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Dream Interpretation: Deer 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Deer? Discover the significance of seeing a Deer in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Deer appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This is a symbol of sexual innocence and feminine freedom. It is a good omen related to spirituality and suggests something new coming into your life. This symbolizes the virgin archetype in nature and signifies the state, desire, or threats to your sexual innocence and feminine freedom.

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🧭 Direction

Good fortune

This is a symbol for the virigin archetype in nature. Much like the symbol of the flower or the dove, it symbolises the state, desire or threats to your sexual innocence and feminine freedom. Take steps and actions necessary to achieve this innocence, purity and freedom from care and anxiety in your life. Run from those things that cause you stress.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a deer can evoke feelings of grace, gentleness, and vulnerability. It may symbolize a sense of innocence and purity, as well as a connection to nature and the wild. Seeing a deer in a dream can also bring about a sense of curiosity and wonder, as these animals are often associated with beauty and mystique. Additionally, encountering a deer in a dream may elicit feelings of peace and tranquility, as they are often seen as peaceful creatures. Overall, the dream of a deer can evoke a range of emotions, from awe and admiration to a sense of fragility and delicacy.





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Dreams of users containing the word Deer

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13 Jul 2024

Night Sky


I went on another trip to another conference called challenge, and my church and school friends are there. We explored and it was fun. Cops wanted to ask us questions but we said nope and jumped in the water. Suprisning we were walking in when the water was 50 feet deep and half of our bodies were in the water. We walked to an observatory to look at the night sky. I saw a giant yellow tear in the night sky and I felt worried. We went back to the place we were staying at and the beds suck. It was the same time when we woke up, so we got 11 seconds of sleep. Only a couple of us went to the woods. Then a talking hybrid deer came by and wanted to greet us. One of my friends got scared and hid in a tree.

8 Jul 2024



I was teaching a grade school class. But they were overly energetic so I took them outside for some outdoor playtime. I was leading a game but the children kept being distracted by baby deer. Then all of a sudden a stampede of horses was coming right at me. One large brown horse came to save me. He sat down and let me hug him as the stampede went by. I was so thankful to the horse I cried.

4 Jul 2024



i was roller skating in a pretty forest/ park thing and came across a 2 headed stag deer one head was disfigured but the deer came up to me and was very affectionate and nice , i wasn’t afraid of the disfigured head , the deer was letting me pet and cuddle it and was very nice and loving . after this interaction i went out of the forest and was on a street where a big muscular girl then punched me for not wanting to give her girlfriend one of my dresses . i then woke up in real life went back to sleep and found myself in the exact same forest this time there was a rave going on and i met 2 girls who were nice to me, during the rave i said the music was bad and the music stopped and the crowd started shouting at me and so did the 2 girls and then i left the forest and was back on the same street as before but this time there was a man who told me he sold me on the black market and tried to stab me with a needle to sedate me , it didn’t work because i was wearing a thick dressing gown and i managed to prick him with it but in the end he managed to prick me back and then started screaming for help and all the women on the street where mocking me in a different language then i blacked out and woke up in real life

3 Jul 2024



Deer... a deer gave birth to some sort of special baby deer that was still developing. I woke up before it was done

