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Dream Interpretation: Silver 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Silver? Discover the significance of seeing a Silver in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Silver appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

This symbol represents purity, the moon, and feminine energy. It is a precious metal and therefore represents your internal and emotional value. This symbolizes cleansing and adaptability to any given situation, just like the silver metal, which can be transformed into many valuable items.

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🧭 Direction


Connect with your emotional and feminine energy; it is valuable and will provide you with emotional and perhaps physical wealth. Allow your value to cleanse your life and connect with a more significant part of yourself.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of silver evokes feelings of elegance, sophistication, and wealth. It symbolizes purity, clarity, and the power of reflection. This dream may bring a sense of calmness and tranquility, as silver is often associated with the moon and its soothing energy. It may also signify a desire for emotional stability and balance in one's life. The presence of silver in a dream can suggest a need for self-reflection and introspection, as well as a reminder to appreciate the beauty and value in both oneself and the world around.





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17 Jul 2024



I had bought 2 silver gray dresses for my girlfriend Carolay but she didn’t want to put them on yet there was a deep knowing in me that she was gonna like them and wear them anyways cus I have gotten them for her

14 May 2024



I was in the woods running away from these men that wanted to kill me. Every time they would get close to catching me I would find a different trail and lose them. I just finished arguing with my husband and told him that I wanted nothing to do with him. This woman walked up to him and started flirting with him and touching him. I told him he was taken but she wouldn’t stop so I started slapping her and told her to fuck off. She finally walked away and my husband hugged me. I was at a pool with slides and fountains with my kids. We were jumping in and swimming around. I looked at the bottom of the pool and saw a bunch of little silver figures. The water receded enough for me to just bend over and pick them up.

30 Mar 2024



I was in a store/multi bedroom place. Everyone were dressed up in Halloween costumes. Some of them had masks. I felt out of place there, all most like I didn't belong and had to leave. There was some sort of illness that left its victims in a bloody mess. The smell was hot and rancid. I tried looking for my boyfriend so we could leave together but he was distracted by other people around him. He looked lonely in the crowd but I walked past him thinking he didn't need me. Soon more and more people dropped dead from this illness. The air felt polluted and suffocating. I couldn't leave until I was cleared of all illness. Some people were crying over the bodies of their dead loved ones. The air heavy in sorrow and death. I went to a gift shop and found two glowing moons one silver and rhe other normal warm white. I didn't have much money and contemplated stealing them but the look on the woman's face made me choose differently. She gives me a discount on them, they came out to be 1β€’25 for both. I put them away in my pocket and kept searching for something so I could leave. Eventually I find this little boy in a dirt smeared white dress, and attempt to guide him. He was timid but trusted me and followed me sheepishly. Eventually I lost him somewhere. Soon I go to this booth with a woman inside. She eagerly tests me for any illnesses and it all came back negative. She tells me I can get on the bus but I turn around in one last attempt to find the boy again. But couldn't find him so I board the small bus and leave the town I was trapped in. I felt both guilt and relief as I see the place become smaller as we drive away. I tried to find my boyfriend but couldn't see him. I felt invisible, almost like I was floating through existence and not really in reality. I just wanted to dissappear

