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Dream Interpretation: Leave 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Leave? Discover the significance of seeing a Leave in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Leave appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Leaving in a dream can represent a desire for change or a need to escape from a situation. It may also indicate a fear of abandonment or a sense of loss. Consider the context of the dream and your emotions during the dream to better understand its meaning.

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🧭 Direction


Think about what you are leaving behind in the dream and what you are moving towards. Is there something in your waking life that you feel the need to leave behind or escape from? It may be helpful to evaluate your current situation and make a plan for how to move forward in a positive direction. Remember that change can be scary, but it can also lead to growth and new opportunities.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of leaving signifies a mix of emotions. It may evoke feelings of liberation, freedom, and excitement as one embarks on a new journey or leaves behind a burdensome situation. However, it can also bring about anxiety, uncertainty, and sadness, as leaving may involve saying goodbye or leaving something familiar behind. Overall, this dream elicits a range of emotions, reflecting the complex nature of change and transition in our lives.





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Dreams of users containing the word Leave

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3 Jun 2024

End of world


I dreamed about Nene being exhausted from work. She come and picked up Eris with three of her coworkers. One of the girls was very rude and Eris didn't want to leave but we finally got them to leave. After they left the world began to end with the creatures from A Quiet Place. Somehow I ended up in some neighborhood with this group of survivors and they had a bunker but because it had been so long half of the people left to find civilization. All that was left was a lady and her daughter this Hispanic guy, this army guy, and me. Hispanic I tried to warn the army guy not to go deeper into the bunker but he didn't listen. The army guy went deeper into the bunker and never came back and the lady and her daughter were afraid to leave so they stayed in the food supply room and hid there. The hispanic guy didn't want to stay any longer because he felt the base was compromised and he tried to get everyone to leave with him. I tried to convince the lady to come with us but she didn't want to so I left them and went with the Hispanic guy. Right as I closed the door, the little girl made a noise and then the door switched from safe to unsafe. So me and the Hispanic guy packed our bags and we're about to leave cuz it was about to start raining. Right as we were about to leave these two young idiots set off fireworks to create a distraction so they could try and rob us which in return drew the creatures to our location. The Hispanic guy told me to run and we started to climb on a roof and the two guys ended up following us and almost getting us killed in the process. We managed to survive and I think one of the guys survived as well they were brothers and we began trying to find other people. Then I woke up.

3 Jun 2024



I started praying in the dream bcuz I felt this heavy negative energy. You had left me to go work In the office or something and you started being weird to me when I said I needed you you didn’t care :( I was so scared for some reason and I couldn’t get to you. You said James would be mad at you even though you weren’t suppose to leave me in the first place bcuz you were on leave. After I prayed I woke up I. The dream though :( it was just A really bad feeling in the dream babe. Before that part of the dream my water had broke

29 May 2024



I was in a house and it was my boyfriends family get together. His family were there and his mom was acting really weird with me. I lost my phone and wanted to find it. His mom wouldn't let me and it caused a row. My daughter was walking around and was playing with the other children. I wanted to leave so we did and got into a flying car. We flew up the road in the flying car.

22 May 2024



Had a dream where I was in Joes mansion an old man I used to hang out with and in this mansion he had sex parties. I didn’t know he was throwing the parties because my friend invited me not him. Once I found that out I would leave early I went about 2 to 3 times, then one time as I was leaving he said I was being wormy and it never ends well and then his neighbor with a pool in his front yard with a slide was telling me how he threw up from clam chowder

21 May 2024

Make Out


Waking up on my friend on the couch. I accidentally crush her genitals with my elbow she winces. All my fake nails came off while sleeping, I gather them and realize my ring finger nail is the only one that remains. My friend turns into my childhood friend I haven’t seen in decades. Her family is all in the kitchen. We’re waking up on the couch. She puts out chips to eat. I keep finding things under the pillows. I find the number 3 and more nails from a long time ago. I lay the number 3 on the table with the food. I get ready to leave. Maddie asks if she can bring a friend when she meets up with me later to hang out for the first time in forever. I tell her I wouldn’t be mad but I rather just us hang out. She says she has a desperate need for attention I tell her I don’t like attention. She walks me out in a fancy red suit. She says to call her up if I ever want to make out again. I tell her I’m not really into girls like that but okay. I get to my beat up tiny black car in the dusty parking lot and I wake up.

20 May 2024



I was a woman who was married My husband had family over. Something was off. The family, the brother and his kids were sick. I was a doctor so I looked into it by taking a sample of something I could see with a microscope. The dna had some kind of living organism in it like a a virus. When this happened the brother attacked me. I narrowly escaped the he room but I managed to lock him in it. The kids also were already infected with this thing. I wasn’t sure what it would do to them but I knew it was bad. I tried to tell my husband about this and he was anxious but he did listen but only for a while. I told him we had to leave. I had my children there as well. He heard me out he wouldn’t listen and leave with me and I felt like him and my children were infected so I had to leave. He asked me where and I said anywhere but here. I found myself at a friends house. He was younger and had a party but I felt like I was safe for the time being. I stared twerking and having some fun, which I hadn’t done in so long, but my intuition hit me again and said I wasn’t safe. I wasn’t sure who had the virus but someone there did. Digging deeper in myself I realized it was my friend who was infected. He was so nice he’d easily transfer the virus without knowing. Although I didn’t want to leave I knew I had to. I finally arrive at another friends place. Me and him were old acquaintances. He was around my age, older, and really a shut in that didn’t trust people but he allowed me to stay there. I finally felt completely safe and my Intuition didn’t go off. Then I woke up.

