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Dream Interpretation: Thunder 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Thunder? Discover the significance of seeing a Thunder in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Thunder appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

Thunder in a dream represents a warning or a sign of impending danger. It can also symbolize a release of pent-up emotions or a sudden realization. Thunder can also represent power and authority.

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Think about what is currently happening in your life that may be causing you stress or anxiety. Thunder in your dream may be a sign that you need to take action to address these issues. It may also be a reminder to stay alert and be prepared for any challenges that may come your way. Take some time to reflect on your emotions and try to find healthy ways to release any pent-up feelings.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of thunder can evoke a range of emotions, such as fear, anxiety, and unease. The loud and powerful sound of thunder often symbolizes a sense of danger or impending doom. It may also represent a feeling of powerlessness or being overwhelmed by external forces. The suddenness and unpredictability of thunder can create a sense of vulnerability and insecurity. However, some individuals may also find the sound of thunder exhilarating or thrilling, as it can symbolize a release of pent-up emotions or a sense of awe towards nature's power. Ultimately, the feelings associated with a dream of thunder can vary depending on the individual's personal experiences and emotions.





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Dreams of users containing the word Thunder

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1 Jun 2024



I am running away from a fire with my mother, I am 5 years old. It’s night time and we are running down an empty freeway, the fire not far behind us. Just as we run out of energy, we come across a small corner store in the middle of the freeway. We go inside, grab a snack, and then run outside to continue running away from the fire, with black clouds, smoke, and thunder all around us.

23 Apr 2024



I was watching a soccer game that my highschool varsity team was playing. It was a sunny day and the court was on a tennis field. I was standing on a bridge overlooking the field with my sister and mom. Me and my sister were talking with my mom about how we never got to play with the main team and only ever played together when we were both on the Jv team practicing against varsity. It was alright since our jv team was decent. The game we were watching, the varsity team was getting demolished which I was secretly happy with since a lot of the girls had pride problems. It was halftime and the team was off to the side talking about how to play the next half. I went on the field and two really tall boys who played on the other team were passing around and I went up to them to try to grab the ball but they were passing around me and then scored. It counted as a point against our team but I knew it wouldn’t matter since the varsity team wouldn’t win anyways. The guys didn’t try to score but they just dribbled and passed around me. A lot of the girls were annoyed because that’s what was happening to them, but I was having a good time and staying positive because I wasn’t going to let the guys make me annoyed too since I felt like I’m better than that. There was a flash of lightning and thunder, and the guys laughed and said they were the lightning by the way they played. I couldn’t even see where the ball was going and I just kept running around getting no where and failing at retrieving the ball. I got close a few times maybe.

7 Apr 2024



It started out has a Harry potter movie. Then we somehow were in the basement with pickaxes and Harry Potter was there. He took the elevator with Ron and another person, and I wanted to meet him and ask him what happened. I ran up stairs to catch the elevator and it lead to a cool beach house. Harry went upstairs and talked to someone in a business room. Then I teleported to a mountain. I saw this giant river and I saw an orb of thunder clouds pass through. I got a hoverboard and started hovering over to the storm. I got into it and it was a Ghost ship. I got onto it and saw everyone bracing themselfs.

27 Mar 2024



I walked out of a house onto a wooden porch, looking down over a wide arid desert valley. The wind was blowing hard and the sky started to darken, and in the gathering clouds lightning flashes. Mixed with the sounds of the thunder I suddenly hear a loud, high-pitched laugh booming from the clouds. The laughter almost sounded like it was right by my ear, and I could only describe it as evil. I woke up breathing hard and terrified.