25 Jun 2024



I was at my elementary school but I was a high school student. On my way to class, I passed by my ex-boyfriend’s girlfriend and she gave me a dirty look. I got into class and sat in my seat, which was a table full of immature boys. Although, my sister was sitting on my left. The teacher was my actual high school teacher for science, she said hi to me. The boy next to me had poured laxatives into the water bottle that belonged to the guy who sat in front of him. The guy who sat in front of him looked at the bottle and said “ew what is that?” And the guy who poured it in there said “I put laxatives in your water bottle!!!!” And started to laugh. I laughed too. The guy got up and ran over to the classroom sink, and washed out his water bottle. There was laxatives all over his shirt. The teacher didn’t care though, she kept going on with her lecture. The table in front of us was full of girls, and one of the girls was my ex-boyfriends girlfriend. She looked behind and said “what are you guys doing? Stop messing around.” But I didn’t pay attention to her. A couple of minutes went by and the ambulance went speeding by the school and the teacher had opened all the windows to see what was going on. She continued on with her lecture after. I kept looking outside and I seen a baby deer out in the middle of the street. The teacher was having the class repeat something and I accidentally repeated it late, but I laughed about it. The teacher got upset with me and said “you think this is funny Katelyn?” But I yelled out, “look! There’s a deer in the middle of the street.” And stared at it. The teacher gave me a hesitant look, almost as if she didn’t believe me. But she looked outside and ran out to move the deer from the street. While she was running outside everyone kept giving me a weird look. If felt as if they were looking at me because I had a mental health issue, because I interrupted the teacher because of a deer. Just a couple of minutes later the bell for school rang, I left without hesitation because I wanted to go back home, I had felt weird being at school. I felt not wanted and embarrassed. I started to walk home with my sister but I got stuck behind a little because I went to check out the accident that happened. I was eating green grapes and seen my sister up ahead a couple of people so I passed them and got to my sister but we were right by the house already so I went inside. It felt like I had missed something, when I got inside the house it hit me that I accidentally left my backpack back at school. So I left a note on Instagram asking if someone could bring it to me but no one replied. So I just left it at that. I’d get it the next day. The house was a mess, trash everywhere almost as if a party crashed at the house the night before. I didn’t mind it though because I didn’t want to clean it up. I went upstairs and seen my girlfriend’s friends in my room. They wanted to play a video game together and I said sure. So I put on Fortnite, I took them to this creative map where we could 1v1 each other and take turns. Afterwards, I kind of got off the game and let them play by themselves. My girlfriends friends were dating. Their names were Alan and Savanah. I could tell I didn’t like them much. They gave me a weird vibe. Instead I went to the room with my sister. My sister had her friend over, Daphne. Daphne, I knew I could trust with everything and anything. I felt safe around Daphne. (Daphne doesn’t exist for me or in general, in real life. Everyone else in the dream does though.) I told my sister that I was going to be up late because I was going downstairs with Alan and Savanah. When I got downstairs, Alan said that he’s doing something illegal. I asked him “what?” He replied, “I’m rolling blunts from your families stash of weed and I’m gonna take them home.” I got a worried feeling when he said that and I told him “no, put all of it back. Where did you even find that?” He didn’t answer and still insisted that he continue. Thankfully my sister came downstairs and said “what’s going on down here?” Alan showed my sister the box of blunts he was rolling, and my sister quickly took the box away, and ran upstairs with it. I stayed downstairs with him, because I had froze in place. That was until I went upstairs and into my sister room where she was. My sister said “we have to hide these, before dad gets up.” I felt even more worried. Daphne had stepped into the room and asked “what’s going on?” My sister and I told her that we needed help hiding the blunts otherwise we’d get in trouble with our father. Daphne gave us a promising look but said “I could get into a lot of trouble but I got you.” She took the blunts and hid them, she didn’t even tell us where she put them, maybe for good reason. My sister told me to go get our dad and get him in the room so we could talk to him. So I went into my dads room and carefully woke him up so he wouldn’t get mad. I told him “go to my sisters room when you’re fully awake.” And so I went back to my sister room and my dad followed shortly afterwards. My dad asked us “what?” We told him that the kids downstairs were being bad and were making a mess. We asked him if he could go down there and call their parents to pick them up. He did just that. We told him to go downstairs quietly so they wouldn’t know someone was coming down. Before you know it my dad spanked them and found them doing sexual activities. All we could hear was Alan and Savanah scream and cry from being hit. My father called their parents and had them picked up. I stayed in my sisters room that night with her and Daphne, because I felt off and scared. The next morning we cleaned up the house and after that I woke up from my dream.

24 Jun 2024



i had a dream that i was in a vacation house in flordia and i was playing a scary game with my brothers and halfway theough the game my brother desided to take a shower. then there was a flood outside and my dad made me do laps in the flooded water on a bike.(we were on an island or in flordia i think visiting my grandparents) there was a baby deer or strange baby animal that was chasing me everywhere and i had to run into the neaghbors lawn because it kept chasing me wanting to play catch since i threw a ball at it or smth?

