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Dream Interpretation: Divorce 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Divorce? Discover the significance of seeing a Divorce in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Divorce appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes a major change or transition in your life. It may represent a fear of separation or abandonment, or a desire for freedom and independence. It can also indicate a need for closure and resolution in a current relationship.

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🧭 Direction


Take some time to reflect on your current relationships and consider if there are any issues that need to be addressed. If you are going through a divorce in real life, this dream may be a reflection of your emotions and fears surrounding the situation. Allow yourself to feel and process these emotions, and seek support from loved ones if needed. If you are not going through a divorce, this dream may be a reminder to focus on your own personal growth and independence.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of divorce may evoke a range of emotions such as sadness, fear, confusion, and even relief. It signifies the end of a significant relationship, leading to feelings of loss, loneliness, and uncertainty about the future. The dreamer may experience a sense of failure or guilt, questioning their own worthiness or ability to maintain a successful partnership. However, there might also be a glimmer of hope or liberation, as divorce can symbolize the opportunity for personal growth, independence, and the chance to start anew.





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Dreams of users containing the word Divorce

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13 Jul 2024



My wife, Christi went to visit her old Nanny couple at their home to catch up. When she arrived the husband was livingroom and the wife was upstairs doing something. My wife was talking to the husband and catching up on old times. She had on a dress I thought was a little too tight for her to be wearing while conversing with the opposite sex alone. I bought this up to her and she said, "oh it was just Chad, he's innocent." I thought if the roles were reversed, I probably would talk to the wife in the livingroom while the husband was upstairs. Then we were in another home and it appeared my wife and were divorced and in new relationships. The four of of were in the home, but only one couple lived there. My new partner was lovey-dovey and very touchy in a loving and caring way. The guy that was with my ex-wife could not believe that Christi and I were still such good friends. He wanted to know how we were able to remain friends without having animosity. I did not have an answer for him. For some reason Christi and I drove the Jeep into town. I didn't recognize the town. Maybe we were on a vacation? we're going to go out to eat and I was indecisive about where the park the Jeep. At first I parked at the end of the corner and then a vehicle behind me moved, so I changed and parked in the middle of the block. Then a police officer came and advised me to stay clear of the fire hydrant zone. So I moved forward again to make sure I was out of the fire hydrants zone. We went inside and I wanted to order a special drink I had on a previous vacation or dream. The drink had a little bit of apple beer, bourbon and pineapple juice. I recall really enjoying the drink but was disappointed that he give me such a small amount in a tall glass. Then I was upstairs in a room that looked like a dance studio with desk atound the perimeter. I saw a extra large greeting card on the table. I opened the card and inside there was information about my surprise birthday shout out. I quickly closed the card and acted like I didn't see the information. The build was on a campus that reminded me of my alma mater, Dana College campus. I believe it was Welcome Week because there were all kinds of clubs and organizations present with their information table set up outside. There was going to be a special moment during the activities that day, when they were going to surprises me and sing Happy Birthday. I remember going over to one of the tables trying some type of new food it. It was a sweet gelatin in a square shape. Inside the gelatin was 2 or 3 various insects. The combination of insects in each square varied slightly. the gelatin tasted sweet and masked the bitter taste of the insects. The treats were supposed to be a healthy dessert option. I remember having two of them and they were so good I went back for two more. I had to get off a chartered bus parked on the campus. We were loading up to go on a trip. WhennI returned to the bus, I saw an old female friend of ours from the days our boys played youth football. I gave the lady a hug and asked her where husband was. I was standing in the aisle talking while she was sitting down by the window seat. Our conversation was annoying to the people in-between us. She stood up and asked to switch seats with the guy sitting on the end so we didn't have to converse over the other people. We started to talk a little bit and then another guy got on the bus. He looked just like Jim Belushi's character John "Bluto" Blutarsky from the movie Animal House. He began singing and drinking a beer with his moth open. His mannerisms were 100% like John "Bluto" Blutarsky. We were astonished and how he could take a big sip of beer and sing without swallowing the beer. When I was on the bus earlier it seemed like folks were taking window seats and putting their duffel bag next to them in the middle seat. Towards the end most of the seats were filled and and it was getting closer to the time for them to sing Happy Birthday to me.