19 Mar 2024



A middle aged woman started to go down an alley where see saw this disturbing looking head (it looked like Prime Minister Chidulken from SAO). She started to run away and down the street. The head lifted up on 4 spingly spider like legs and went after her, smiling. But it was much faster than her, it was just toying with her, making her think she had a chance. After her, he started killing and destroying everyone else. Suddenly, I was in a hotel or some big business of some sort. I frantically went into a room and locked the door, praying he would skip the room since it was locked. He banged on the door and I was not near strong enough to stop him. It was a mistake. Because I locked the door, he knew to look for some one hiding. When he came in, the room started being destroyed. It was like a presentation room with the white fold up tables and such. The ceiling tiles started coming down along with wires. He found me as soon as the door was flung open. I tried to hide behind the door, but if I would have, it would have crushed me when it flew open. Next I knew, I was playing dead on the ground. Eyes open, pale skin, praying he didn’t realize I was still alive. After that, I mustve fallen asleep because I woke up to heavy thundering rain pouring down on me and all around even though the room was indoors. I thought it should be safe to move around with how much noise the rain was making. I started to move, then my alarm went off on my phone next to me. I scrambled and shut it off quickly. The monster came back on his spindly legs, straight at me. I was playing dead again but once again, I messed up. If I was really dead, the alarm would’ve kept going. Next thing I know, the head is a full blown, fat mans body in a suit. I start stabbing its face as it lays next to me. Through the chin. The eyes, everything on its face. It keeps talking though. The only thing not covered in blood on its face is its mouth and I dont hear words but I know its sinister, mocking me. I keep aiming for its mouth but I couldn’t hit it. I just kept stabbing over and over. All of a sudden, I was Turk (from Scrubs) standing and talking to Carla (his wife) who was laying down in bed. I was making stabbing uppercut motions over and over and then I wondered where I was. It had propelled me somewhere different in time. I was so confused as to where I was. I went to the bedroom mirror and looked at my hands in horror. They were covered in blood like they were but I was no longer there. Was this foreshadowing that I was going to kill Carla?

9 Mar 2024



i was living in a penthouse with a gorgeous view of a city. It was raining and thundering pretty hard but I was laying in bed going in and out of sleep. All of a sudden a loud clap of thunder accompanied with a huge lightning strike hit the building and my window shattered.

15 Feb 2024



My parents, my little step sister, and I were staying in a cabin. It was odd because my parents were still divorced but they were friends again so they decided to take me and my step sister on a trip as a bonding experience. There was a stable whith horseback riding so I said I wanted to go on a trail ride. Nobody else wanted to ride a horse so the just walked beside me. I was on a beautiful horse. He was a black thoroughbred. The trail ride was beautiful. We walked through the mountains and saw some breathtaking views. At one point we saw one of the stable workers leading a spall herd of horses along the trail and past us. We all marveled at how beautiful the horses were. All of them were mostly black with varying white patterns. My step sister's dog was with us was well. A cute but scruffy little dog, I don't remember his name though. Somehow I got tasked with holding the dog's leash even though I was on a horse and nobody else was. I tried to clip the leash to my belt, but that made it easier for the dog to tangle his leash around everyone's legs. Once we were untangled, I uncliped the leash and gave it to my dad. As we came upon a beautiful view of an old Spanish style house on a hillside, I tried to take a picture, but the horse kept moving so I couldn't get a decent shot. I told my family to wait for a moment while I took this picture. I turned the horse around and got into a better position to take the picture. As I was admiring the old house, I heard something coming from the other trail that connected with ours. It sounded like a whole heard of horses thundering down the trail. I got a bad feeling and I don't know how, but I knew that it was a war group. They were going to kill or capture anyone on these trails. I yelled at everyone that we needed to run, now. They all started running but my dad realized I had the best chance of getting away, so he told me to take my sister and ride as fast as we could. I didn't want to leave him and mom, but I knew we couldn't all fit on the horse. I made room for my sister behind me and my dad lifted her onto the horse. We exchanged I love yous and told each other to be safe and well look for each other when it's all over. My sister was crying as I urged the horse into a full gallop. We sped down the oposite trail and I prayed that my parents would be okay. Eventually we circled back around to the area where we split up. Nobody was around so we decided to see if we could get into the old house so we'd have someplace safe to wait. I tethered the horse in the back, out of sight from the trails. One of the doors was broken so we managed to get inside. It was dusy and mostly empty, but there was some furniture still in decent condition. A couch, a dining table with a few chairs, and a bed in one if the rooms upstairs. My sister and I did our best to have hope that our parents would turn up. We were too afraid to go out looking for them. After a few days of surviving off our trail snacks and river water, we realized the worst had happened and we needed to fin our way back to the stable and tell the people what happened. As we were getting ready to leave, a man came into the house. We were terrified it was one of the bad men but he was dressed like a teacher. He asked what we were doing in his house and I told him what happened. He was very understanding and said we were welcome to stay with him as long as we needed if we helped him get his house back into shape. He also said he'd help us find our parents or at least find out what happened to them. We were very grateful and as we started cleaning up the house, I felt hope. Then I woke up.