24 Mar 2024

New Job


In this dream I was a magical friendly librarian witch. I had a library that had cds and books and I remember Sting the musican was there along with other students. I was excited I got a new batch of material and showed off vinyl to the group and he was looking for his album when he was single performer, and I showed him his area and then ended up being pleased. Then we had a runway where myself and a few others were judging some outfits of students and I was encouraging all students outfits, even though some where not well put together than others. I wanted the students to feel proud of their work. Then I made friends with another librarian. She was darker skin and had curly hair, and I’ve never met her before in real life. But she carried herself very professionally and cautious but she was nice to me at first. We worked together in another library what was also a kitchen. I myself was very friendly, outgoing and a little zany, which made us opposites but we still worked together. When I left work and came back I noticed the hard work we did was all gone, and empty. All the students and people where not there. I flew up (l can levitate and fly) to look around and she wasn’t there and also everyone too. Then I flew to these fancy doors where one student was dressed up and she guarded the door. She didn’t want me in, and I used my powers to use telekinesis on her and move her to the side. It was difficult but it worked and I opened the door. There was everyone there, all dressed up preparing tables and the rest of the restaurant. From there I was angry that I was left out of the event, bc everyone knew and I didn’t. Students mouth dropped knowing and unknowing what was going on. I moved students with my telekinesis powers to the side as I flew to find out where the other chef librarian was. I slammed the doors open to the kitchen and I see her dressed up in a purple gown with her hair up. Some students where siding with me while others stayed quiet and didn’t participated and just followed the other librarians orders. I was angry and asked her why she left me out, why she didn’t tell me ahead of time so I can help and she didn’t want me to be there simply bc we had different views. But I knew that bc we were different it made us more stronger but she didn’t budge. She wanted to fight me physically but my light was stronger and I worked on my magic unlike her. I walked with other students who supported my and I used my magic to change my outfit. I was wearing a white, sparkling long gown and I had long, blonde hair with a silver and gold tiara with spring blossoms on my head. I asked if I looked okay to the students. I used my aura of strength, beauty, and power to make a statement.

20 Mar 2024



The dream started out with me in Silver Bay. I was inside Grandma and Grandpa's house like the normal dreams I have there, only this dream felt more drearier, like there was even a different hue to the dream. The dream started in the kitchen, and then I was walking around and the place just felt like deserted, like there was almost no one in there, so I decided to go outside. When I got outside, there was random people there, and I yelled out, hey did you miss me? I don't remember who the people were though, precisely. But they were standing around right out in the front yard. Then I decided I was going to try clearing the sky because it was an overcast sky, so I was trying to make it sunny out and make all the clouds go away. I tried pulling on the clouds to pull them down and get rid of them, but it wasn't really working very well. Then I saw someone else pulling the clouds in and they cleared a spot way up in the clouds and you could see like it's a beautiful night sky. So I started doing it. Then they started putting the clouds into a paper shredder to get rid of them. Then one of the people started pulling in a planet, it was up in the sky, and they kept pulling it closer and closer, but they pulled it too close, and suddenly it caused the gravity of the planet to shift, and suddenly myself and everyone else started getting sucked up into the sky, into the other planet, and we were just getting vortexed around out in outer space, and we were just flying around, being pulled by this invisible vortexing energy, and we were flying by like stars, and planets in different shapes, or like pyramids, and just like all these crazy cool things that we were just like flying right through, like out in space, and a lot of the people were scared. There was this one lady, I went and I grabbed her when I was in space, and I told her not to worry because it was just a dream, and I told her you can tell because like we were able to breathe out in outer space, and then another person randomly made a comment on that saying, well this is certainly something that's going on. So I just continued flying in space like being pulled by this invisible vortex through the cosmos and suddenly I popped out on the other end and I just popped into another scene almost like I was riding some kind of an amusement ride. There was this man and this woman on the other end and I just made a comment I was like oh so this is what's at the end of the end of the rainbow and they said yep and kind of giggled at it. I noticed when I stood up and then I was walking around with these two people that I was filled with sand. I had sand all over me and I was trying to get it off. I was taking off all my different clothes and stuff and trying to shake them off. There were a few other people that gradually popped out of this supposed cosmic roller coaster type ride behind me, and then the dream progressed to being in a sort of kitchen area with this man, and this girl, and then another woman. It seemed like it was a married couple and their younger daughter. Younger daughter was younger and attractive. They sort of gave us all like a type of almost like physical inspection and then put us in different clothes and we were all like gathering together. Then the woman, the older woman, said something about giving me three of her best memories that were coming up and one of the memories was something about getting through a week's worth of dishes.

