh 7d UCI if GJ if uh j 7d yyv ug if 7d TV in t RX hn oh if TC in k if td yf in I h if td fb ug f c Fc Fc fcfcfv Fc Fc TV Fc Fc Fc Fc Fc Fc f Fc Fc Fc Fc Fc Fc Fc Fc Fc f RX RX RC TC TC TC RC TC td RC TC Fc Fc Fc Fx Fc Fc Fc v Fc f Fc Fc c hectic if td TV it c td tag it td us if icicles it is yf h if yyv ug if h if c h if yyv j I'd uni oh oh oh oh of Idris yf 7d 7th unify in ITF uh if yf 7d icon h it th 7d r RX uh YW 44a 3rd is Yvonne in tag b it was f it f hit RX h if g I 7d h on us d h I d f h if uh oh it r yyv ug it TC h j 7d d Uchiha I do

1 Jul 2024



I was inside a Thai historical television series. None of the characters interacted with me. They kept switching between Thai and English. At some point, I got frustrated. Everything they said in English doesn’t make sense. I could understand what they’re saying in Thai. I am a native English speaker. I also speak Thai and Vietnamese. I have been learning Thai for over 7 years.

28 Jun 2024



I lived in a time where women had no rights and we served men. I lived in a man’s house as his servant- I don’t think he was my husband. He wasn’t nice and I didn’t have much privacy but there were times when I was alone which was peaceful to me. I was in a room with a few other women. It seemed like a dinner party or a holiday. I was holding a glass I had decorated and an older lady made it a point to tell me that it was important to teach crafts to younger people and carry on tradition. I told her that my kids were all adults and gone out of my home. A couple of men including my owner was watching tv and one of the women who I know in real life changed the channel on accident. I was fearful thinking something terrible would happen, but no one got in trouble. She laughed easily at her mistake. Then someone secretly brought me a bag of food with treats that I liked. The woman who brought it to me was telling me that the guy who brought it really liked me. I was confused because I was unsure of what that meant. And I tried hard to remember if I had my own refrigerator in my room where I could hide the food. Then the guy appeared talking to another man laughing and taking. The guy reminded me of my real life husband. I was smitten. He was putting on a yellow jacket similar to the man he was talking to. It made me wonder if he was a servant too or working class. I was worried my owner would see me but I was just sitting near and observing the guy laughing and talking. Then was outside the residence and it was dusk.

26 Jun 2024



In my waking life I can see I get through things with pure class and even though I may not be able to get exactly what I so choose I get a piece of pizza of the pie 🥧 just like in that dream 😴 where my doctor said no Jeff not the whole pizza then later I got the piece of pie. There’s a power outage 🔋waking life currently in my area I may not be able to watch tv but I have power and internet on my phone 📲 and A/C you see it’s that I’ve been so spoiled in my life I don’t realize how good I have it. Not being able to go out at night but at 9 am curfew ends and I’m happy 😊 and 9 pm gotta be back. Life is good. Amen 🙏

24 Jun 2024



I was in a house with my mom and she broke my 65 inch tv. I forced her to buy me a new one. Then I told her I did not want to speak to her again and kicked her out of my house. My sister didn't want her daughter anymore, so I said I'd have her. I was in a hospital and my teeth had been filed down for veneers to be fitted. I pulled out a peice of tooth from my top front teeth and handed it to the dentist. I had to search for a dentist to finish my teeth as no one was coming to fit the veneers. I spoke to receptionist and she said that the dentists were in a meeting. I was really annoyed.

15 Jun 2024



I was rehearsing for a performance of a song I wrote in real life. I was playing it on the piano but was messing up the notes, so I had to rely on a demo CD of the instrumentals. I was trying to rehearse to that and the CD seemed compromised or recorded over because it was skipping. I was supposed to perform very soon, but I was hiding in a back room trying to sing along to this skipping CD. So I went back to trying to play it on the piano and I started singing a song by an actual music artist and felt like I was ripping off their song. A 90’s-2000’s television was playing Degrassi while I was rehearsing. When I was getting ready to be on stage I put in these hair extensions that were a different color (my hair naturally is black/brown but I dyed it strawberry blonde, and in my dream it was my natural color but the extensions were the strawberry blonde color and it wasn’t matching). Before that, my little brother was helping me do my hair and without me asking, he put extensions of a different hair texture in my hair (curly extensions on straightened hair) and I took them out immediately because it looked bad. I noticed my soulmate and his best friend were front row in the audience where I would’ve performed, the stage was like a festival stage with a ramp in front of it. But I went to the back when I left to rehearse last minute. I just felt so unprepared for this performance.