24 Jan 2024



Its raining, hard. Hailing. I'm sitting in my car. Just sitting. Waiting out the storm, when this giant wolf starts stratching at my passenger door. I don't feel afraid. But I am confused. I feel bad for the wolf. He's all alone and its storming so I let him into my car. He crawls into the back seat and falls asleep as I shut the door. I turn on some relaxing music to distract myself but then a man pops up from my back seat asking me to turn it off. I scream and ask how he got in here. He smiled brushed my brown hair out of my face and said that I let him in. I realized that the wilf was gone and in its places was this man. He had black hair, green eyes, and a scar that ran from the left side of forehead down to his cheek. He was beautiful. I reached out and traced his scar making shudder before grabbed my hand nibbled on my finger tips. He leaned forwarded and kissed me. Slipping his tongue into my mouth as his large hands unblucked my seat belt. He pulled back slightly so he could pull me into the backseat with him before he continued to make-out with me. He started to unbutton the front of my dress but then there was a very loud howl coming from the tree line which had him pulling back and looking out the window in frustration. He looked like he was about to say something when a loud harsh clap of thunder rang out.

22 Jan 2024



I was at a wedding for my niece and all our family and friends, we were at the church. I was getting things ready setting up dinner tables with some others and then it was time for the for the ceremony. It was dark and cloudy outside but it was fine because we were inside the chapel. The organ was playing as the minister walked up to the podium and began to speak. I could hear the rain and thunder when lightening struck the roof near the minister and everyone let out a loud gasps. We all calmed down and the ceremony continued. The minister barely spoke and another flash of lightening struck the same spot with loud crash and we all screamed again and we decided to end the wedding. I woke up on the couch in my aunt's house, my aunt tells me my uncle made breakfast and I get up to go get food. I see that my cousin, that I no longer speak to, and her husband are also there. They're talking and my cousin asks her husband if he made sure that the minister was the same religion as usa, to which he said he wasn't sure and it was fine. I'm grabbing food from the table and see my mom in the living room watching the wedding video. I see face start to shift from curiosity to fear as the sound on the video sounds more and more distorted and she opens her mouth to let out a scream but nothing comes out.

7 Jan 2024



So I was with my cousins Gracie, Preston, Evie, Belle, and my sister Kayla. And we were in our large backyard. And there was like 3 GIANT swimming pools like deal. The one on the left was like a big hot tube. The one in the middle got bigger and I don’t know none of us went in it. And then very very far on the right was a GIANT swimming pool. They were all in like metal barrier to keep the water in. We were all chillin in the hot tube. I can’t remember what we were talking about. Then it got dark and a thunder bolt cracked and this random orange cat appeared with a white belly and it would like die and revive. And it didn’t like ppl petting it. So I ran to get my cat food with my cousin Evie. And we went back to go outside. And all the cousins started laughing and they would avoid every which way I went. They would go the opposite. Then for some reason I realized they were trying to catapult themselves across the entire yard and reach the biggest swimming pool. Once I got in the catapult with my sister. We were FLYING going reallly fast when my sister hit the swimming pool and I kept flying, and I ran into a tree and got scars. Then another random cat approached and it was black so I started petting the cat, when it turns out, it was a dog.

9 Dec 2023



I had a dream that I was in this building in a bed room looking out the window and the sky was really dark and it was a couple of my nieces and nephews and some other kids with me and I looked out the window, the moon fell down from out the sky and there was thunders and flashes of lightning and I looked over at the kids and told them that they better repent right now because things could happen and then I looked out the window once more and I said oh look I was telling the kids to look out the window and it was Jesus. He appeared out of a bright light and came down to the window and we started clapping and everybody was giving him a hug and he knelt down to give a kid a hug and then he went into the bathroom and he was kneeling down giving somebody else a hug and talking to somebody and I reached over to try to touch him but I pulled my arm back and he stood up and then I woke up.

1 Nov 2023



I'm my childhood home, I wake up in my first bed, it is storming outside and there are no lights on. I feel scared so I go down the hall and into my parents' bedroom. I cant see their faces, just bodies under the covers. I go over to my mom to wake her, but when I put my hands on the blanket and call out to her I then see she is dead, with nothing left of her but bone. I dont know how I know the bones are hers but I do. I look over to my dad next to her and now his body had completely vanished. I run away and to the back door of the house, running down the stairs and into the back yard. It's still storming heavily so I get soaked. Lightning and thunder are crashing constantly. I look up at the house and see at least 20 dead birds that have been impaled with knives and the knives were stuck onto the roof, as if they were all pinned in place. Their blood mixes with the rain and comes out of the gutter on the back corner. The rain is so heavy that the area under the gutter is flooded and created a large pool, and mixed with the blood in the dark it looks almost black. I run into the woods behind the house until I trip and fall. Everything goes pitch black and I hear a deep, sinister laughter. It's unclear how, but I get the feeling that I am about to die, and as I feel a sharp sort of pain in my neck I wake up. I had this dream for the first time when I was 3 years old. It has been a recurring nightmare ever since, the only thing that changes is how old I am within the dream.

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