18 Mar 2024



I then entered the dream but watched myself in third person I was going to grab a bag that I set down in the condo and the barefoot man leaves the party or crowd to grab a weapon I said to myself I didn't have time to go back and get the bag so I turned to leave and the man shot into the crowd people were screaming. Then the lady in the mauve suite showed up and we went to go outside and chase the man outside was like a large party and football field the mauve suit lady turned into a white woman short and overweight with red hair and she dragged me by my arm across the field and said to walk up to the crowd and grab Tamika Teasly she was in front of the group of people there were two people on each side of her and they stood on almost a traignle stance. Tamika had a purple hoody with braids purple and silver hair she was a short black girl next to her left side was my old close friend she was a little confused she had on glasses and a hoody I grabbed Tamika Teasly and told her to come with me .l dragged her violently across the field just as the whit lady did me before I grabbed her I had make sure it was her so I kept askeing her to confirm her name but the white lady insisted it was her anyway I grabbed the girl and dragged her away my old close friend said to me Mother and I turned around and shot her a bird and said Fucker and laughed it was very mean the scene shocked me and I was a little bothered by my response I take the Tamika girl where she was supposed to go and then o attempt to go back to field to enter the condo crowds of people were entering the condo like the club and I ran into antihero person I knew and that person knew my old friend I asked her name to confirm it was her and she says yeah it me C MF H and I said okay bitch well tell my old friend ok sorry I didn't mean to do that but o had to I was instructed to so she left and went to tell her I saw the lady with the suit again and woke up.

18 Mar 2024



The world was almost in a pre apocalyptic state. Everyone was confused but I was stuck in a grocery store full of people I didnt know but somehow was bonded to. The government or men in black came and dropped this enormous silver/ mirror like ball in front of the store and left. When I asked about this they daid β€œthis is where all the bad weather will go”. Suddenly we were all surrounded by thick storm clouds with lightning buzzing all through them and us. I started being pulled to the middle where the ball was but was too scared to let go of the whatever I was holding onto to keep me as far away from it as I could. We were all scared about something but we really didn’t know what was happening. Gravity seemed to start going away slowly and we all expected the ball to take away all of the clouds but after a little bit nothing happened and we all scurried to find somthing to help keep us from being sucked up by whatever force that the ball had. Only me and the 2 females I didnt know but was bonded to were there at the end stuck trying to figure out what to do next. Then I woke up

17 Mar 2024

Child dying
Make Out


I was in a fishing boat laying down. My fiance woke me up and i had a ptsd flashback i thought he was my ex. He walked away and i saw a tornado forming and all of a sudden my boat started moving so fast. I couldnt hold on i kept jumping up because it was going so fast. The boat stopped under a bridge. there was a teen girl there that asked about a prom dress. It was silver and blue and so pretty. She had a flip phone with a silver and blue case with a penguin on it. I was then in a big house with my whole family. My grandparemts were on a huge sectional couch. My twin cousins, my uncle, my fiance and i were sitting on a couch behind them. My grammy told me about children that died in an explosion. I built a chamber made out of glass and wood. I put a book of the explosion in the chamber. I turn around and I saw a big fire pit with children gathered around. Each of the children had a long rope in their hand. They each had to light the string on fire. The first kid put the string in the fire. The next kid touched their rope to the first kids to light their string on fire. Each of the kids did this until the last kid. The last kid threw an object into the fire pit and it exploded. All but 2 children died

6 Mar 2024



Me, and Reggie Bush were at NFL HEADQUARTERS, playing, running around, then catching an elevator that took us from one building to across the street to another building. We got in trouble from the NFL commissioner Adam Silver, who is actually the NBA commissioner in real life. I was headed to his office, by catching the elevator, then I woke up.

6 Mar 2024



Hailey and I were about to leave the school until we saw that there was a small car that looked like Ayden’s parked in the middle of the parking lot, so we couldn’t pass. We then found out that it was Hunter’s mom’s car. She was stopped there because Hunter was badly injured, Hunters mom asked us if we had any crutches in our car that he could borrow. I told her that I have both crutches and two wheel chairs. The one black and yellow wheel chair was for my grandpa, while I just had a spare silver and blue. Hunters mom said that they will use the crutches, but Hunter asked for the wheel chair instead. We both then pulled into a parking spot to get the wheel chair out. When Hunter got into the wheel chair his mom told him that she would take him home, but then he asked if he could go hang out with us. Hailey, Hunter, and I then go to my house, as soon as we get there my car turns into the blue Toyota Rav 4, ness and all. The crutches and wheel chairs are gone now and Hunter doesn’t need one anymore. We all were about to get back in my car and drive somewhere but then I realized that my car is a mess in the back. As Hunter was about to open the door and open I grab the door and pushed it closed, then squatted down in between Hunter and the door and told him that I wanted to clean it before he got in. Hailey and I then rushed to clean my back seat and remove all of the trash. Before we let Hunter in we buckled up Bella in the far right seat. Then as Hunter was about to get in his mom came up my driveway in a big SUV raging at Hunter because he has been keeping a secret from her.

