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Dream Interpretation: Stealing šŸ˜“ - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Stealing? Discover the significance of seeing a Stealing in your dream šŸ’¤ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Stealing appears in your dream āœ…

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šŸ’”Possible meaning

This symbolize insecurity, contempt, disobedience, and deceit. It also suggests that you are trying to avoid the truth, deceiving others and yourself. Having such a dream indicates that whatever you are lacking( as shown in your dream) will soon have some significant impact on your life.

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šŸ§­ Direction

Bad omen

A stealing dream may have multiple meanings depending upon the scenarios. If it appears that you are stealing something in your dream, it reflects your insecurities, which you are trying to cover by deceiving others. If you see someone else stealing from you in your dream, it suggests your fear of losing a part of you or someone around you is dishonest. Whatever the case is, look closely at all the variables your dreams present to you to unlock it's meaning.

ā¤ļø Feelings

The dream of stealing may evoke feelings of guilt, fear, and excitement. Guilt arises from the awareness of wrongdoing, while fear stems from the potential consequences. Excitement may emerge from the thrill of the forbidden act. These emotions may reflect a desire for power, lack of fulfillment, or a need for control in waking life.





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Dreams of users containing the word Stealing

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17 Jul 2024



I canā€™t really remember how this one started. The first thing I remember is being outside at some sort of house party. The night sky had a big purple light in it. I wa sitting at a table facing twoard the houses exterior wall. A lot of stuff happened that I canā€™t really remember now but eventually it transitioned. Two friends at I were inside a grocery store. One friend looked professional (like she worked there) the other two of us were just shopping. I didnā€™t realize we were planning to steal until she put two small vases of flowers into our cart and told us something about the store not taking notice. Then there was a big commotion with a manager and some customers that gave us space to leave through the front doors. We started making our way down the street but quickly realized we were being chased by the manager. We were on bikes. I donā€™t remember much of what happened next but I escaped and got home and waited in my car for them. I was angry. It was raining hard. I moved my car a few feet and then reversed and put it back where it was originally parked. I saw my female friend (the well dressed one) show up in a hoodie. After a while I got out and went up to her. She told me that she had buried her bike (to not be found) and that our male friend (the one who ran with me) had been beaten up and she didnā€™t know where he was. She told me it wasnā€™t my fault. I donā€™t remember much else

12 Jul 2024

Parking Lot


I went to Crumbl to try their new line of flavors. I got a box of cookies but they didnā€™t look all the great (I didnā€™t realize until after I left the door). There was a family leaving behind me but they couldnā€™t make it out the door so I held the door open for them. After I was out of the door, I realized my car wasnā€™t where I left it. I searched around the parking lot hoping I could find it, but I couldnā€™t find it. I did, however, find my bag left behind in the parking lot but idk if my things were still in it. I sat in the parking lot to try my cookies while theyā€™re still warm and thatā€™s when I noticed many of them didnā€™t look right as they were missing frosting but they still tasted good. Eventually a crowd of people were also eating in the parking lot. I took a moment to try calling the police for help after trying to locate my car using its tracking GPS. Unfortunately the crowd was so loud I couldnā€™t really hear the people on the phone and I tried yelling at the crowd to shut up. I initially just called the emergency number and then couldnā€™t decide if my car was an emergency or not. I hung up after getting so frustrated with not being able to hear them. I went back to my spot after hanging up just to realize my cookies were stolen too. I tried to get it back from the people who stole them after chasing them to their van only to then be told that my cookies were already eaten.

3 Jul 2024



I had a mix of dreams, but I was often involved with or near somebody, like there was this small apartment home that I was like really upset with because maybe it was like a work office place as well. Because for some reason, I was frustrated and like stole some keys and then ran upstairs to walk into some Room with just Small cubicles and just a few people and I broke open a File cabinet For No real reason besides just to see if I could get some hidden info Instead all I saw was like old security video footage of like Actors from 1960 and stuff like that. After knowing I basically committed a crime in that place I knew I had to get out. I had one of my friends say that maybe I should tell him because now this person is like the head owner of this home slash business but I told my friend that it's easier to do what you need to do and not tell the other person because the other person may not understand and stop you from doing the right thing. I then saw there was like groups of a few people and guys and some other cute girls that started coming into this home to hang out and I was like in some business attire like a suit for some reason and for some reason I wasn't fully confident in it because I usually don't wear stuff like that. I acted pretty shy in my dream and I guess I never ended up walking up to any of the girls And woke up before I could

2 Jul 2024



Stealing a packet of cigarettes and smoking one, curious is smoking one cigarette a day would cause any harm.