1 Jul 2024

Swimming Pool


We are Moving out of Karratha. Lived at a house looking like the chalet from reunion where grew up. But the place is owned by Richard and Britney fiends in Karratha. Britney was there and I said I needed time to move things out this morning. She was in conferences and left me to it. The house a swimming pool. While packing I saw forgot a lot of item in the corner of a room looking the room that I had when was child back in reunion living on my parents chalet. Britney had a dog and was scared of it when she was not there. I found some pants and 2 chargers and 2 sthill batteries in the corner with a divorce looking like a converter not sure what it was. I got anxious because I felt I should already be gone. I was sure where Britta was.

29 Jun 2024

Childhood home


I was in my childhood home and my mom was asleep in bed, but she was rousing so I sat beside the bed and began talking to her. She was waking up but not speaking much directly to me, then my dad walked in. He sat down near me and began talking to my mom. I don't remember the exact conversation, but my mom remained turned away from us while my dad was speaking. They began having a conversation that highlighted all their most negative qualities. Ultimately the reasons they got divorced, but this dream was before that. My mom was cold and unloving like normal and my dad was emotionally stunted and unwilling to fight or care about anything. He is very loving as a person, it's almost as if nothing matters enough for him to stand up for what he wants so he never fought to save his relationship with my mom. Eventually, he stands up and leaves the room. I begin to cry quietly to myself as not to disturb my mom who is trying to go back to sleep. The conversation they had was a perfect representation as to why they are now divorced. The dream then skips to the future and I am driving through my home town. I am married to the girl of my dreams and life is what I've always wanted it to be, but the conversation my parents had comes back into my mind and I begin getting angry, but the sad kind of anger. I begin to lose hope that my relationship with my wife in the dream will work out and that she'll eventually feel like my mom and I'll eventually feel like my dad and there's no point to trying to love someone. This crushes my soul completely and I think the only thing a person can really have is themselves, but not around other people and that I should be alone the rest of my life because everything is pointless without love. So I break up with my wife and move away to the most secluded place I could find on the outskirts of a small town in Alaska. I'm secluded and not happy with life. But I feel like I did myself a favor by started my suffering earlier by moving out there and breaking my own heart before it could be broken by someone else later. As I am in my home I am attacked by a bear. I am almost always killed by bears in my dreams. It was a black bear. It catches me outside and I can't get back inside or call for help because I am isolated. The bear leaves but I still can't make it to any kind of help because I am alone. I just lie there waiting to die and regretting my decision to be alone and I miss my wife. Then the best comes back and finally kills me and I wake up.

26 Jun 2024



Only thing I remember in my dream last night is that my friend introduced me to this real cute guy. I told my friend that I think I might like him was going to talk to him. For some reason the cute guy was lying in the bed across from mine. my ex husband came in laid at the opposite side of my bed he didn’t say a word to me for a while then all Of a sudden he made a few rude remarks got mad and then left out the room …then I immediately start talking the the other guy. I remember saying see that’s what I been dealing with for the last 10 years and explain to him that’s why we are divorced now . Then I remember the dream switched I was in the store looking for a charger I was telling my daughter to help me find a charger for my phone

23 Jun 2024



I go to my ex’s house - a house in the woods the same house we looked at before we moved to Norfolk- this one was in Gloucestershire - it was the house I fell in love with before even going inside. I go in the open door, she isn’t there so I sit on the rug on the floor because there is no sofa. I’m sitting there and a dog appears - though not quite a dog more like a hyena and it was as though it was laughing at me. The inside of the house is exactly how I remembered it when we viewed it 22 years ago , Indian style furniture the smell of incense and a window looking out into the garden which was surrounded by trees - it is like I am right back there. I turn to look out the window then when I turn back my ex is where the hyena/dog was but I can’t describe what she is wearing - I remember we start talking about the divorce and she is saying she wants it just to end that she has lived a lie long enough. She starts shouting and screaming as we are still sitting on the rug then she leans in and kisses me but it isn’t her it’s the hyenas and the hyena is laughing - there is no element of the dog left now just the laughing hyena The hyena disappears and I’m alone - but there is movement behind the wicker screen separating a small area of the room from the rest - the smoke from incense is filling the room and the sound of running water is coming from behind the screen I wait for what seems like eternity then you come from behind the screen carrying a tray of food - I remember exactly what you are wearing - black leggings with bright pink bits up either side, a black t-shirt and your hair has a single piece of pink in it to match the pink of the leggings . You are smiling but at the same time you aren’t, you place the tray on the rug and disappear back behind the screen the tray is laden with the most brightly coloured sushi I have seen - every colour of the rainbow - but as I eat it I realise it is made of paper but I continue to eat it - I hear you laughing behind the screen but it isn’t you or at least it isn’t your laughter and that’s when I see it isn’t the incense that is making the smoke but the flames that now completely surround the rug - I see the hyena through the flames laughing hysterically That’s when I woke up soaked in sweat