28 Feb 2024



I dreamed I was in an swimming experiment and I had little silver nodes on each of my fingers and toes. It was all male, college age, and me. I was college age also. I had on a cute red plaid one piece swim suit and I was happy and looked cute. I could tell the boys likes me.

23 Feb 2024



The scientist was watching the subject, lowering her guard as the child did nothing but play with toys. On her tablet, the scientist lowered her guard, playing a sound she couldn't have realized set her off. It was the last mistake she'd made, as playing that sound angered the child. With snarling teeth and a thirst for blood, the child ripped the scientist apart. In a school built flat and plain, a young girl spent her days with only one friend, always feeling different. At lunch, she'd often go to the side of the building and sit at a bench beside many trees, singing to herself. She noticed there was always a teacher or adult of some kind watching her, but she knew only to trust one. She called him Uncle, as she had no family as far as she knew. She lived in a spare hotel with a strict woman and a few other girls, sharing a room with her one friend. Despite having what she needed, she longed for freedom outside their watchful eye. One day, a new teacher appeared, a man with a tricky smile, the girl immediately refused to trust him. She felt something off about the man and decided to prove she was right. During one lunch, she followed him and watched as, with a fellow student in hand, went down a hidden elevator. She waited, watching the elevator close, but when it opened again, it was the man standing alone. Noting her findings, she untrusted her friend with the info, but she thought it was an overreaction. Frustrated, she turned to Uncle, who was just as worried. Pulling her into a separate and secluded room, he told her that in order to keep investigating, they must keep everything a secret. Upon agreement, he gave her a phone with sole access to him. He said to be careful and never let her guard down. Just as quickly, lunch was over. She spent the next few days watching the suspicious man, bringing another child each day down the elevator. With some guidance from Uncle, she hid until dark, watching the elevator. Unexpectedly, the man showed up again under the cover of night with none other but her friend. She knew once the elevator doors closed that she had to do something, fearing that all the children were murdered by the man. After a few silent minutes, the man came back out and left her with this chance. She snuck into the elevator and quickly closed the doors. Inside were three buttons; 1, 2, and R. Without too much thought, she pressed R. Suddenly, the elevator started to plummet. Fearful, she pried the door open and jumped into a slight cubby in the wall, she watched as the elevator continued passenger-less until she couldn't even see it. Looking up, she knew the only way out was to wait. After seemingly hours, a speck of silver could be seen rising. Swiftly, she jumped on top and played flat in hopes she wouldn't be crushed. Instead, the trap door opened and she saw a familiar face. Her friend somehow knew she was there and took her inside. Pressing 2, she explained that the school was just a cover up for a secret lab underneath. Upon the elevator opening, immense deja vue washed over her. Scientists were watching the kids, every one she saw go down the elevator and more. Her friend walked her to a room labeled "Beast" that was sectioned off. She felt something pull her inside, feeling as of she knew this place. One inside, she saw a familiar face. Uncle was sitting as a desk, the walls covered in her pictures, even ones she drew. The few screens in there showed her life playing like a movie. Uncle explained as much as he could, but in the shock it was hard to believe him. She was the beast. Ehebthen showed a video of her childhood. The violent attack on the scientist, showing the girl her own snarling teeth and sharp claws. Uncle told her everything, that he was her scientist. The fifth one she had, the rest ending up in funerals. As it turns out, she hated the sound of of sirens and babies crying, according to studies, but above all she distrusted any female scientist. That's why Uncle was so special. She had no memory of the events, but slowly she was getting flashes of such anger. She was the beast. And the suspicious man? He was her birth father, the leader of the operation, and her as the reason it existed in the first place. Her live changed from there but she knew that is she could control the beast inside with training under Uncle, she could do so much good. With a smile, she was determined to do just that.

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