Dream interpretation about Falling, Fear, Friend, Future, Money, Sister, Dog, House, Roller coaster, Silver, Elevator, City, Climb, Door, Floor, Bunch, Ground, Going, Super
Going to silver dollar city with my friend and sisters. We had to ride an elevator up to a roller coaster called the time traveler and my friend fern said “did you know Lilahs biggest fear is elavaors” but then the elevator stopped and dropped a few floors and we all fell on the ground and then the doors opended and we got off but we weren’t high enough we ended up in some kind of airport then fern disappeared, and me and my sisters went through a door and climbed this super sketchy stairway and it was all white. And then it got too scary so my little sister Quinnly went back down to wait for us, but then I got scared that something would happen to her, so we went back, and instead of the door opening to the Elevator room, it opened to our house, but our house was different, and Quinnly was there, but so was a bunch of people from the future and a dog.
Dream date:
19 Jan 2024
Emotional tone:
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