16 Jun 2024



My husband and I had same dream this morning by devil work that force us divored and make us disappointed

6 Jun 2024



February 17, 2022 * I was at work and I left to go home * I was coming home from work to the house (110 blinkin) the house I grew up in * I saw aunt Tracy car there and I was about to sleep in my car * Then I realized mawmaw ( my grandmother) was in the house so I ran in to see her (she passed away in 2011) * As I was running in I saw Tarron (my cousin) in a red car and tay tay( his daughter) was telling him something from the porch * So I said hey to Tarron and tay tay * And me and tay tay walked in the house * I saw my mama my daddy and mawmaw I ran straight to mawmaw and hugged her (my parents have passed away as well) * ‘Mawmaw asked me why I came home * I told her it was because she was there and I told her I was about to sleep in my car and she said no I wasn’t * So I went over and talked to my daddy * My daddy was telling me about this idea he had and I told him that me and god we’re working on the same thing * It was the idea to write a book called people need to think in life and the vision me and god we’re doing was we don’t think anymore * Me and my dad got excited and we started walking up a stair way and I told him I went vegan for 2 weeks and that he should join me but he never answered ( my dad struggled with obesity in real life) * So as we go up the stair way Taylor my sister tells daddy where u gonna stay since you and mama are officially divorced * I said OFFICIALLY DIVORCED (my parents never divorce in real life) * Taylor also said that daddy had a fiancé * I said FIANCÉE daddy don’t start with all the girlfriend fiancé stuff then i calmed down and said do whatever makes u happy * Then later on in my dream daddy had like 10 kids and he was getting on all there nerves cause he was overweight and they didn’t want to take care of him so daddy ended up at my house and I ended up taking care of him * So my dream fast forwarded me to work and I was riding around on the free way and nelda (my boss) called me * I answered and said hello she hung up and FaceTimed me I said hello but covered up the camera * She asked me where I was and I was like back to building 1 she said ok can u work 15 hrs today I said yes what about Taylor she said yes Taylor to I said ok we can and then she hung up and I went back to work

6 Jun 2024



My husband tells me that my friend Jessica has been divorced for two years and hasn’t told anyone. I am shocked that she kept this secret from me.

19 May 2024



I dreamed that my dad was dying. Slowly but we knew he was dying. Then Shayne was dying? Then Shayne was okay. But we decided to get divorced in a month. We were like, it’s been a great ride and I think we want to try something else. But the closer we got the agreed date, the more upset I was. I accidentally dropped my phone in the river. Shayne had a friend of his track it and let me know it was a 10 hour drive away. Shayne was going to come with me but I started a fight about how I didn’t want to get divorced. He just repeated the reasons why we were doing it back to me. Kloee showed up with my mom and my mom asked what was going on. Kloee told her everything about my phone and the divorce. I yelled at Kloee for that. So I decided to drive down to get my phone by myself.

15 May 2024

Parents dying


I hope my parents get a divorce haha sacks of pig 🐖 shit 💩 in cat vomit 🤮 they disgust me beyond recognition they are rancid smelly sacks of putrid shit

15 May 2024



I was dreaming sort of in my chair and apparently my parents were arguing and shouting and talking over each other in my waking and sleeping life…. It appears they might get a divorce soon I can only hope they do they are terrible pieces of shit 💩

6 May 2024

Parents dying


When I was younger, life was hard. My mom and dad separated when I was four years old, and they finalized the divorce when I was eight. But I always dreamed and prayed and hoped they got back together. I'd cry that they weren't together. And it's just, I always thought one day they'd be together. And I always had dreams they were together and happy, and we're all one big happy family.

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