13 May 2024



An employee from the house wanted to leave the house with it’s inhabitants. A guy I had sex with and try to engage conversation with sent me a long text message a bit sexist to which I answered an even longer feminist one. I did acrobatic figures in my school in a mint skirt.

11 May 2024



I dreamt that I went to visit my boyfriend and he picked me up from the airport, we went to his place and we had a good time and then we went to a party and at his party I met all his friends and it was at this party that I was sitting on the couch and then he said something that made me suspicious and I said, oh, I kind of knew that. And his friends said, oh, you knew that, huh? And he said, well, now you can't go home. And his friends said, well, that's true, you can't go home now. And I replied, oh, I'm not alone here, you know, I do have friends that live here. And he said, oh, you have friends here? And I said, yes, I don't go anywhere where I don't have friends. And then my boyfriend replied, oh, well, I guess she ain't the one, let her go. And I said, thank you. And then I got up and left. And that was the end of the dream.

3 Nov 2023

House on fire


It started off with me outside in my backyard as I heard my neighbors talking shit about my brother. It was weird, since those are my favorite ones by far and they are really sweet people. I was completely shocked, so I went to school the next day and talked shit about them too. Somehow they heard what I was saying because that same day we received a death threat from them, coming after me and my sister actually. I couldn't go outside. It felt weird, it felt like my neighbors of course, they looked like my neighbors, but they felt like imposters if that makes sense. Around my house, I would find little warnings that they'd kill me around the house, and they threatened to set my house on fire for what I had done. They knocked slowly on the door, and when I peaked through the little hole, I could see them staring right at me like they could see me, with some giant smiles on their face and they kept tilting their heads at unnatural angles. At night, when I was finishing my homework, they managed to break in. I was horrified, but I was upstairs with my sister so we managed to hide. I remember I tried to contort into a little bean bag underneath the bed, while my sister was just gonna hide in the closet, but she ended up leaving me to see what was going on. I could hear screaming, and I could hear my brothers voice begging for me to apologize and it's ok if they hate him, but I didn't want them to hate him cuz I know he's irresponsible and chaotic, but he's a really good person and it broke my heart to see them treating them this way even though I don't even talk to him that often.

3 Nov 2023

High School


This dream was very choppy, it also could have been two separate dreams in the same night that went into each other. It started with me, I was selling tickets to watch a football game. It was weird because a lot of the people who were buying tickets to said football game were people I went to high school with. (I’m now 20) In this part of the dream it was like I was younger, maybe 16. Basically in my dream I was rushing to get my house clean to watch the football game, but the football field and bleachers were also inside my house. In my dream I could jump up and start flying. I would fly by everyone I knew sitting in the bleachers almost to show off. At one point I flew over the football players of my favorite team. The odd thing is that nobody saw me or said anything to me. I was a ghost. Suddenly, the scenario changed. All the bleachers, the field, and players were gone and it was just my house. I was rushing to find a tv to get the game set up for everybody who came but I couldn’t get it set up and I felt super embarrassed, my house was super messy and I was poor, I didn’t have cable to even watch the game. That’s when the dream cuts to a completely different setting, I was following my family members back from somewhere but we were all in different cars. We stopped at a gas station and some how i was left in that town at the gas station by myself with no vehicle. Completely stranded. Somehow the dream cut again and I was with 3 of my friends and we were all stuck in this other town that’s about 20 miles from where I live. We tried calling people, but to no avail, for some reason we could not get a hold of anyone. This town was completely empty, no sign of life anywhere, it was dark, and there was a red haze over everything outside. In this dream, I was close with somebody that I haven’t talked to for years now, I was never close with them in real life it’s just somebody I know from school. This person was not at his house, but we stopped at his house to get some stuff for our journey ahead even though he was not home, we just let ourselves in and I took one of his hoodies. We then made our way outside his house and I put the name of our town into my Maps on my phone. The route that was the fastest was down a spiral mountain that our town was at the very bottom of and we had to walk through a super long cemetery that went all the way down this spiral mountain. It also had that red haze all over it. There was 4 of us total, one of my friends refused to walk through the cemetery so she started trying to find a different route even though this one was the fastest. Originally one of my friends stayed back with her, and one of them was going to go with me, but when I turned to look behind me, all three of them were still standing back there, looking for a safer way. I made the decision to keep going but before I made my way to the cemetery I woke up.

1 Nov 2023



I has a dream that me and my family were stuck in an alien dimension. The food was really bad for you and we noticed this because a neighbor brought in a kitten, and when we tried to feed it, it ran and began to eat flowers instead. That’s when I realized something was very wrong. I then asked my brother at the end I of my dream how we were going to escape, how we were going to leave this different universe, and he didn’t really want to believe we were stuck somewhere else. I felt like him and I would escape without my my and dad. We were holding hands as we walked along somewhere, and he said “I don’t think our elites are aliens, I just think things are gonna get worst and worst.” After that, we saw a giant black beetle and I pressed on it so it could fly away, but instead of it being a beetle in my dream it was called a black hornet, and in my dream it flew up really close to my face and was on my nose, I closed my eyes as I heard and felt it get on me, but I was too scared to move or get it off in fear that it would painfully sting me.

31 Oct 2023

Running away


I dreamed of being taken back to a traumatic wilderness camp that I stayed at without my knowledge for a year. I was unable to leave this abusive anti LGBT camp even after 18 as I was put in a conservatorship to prevent me from leaving as an adult. I have dreams about being sent away even as a 22 year old and being the oldest there, not being able to leave the LGBT conversion camp. I am put there by my parents and even when I dream of running away police find me and bring me back where I am eternally trapped from ever seeing the public eye again.

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