8 Jun 2024



The symbol was actually in real life whilst driving in my neighborhood I asked God clearly I said God is Pei Pei Ok? Give me a sign…. Boom 💥 like that at 3:31 am a Deer or two crossed my path and I had my answer.

6 Jun 2024



In my waking life I thought of PeiPei my friend from Hong Kong 🇭🇰 and how she helped me so much believe in myself when no one else did. I’m ok with being single and going my separate ways but I just worry constantly about her well being and I hope I can see a sign that she’s ok due to the toxic air quality. I know it sounds weird but I’m not like all the other guys that begs for women to be friends or GFs I’m ok with whatever I want peace ☮️ but one thing I just have to know as daunting as it is is if Pei Pei is ok up there in NY I am extremely concerned searching for a sign. 🪧 I was praying to God and I said give me a sign that she’s ok 👌🏻 please 🙏 and at 3:31 am a deer 🦌 crossed my path right then when I was driving in my waking life. I hope she’s ok. 🥰🥰😭😭😥😥😥😭😭😢

14 May 2024

Best Friend


I was sitting outside my house but further into the woods so I could sit against a tree, and I had a Playstation remote with me for some reason I dont know why but I was using it as my phone the whole time, and I was just relaxing there and then the deer that have been living in our yard (there's three adults and two babies in real life) came up to me and I thought it was so cool that they came over to me and they let me pet them and then one layed on my foot while the rest layed together near me and I was taking pictures cause I thought it was really cool and adorable, and this whole dream they were just coming up to get pet and cuddling with me and walking around me, like me and the deer were best friends, they acted so calm and sweet like they were tamed, and it ended with my cat coming up while I was cuddling with one of the deer and laying with us so I laid down too with them and when I feel asleep in the dream I woke up in real life.

9 May 2024



Last night i had a Nightmare wher I saw a wolf attack a moose and a deeer while i was hiding in a cabin during winter season

25 Apr 2024

Car accident


Me and looked like my cousin were walking down one of our old road we lived on and I noticed the trees had people in them that were carved out of the trees and I said WOOOOW I never noticed these before walking down this road and they were pretty cool. As we were walking the next thing you know we look behind us and a car was coming and a truck coming ahead of us and we stop and step back off the road and the next thing you know we see a deer by the fence and it jumps over the fence and was about to jump in front of the vehicles and I was like no no no no don't do that. I jumped but jumped back as soon as it did it and the next thing you know a car from a side road just barreled through the road and hit the car that was coming towards us and the next thing you know it's a big pile up of cars and then the next thing you know theres a whole bunch of people standing along the side of the road gathered. And I was walking along the road and I remember I had jello shots in my jacket I was carrying and a few grab them and was going to take them but I snatched them back and said since you just grabbed them and didn't ask me no I'm taking them back. And as I'm walking I ran into my sister who was talking to one of her old friends and then my nieces walked up and was telling her that someone was waiting for her and she pointed at her frind and said this is why I'm late. And the next thing you know I'm in a car with my mom and she's driving crazy fast In our yard around our old house me her and dad built and I told her to slow down and she was on the phone as well and she said something to me and I freaked out on her and told her that I have PTSD with this kinda of driving and I hope out and as I do I try to close the door all the way but it was a sliding door and it didn't catch and as I got out I heard her say something and I started freaking out and yelling at her about how I tried to close it but it wouldn't and then my mom turned into this guy and then I wake up.

18 Apr 2024



1) I saw a dream about a nanny who started working for a troubled child. Eveything was good at first, but then she started seeing strange memories, struggle with nightmares or some fever-like symptoms, her body refused to listen to her and did everything the child wanted, etc. In the end, she found out that she was a robot all along. She was a robotic replica of a rich man's dead wife. In the end, she finds a way to run away from him. 2) In another dream, an old man, a local mafia boss, kidnapped me and my sister in the forest. He also captured two baby deers. He killed them, which was horrible, but me and my sister stayed calm. He liked this and told his men to let us go. I was super mad as we ran away, I wanted to go back (maybe in the past) and see if we could save baby deers, but we had to prioritize our lives.

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