Dream interpretation about Knife, Hostage, Police, Leaving, Friend, Sister, Driving, Gift, Girl, Reason, Guy, Boy, Point, Head, Looking, Walking, Clothes, Conversation, Going, outside, Birthday Party, Many People, my-ex
I was with my ex, Tre. We've recently reconnected. He decided to take me to his friend's birthday party. I agree. We're driving around with my sister and my mom to go find a birthday gift. It's all nice. We're having a good time. The party's the next day, so he spends the night. We get into a deep conversation and I keep telling him I'm having a very weird feeling to the point where I'm shaking. He tells me that it's gonna be okay and he holds me close to make me feel better. fast forward we make it to the party it's like a outside barn kind of thing. Suddenly, this random girl gets dropped off. We all go, kind of go see and peek around the corner to see what's going on since everyone was already at the party. When suddenly, there's a knife thrown. The girl-to-boy ratio was 3 to 3, plus the girl that was trying to murder us. Since it was night and she was wearing black clothes, it was really hard to see her. The first knife got thrown very close to my head. I try and call the police but in previous dreams I've called the police many times so for some reason they were not answering to help me. Eventually I did get through to them and tell them what's going on. When I try to get everyone together, Tre is nowhere to be found. One of the guys go out to look for Tre and another girl grabs the knife and goes with him. We all eventually went walking and looking for Tre. The girl manages to get a hold of me and cuts just right above my chest. but then leaves. I had the feeling that she wasn't here to kill me but to kill Tre. She manages to go around and cut many people but we are still yet to found Tre. The dream ends in a three-point of view. I see her having Tre held hostage and ends up dragging him somewhere and everything turns black.
Dream date:
31 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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