28 Jun 2024



I dreamt of my ex and I hooking up and he ejaculated into me and I asked him about checking in on me on birthdays but he said no. We drove to a Walmart so I could get a plan b so we went to the pharmacy and I got it for half the price and then it turned into a bank where I could exchange some coins for cash. I remember giving them some money and it turned into a lot of $50 bills in front of me and I was able to get my plan b for half the price. I was very happy. As I walked out something told me to steal something for a moment just to see what would happen. I grabbed a stuffed animal and walked out the door without paying but then dropped it on the ground as soon as I got out and I ran to my car to see what would happen. I drove around a lot and didnā€™t see any cop cars so I circled back around and grabbed my ex and told him to get in. I woke up and then had another dream about cleaning everything, feeling in awe by how beautiful my family members space was and I cleaned the floors until I saw a snake and got scared. My cousin picked it up and chased me around with it and I got scared. She told me to pet it but I refused because of the fear of it biting me.

24 Jun 2024



I was out in the town and there were a lot of new rules Basically, there was a dictator that had taken over and the town rules were very limiting and against any crime or anything that could be perceived as crime. I was a student in school, and I didnā€™t fit in with the rest of the students. Our building caught on fire and we all had to run out and go to a hospital to be taken care of. When I got out of the hospital, I went to a thrift shop of sorts and saw the only shirt or jacket or some thing that I had owned hanging up to be sold. So I went to get the jacket and I asked the storekeeper hey this is my jacket from the accident, can I have it back? The storekeeper said I would need to pay to get the jacket back and I told him I did not have any money but that it was my only belonging. He said I could not get it back without paying so I took it when I went to see my classmates, and ask them what they wouldā€™ve done and then I had taken it. They were very upset with me for breaking the rules and stealing some thing, even though it was mine and taken from me. Iā€™m out on the streets trying to exist in the town doesnā€™t like me. I get taken to a detention center/jail for kids where they trained you but really were torturing you through games and situations that kids ahould not have been in. I remember being in the woods a lot and my brother was there with me. My family kept coming to try and find me and get me out. I believe they framed the place as a school and I was a tennis player and my family wanted to make sure that I was still playing tennis and to see a game. I was not playing tennis because I was being tortured through these activities. They did not let my family in and kept me doing activities. I donā€™t remember a lot of the activities but one of the main ones was this game in a pool. Before the game they gave us a explanation as to why we were doing it. In the explanation, they talked about how men were out of war where they had to hide underwater for four hours, and have combat underwater or they wouldā€™ve been shot from above. Job to stay underwater without being detected by each other or found alone by the other team. I was one of the first people in the water able to start getting ready and cleaning our side of the pool, so I worked very hard. They told us that we could collect the leaves off of the floor to improve our gameplay. We could also put the leaves on the boys side to make them play worse. I was collecting leaves and scraping up algae when I was found by the other team. The collecting leaves and scraping of algae, was supposed to be done by a teammate of mine that had a developmental and intellectual delay Skill issues and autism. This individual was actually a student of mine and my real life last year that I had trouble connecting with and working with because she was not advanced enough to be in my class. She was upset with me because it was her scrape the leaves, but I knew that she would put our team behind so I did it quickly for her and then set her up for success by doing most of it so that as the leaves came in the game, she could keep up. She was very upset with me for doing so, I would also like to note that I myself have autism and adhd but I am thrice exceptional because I was also a gifted student because of my high IQ scores as a child. I mask and hid my autism better than others can so I wasnā€™t formally diagnosed in my real life. I often in waking find myself judging others with the same disorders as myself for not learning and adjusting to the world like I have from a place of ableism. Continuing with the dream. I was the first person on my team found while I was cleaning I went to a center where I was on my own outside of the door to the pool. The game was eventually over and the person in charge came to me and he wanted everyone to smile and look him in the eyes so he can figure out what team to place us on tomorrow. he said he was using our eyes when he got to me. He had trouble seeing my eyes because I wasnā€™t in the same place as everyone else I told him they were steel blue and he said everyone else has had steel blue eyes as well. Which is weird to me because blue eyes is not a very common eye color, the next thing I know Iā€™m able to run away from this camp and go into town. I find myself in a convenience store where there is coffee, popcorn, and drinks and candy. I am looking around. I find coffee and I get some snacks then consciousness shifts to the front of the store and I watch a woman check out. She has random things ring up on her item and they are confused but donā€™t like me so figure itā€™s my fault and walk back to me. I occasionally have OCD in waking life when it comes to cleaning I get an in a mood where I will start cleaning and I canā€™t stop until someone stops me. Itā€™s an unhealthy behavior, but I get a lot done and Iā€™m going to have to clean my apartment today. in the dream I had gotten into an OCD state and kept making coffee after coffee for people popping popcorn, scanning candy and other items and it was all piling up around me. The shopkeeper and ladies started yelling at me for what I had done, but we looked to the side, and there was a curtain that was moving because there were a ton of people that had arrived to buy the things that I was making as if I was a barista, which is the small town did not have. They could not be upset with me and I continued making coffee until something happened and I walked outside like a little explosion. I looked down at my feet in the snow and I saw a rat. I heard my brain say there is a rat in the shop, no more coffee. it was as if my brain was exiting OCD mode because it was grossed out by some thing. People wanted more coffee and I said no and walked away because I was no longer in that mental space. it became late, so I blocked back towards the forest and it was as if I was seeing snow in my eyes and I was excited, and then when that OCD mode shifted everything kind of turned red, and my brain was upset. I knew it was time to get my brother out of the camp because it was over so I walked towards the forest. I was looking for the water. Our family had brought because that was the only way to get people out of the camp. I saw lots of families and students from the camp walking out of the forest towards their vehicles, but I could not find my family or our water. So I kept walking in the forest and eventually I ran into a tall man that was in my family, possibly my dad or husband I was unclear at that point. I looked to the side and I see my belongings and my brothers belongings, there is a baby stroller in the middle recognized that I had forgotten at that time. I saw my purse, my jacket and other belongings on the side of the post piled up a baby carrier on the floor and my brothers items on the other side on a different post. There was not a baby in the baby carrier so I picked it up to put it on the stroller and couldnā€™t get it attached correctly. my husband walked over at that moment and told me that I didnā€™t have the baby carrier on correctly as I was already loading my belongings into the baby carrier so that I can get out of the park. I went to the side to fix it and as I was fixing it, I heard a younger brother walk up to my husband saying he was still holding the baby to my husband, and my husband said thatā€™s OK youā€™ll have to keep holding him. I had a sense of the baby was a boy and his name was possibly Freddy. I did not see the baby, but I kept picking up Lauren and loading the stroller. We started walking towards the back of park to find my brother and then my alarm went off and woke me up.