24 May 2024



I dreamed that I was at some kind of concert like the grand ole opry and there was several of bigger guys there dressed in leather and jeans and boots and my father in law was there and the area/room we were in was kind of darkish and we could only see the concert via a television and there was a counter top with big homemade machetes and/or knives on it and then I flashed to a church in Jamestown where a bunch of my husbands family was and his older brother was dressed like the wimpy kid but called me fat Amy and was trying to talk my husband into leaving me and then I flashed somewhere where someone was asking me to be a flight attendant with my best friend Zach and we decided to do it and the boss who was similar looking to a boss I had at an old job was telling me these things we had to buy and one thing in the list was 32 packs of shampoo and all this other stuff and then we had to lie to someone to get away from the big guys and then I flashed to a place where I was trying to help this girl stay away from her violent abusive boyfriend and her boyfriend was one of the big guys in leather and jeans and boots and we were running and riding horses but he caught up to us and was trying to beat and rape her and she went back to him.

23 May 2024



Being a young girl period time older dress, with an overpowering man trying to take advantage of me. Another girl was present. Felt vunerable, scared and froze in the dream. Work up feeling a little off balance. I did watch a period drama on television about Marie Antoinnette the night before the dream. Have always felt drawn to a lifetime in this period.

21 May 2024



I dream of that there's a castle type house and it has moons inside out and coming. Then I dream of like, I used to go to ancient castles earlier. It was very, like, very far away, okay? And I hated it. It was on the main road, lot of vehicles, okay? I usually wear a mask that time. So, like, usually I sleep comfortably there. Like, I went there for more than two years tuition, so I know everybody's face on the road, okay, on that road. So, I don't know why, this is the first time I dream of when I was growing. And I have some regret in me that I never smiled at them or met them or said anything. Like, I know them for two years and everything like that. Just all that. Then I dream of that I am in someone's marriage house, okay, with my maternal aunts. And maternal aunts, then everyone went their home after the ceremony. And me and my sister was watching TV on the guest house, in the guest house, big TV. And suddenly a child, like he was a worker there, he came and stand there and said, I will not let you watch the TV. So, I said, this is not your father's TV. And I just pushed him and he just fall down on my maternal aunts, just to make him happy. Then I dream of I was going through some path, it was like I was in marriage ceremony, okay, cauliflower, plants, tree, everyone's enjoying. And I don't know why, it was like rich marriage, okay, rich people marriage. And I don't know why I saw some expensive shoes on the bushes, okay, I don't know why. Then I saw everyone, like it was a Hindu's marriage, I think, everyone was happy, enjoying their time, pretty good. And I suddenly realized it is not real, I am dreaming, okay. So, then I said, okay, I am dreaming, then let me enjoy and do whatever I want, okay. So, I saw Koringa wearing kurta and that's all, see some other men I went to, my friends said, shit, they saw a guy of my age, he is a rich guy, okay, I just saw his back. And he was wearing a silk set, okay, silk kurta set, I think, in his suit. And he was looking handsome from behind, I didn't see his face, okay, I know it, he was not real. So, I just hugged from him from back and started touching his waist, okay. So, I know it was a dream, he did not respond anything, he was just like a statue, it's like I am touching a statue. Then I just hugged him tightly and saw that there is some group of older men and suddenly I knew that there is my father, okay. I look at my father, he is not looking at me, I know I was dreaming. Then I look at him, I show him, I just say, okay, I hate him, I love my father. And I keep touching his waist, that guy's waist. Then I, in dreams, I wake up and realize that it was my sister, but I was dreaming also that, okay. But I can touch and feel the waist of this guy. And I was very shocked and enjoy a lot and I got a hug, that's all.

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