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Dream Interpretation: Elevator 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Elevator? Discover the significance of seeing a Elevator in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Elevator appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

It indicates your confusion and dilemma about the things that are happening in your life. Elevators go up and down, and as a result, reflect how your life is full of twists and turns. There could be something that makes you feel low; however, there are also things in your life that make you happy.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Listen to your inner voice, accept the changes around you, and decide about the path your life should take. Try and adjust yourself to attain more incredible things in life, both spiritually and physically. Being confused will not help, instead, take help whenever possible and be sure about the path you want your life to follow.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of being in an elevator can evoke a mix of emotions. It may bring about feelings of anticipation, as the elevator represents a journey or transition. There might be a sense of excitement or nervousness, as the elevator moves up or down, symbolizing progress or change. The dream could also elicit a feeling of confinement or vulnerability, as being in a small space with limited control can be unsettling. Overall, the emotions associated with this dream can vary depending on the context and individual experiences, but they often revolve around the themes of anticipation, change, and vulnerability.





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Dreams of users containing the word Elevator

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23 Apr 2024

Old Man


The elevator opened to my hotel room and revealed my cousin. I asked what took you so long while I was laughing with my other cousin, his brother. SOMEONE else is trying to find their room. I looked into the elevator and next to him was a creepy old man in a wheelchair. He gave me the heebie-jeebie. My cousin said "I have one more bag to get, I'll be back. He put down what he had and got back on the elevator. I was appalled that he got back on the the elevator with that creepy old man! I told my other cousin that I wanted to lock all the doors. I didn't like that people could just enter our room through the elevator. He will be alright right? He has a key. But not to the chain lock that I was setting. I unlocked all the doors again and decided I would just lock it immediately when he got back. When the elevator opened my cousin was back but so was the old man. Why was he still in the elevator???? My cousin got off and bid the old man farewell. The old man said nothing, he just looked up and gave a gremecing smile. The elevator door closed. But we could see the elevator moving. When the elevator stopped, all three of us looked up through the crack in the elevator and saw the old man roll off into the floor a few floors above us.

15 Apr 2024



On FSU Campus, I found a secret building, named Heisman Hall. That had this Motivational Speaker Course, and lots of black courses, Math courses too. I met lots of students there, and got lots of insight. There was an elevator, taking me down, that had see-through glass on it. Outside you could see two vehicles (one was a silver Nissan), spinning, along with a gate design. While waiting for a black gate, attached to a brick walls, to slide open. That’s all I remember, I’m awake now

10 Apr 2024



I dreamt of calling the police after being stucked in an elevator

4 Apr 2024



I have a recurring dream where I am In an elevator going up and when it reaches the top I know it’s going to start shaking and then move sideways. I never get in or out of the elevator I am just inside

1 Mar 2024

New Job


I dreamed that I left mu current job in banking to work for attorneys. At the end of my first day with attorneys a lady came in with a gun and shot me. I got on the elevator and went to 1st floor and asked them to call 911 because there was an active shooter. I woke up shorty after

18 Feb 2024



It’s strange why I always dream about my puppy rushing out of the elevator

1 Nov 2023



Elevator moving horizontally back and forth side to side.

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