Dream interpretation about Ex, Sex, Falling, Shit, Ex-friend / Ex best friend, Friend, Kissing, Hug, Laughing, Self, Leg, Mouth, Face, Hand, Shirt, Thought, Top, Walking, Woods, Hills, Jumping, Looking, Going, my-ex, Basketball
i was with my ex-friend sierra and we were going to the woods near a store to see nash and surprise him but he seemed like he really didn’t wanna see me. so i just kept being funny and being myself and he seemed kinda annoyed and he was also with his friends. he was wearing bright red and white shorts and a black shirt too. we just were walking together and almost got caught sneaking into a nearby store so we went back to the woods and he still didn’t seem like he wanted me there. so basically i went to him when we were alone and vented to him about my feelings for him and how much i’ve been thinking about him recently and he motioned me to sit on his lap and he hugged me and apologized for abandoning me. after we had our lil moment i turned to face him sitting on his lap still with each leg on top of his and i started laughing and being my weird self. we talked for a bit and then he started kissing me. he put his hands around my waist and kept kissing me and then he stopped. i started LITERALLY dry humping him while sitting on his lap and i remember looking down at his boner in his lil white and red basketball shorts and i looked up at him with his mouth open literally moaning. then we jumped up fast as fuck because we heard sierra and his friend come to the woods and i went to help sierra come up the hill that goes to the woods and she fell and started freaking out and saying we’re gonna get caught. everyone just started talking about dumb shit and laughing and all that shit and i finally felt like he was glad i was there and he wanted me to be there.
Dream date:
9 Mar 2024
Emotional tone:
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