21 Jun 2024



Me and a few people (Bart was there) got locked in a house/building that was supposed to be a sleepover type event for grown people and ended up having to escape . We had to steal the keys and run away . Bart almost didnā€™t come with me it was like he was under the girls spell. But he ended up coming . The girl tried to track us down. Then I woke up. And had the same dream again.

17 Jun 2024



I keep having dreams with the same male co-worker last nights dream we were at a graduation party together and I found an old t-shirt of his and stole it so I could wear it in private

13 Jun 2024



I was at my family church and I was in the sanctuary and it was like really scary in there and dark and I was scarred to be alone but my suitcase and shoes were down there and I was trying to get them so I tried to get them one time but the person I was with wouldnā€™t wait for me so I took what I had in my hand and took them up stairs out of the sanctuary then I walked away bc I still had more stuff down there then when I came back they was alll down there with again so I took my brother with me to pick them up but he wouldnā€™t wait on me to get them all then I was in the car with my mom she stoped to get some gas so I went for a walk down by the woods and I met to guys they were pretty cool so we went our separate ways then somebody in a green truck was trying to get me to get inside his truck but I was trying to say I was okay but he just kept pushing then those 2 guy came to help and took me back to my moms car but one of them got in the car and tired to steal it

11 Jun 2024



Dominic stole a snickers bar from Richard(friend crashing on my couch) and tried to sneak it to school in his sock. I donā€™t know why but we were patting him down, probably because we suspected he was stealing something, needless to say I found the snickers bar in his sock. Thatā€™s where I must have woke up.

11 Jun 2024

Panic Attack


I was at an event of some sort and I noticed my boyfriend was missing for a little while and wouldnā€™t answer my messages so I went to look for him as it felt like he might be cheating on me and when I found him. He was. I flipped out, started attacking the girl. Throwing things around. Anything of hers or his I would push and knock over. Crazy part is my boyfriend kept helping her with things and it made me more mad so I kept destroying things and even stole a couple of things. I make a getaway. Then I wake up with a small panic attack.

11 Jun 2024



The scenery changed. Iā€™m suddenly in a traditional costum from my country. I look like a maid, and I did something bad, like stealing. Iā€™ve just been on a punky concert in a club, getting easily in despite being underaged. I soon get out of the club, itā€™s already starting to get dark and I had to go home, having no public transport or bicycle. I notice two man following me, their after me because of my stealing. I get away and decided to hide by my fictional neighbour. She is a farmer and letā€™s me stay in a barn-like building of hers. Suddenly some of my friends from Thailand were with me, and itā€™s a snowstorm started outside. We stay in the empty barn and wait. We hear the men outside, trying to get in but they didnā€™t succeed. Suddenly a bear was outside and also tried to break in. We try to open the door but the snow is too high to just open it. The bear starts to demolish the roof in one corner to break in and i managed to bend the door in an unrealistic way open, so it layed on the snow layer. Some of my friends follow but then the bear manages to break the roof. Since heā€™s too to the door, my other friends flee to the other corner. Since the barn is very old the roof there was also already damaged and they manage to climb up there. Because the snow layer is so high I easily climb up the the roof and held my hands down for them to grab it and climb over the wall. I also had to talk some bravery into the last few but we all were able to escape.

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