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Dream Interpretation: Stadium 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Stadium? Discover the significance of seeing a Stadium in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Stadium appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This is a symbol for the stage of your mind. This represents the place inside your psyche where you are performing for yourself and others. This also depicts one of the most exciting times of your life and your determination to succeed despite all the struggles.

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🧭 Direction


Pay special attention to what is happening in this place; it directly symbolizes the foremost struggle or story that your mind is trying to process. Learn from your struggles, and never give up on yourself and your journey.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being in a stadium evokes a sense of excitement and anticipation. It symbolizes a desire for competition, achievement, and recognition. It may also represent a need for social interaction and a sense of belonging. The vastness of the stadium signifies the potential for growth and success. Overall, this dream elicits feelings of energy, enthusiasm, and the pursuit of goals.





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Dreams of users containing the word Stadium

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16 Jul 2024



My brother, cousin and boyfriend and I was in a school but for some reason on a boat, and we were playing a game. every few minutes there was announced a few killers, and u had to run into a safe zone that closes in a few seconds if u weren’t a killer. you would hear screams and ppl dying outside the door. eventually, killers cheated and went into safe zones and almost killed everyone. they fixed it after 2 rounds, but i was with my boyfriend and for some reason was seperated from my brother and we had no way to contact so i was worried the entireeeee time. eventually the game was over and was reunited with him. OH and my friend was there i remember seeing her at the end. but inside the safe rooms were like classrooms but with seats going on like a small stadium. I think the dream actuallt started outside like a post apocalyptic thing, cuz i remember running and hiding in someone’s yard from someone, somehow it just switched i can’t remember.

14 Jul 2024

Hanging man


I was inside of a stadium and I heard then cheering a football team, afterwards I was hanging upside down

12 Jul 2024



My ex husband died two years ago but in my dream we’re back together in bed being very affectionate. we were talking and kissing and couldn’t keep our hands off each other Then another couple sits next us in a stadium we’re now watching a football game, his favorite team They ask us how long we’ve been together and I tell them the story that we were together then broke up for 30 years and then just recently reunited We were happy and very much in love Then I woke up

8 Jul 2024



My dream was of a soccer match where Italy was playing England in Italy. The game was going back-and-forth, the Italian friends were chanting like crazy but the game ended up in a tie. Either way the but fans seemed to enjoy the game. After the game finished, there was a finale performance, the stadium transformed into a tall house and me and many of the other fans were in this big living room. as the performance was going on there was a point where the the lady performing turned into this big gorilla that had a bunch of bananas and selected me to be the special guest by putting a banana in my mouth. as the banana was in my mouth, the gorilla/performer was asking me questions that I wasn’t able to answer because the bananas in my mouth and so I would just be making noises and everyone would be laughing and I was fine with that. Gradually, the questions again began to become more serious, asking me personal questions about my relationship with myself. They were asking me questions about if I was holding anything back from myself. Anything that I was keeping inside myself that I wasn’t allowing to be expressed outwardly, and honestly I couldn’t think of anything. I don’t think I have anything that I’m holding within me that I should be releasing out. The performing gorilla asked me if there’s anything scary about myself that I found that I want to share and yet again, I honestly couldn’t find anything. dream transition to me looking at myself in the mirror. As I begin looking at myself in the mirror, I started to split from myself, so it was as the awareness of myself removed itself from my body and what was left was that awareness looking at my body in the reflection. My awareness was being touched by my physical body, and then my physical body trying to attack my awareness by sucking itself into me. I was stronger than my physical body and pinned my physical body down my. in the dream I was confused because I didn’t know which part of me was the good Jantzen. The good Jantzen which was the awareness or was it the body I was pinning down. I was conflicted and I didn’t like having to fight myself.

2 Jul 2024



I was at a buffet with my sister for dinner at night. her and I were in the front of the line waiting to get salmon that was being offered, but there was a hold up because my sister wasn’t old enough to get salmon which I found strange. Either way, I ended up getting salmon And putting some on her plate as well. The dream transition to me being at a cemetery with my grandma on my dad’s side who had passed away and a man I’ve never met before who seemed to be my great grandfather. My great grandfather was old and frail using a walking stick. I was helping him walk down the stairs of the cemetery by holding his body and hand. as we were walking down my grandma and my great grandfather were talking about a flood that had affected the area a little while ago. All of a sudden, my great grandfather started getting a weaker and more frail, and started to slowly collapse. The dream transition before he collapsed. The dream then turned into me playing baseball on Wii sports with someone, but I wasn’t able to hit any of the pitches that were thrown to me and I ended up going the whole game without scoring. even though it was frustrating wasn’t too upset because the game ended in a tie, zero to zero. Then all of a sudden I was playing football in a football stadium and my team was losing and I couldn’t do much about it, which was frustrating. We ended up losing the game. afterwards I found myself playing a game of soccer against some younger Italian kids and again I was frustrated because we’re losing to kids I know I should’ve been able to beat

29 Jun 2024



I had a hotel room booked for a few days. I don’t know the specific reason. I did plan on seeing my brother quickly before I left though (like on my way out). Some of my family decided that my suite was the place to meetup (I didn’t really agree to this). My mom wanted to go back to the stadium as she thought she forgot something. I thought she took my car so I was looking out the windows to see if my car was still in the parking lot (I couldn’t tell with the amount of cars in the lot and how they’re parked). I vented to someone and it turned out my mom was behind the door and what I said apparently hurt her. Next thing I know is that I’m packing all of my stuff up to prepare to leave as I think I exceeded my time of renting the suite. I thought I lost a spare key and someone offered theirs saying they (hotel staff) wouldn’t know the difference. I declined it. In the midst of my frantic packing, I saw familiar blankets that I hadn’t brought with me as well as cat litter (flooded in a laundry basket (idk how that fits but it was in my dream)). A cat was also running through as it had peed or made a mess on the floor. I don’t think it was my cat. That’s all I remember

25 Jun 2024



It was a dark night and I was in sports stadium. There was Hunter Biden presiding over a sports game, but he fell off stadium balcony, then a flood washed him away.

18 Jun 2024



I had a dream that I was in an auditorium full of diverse people. I was leading a civil rights movement and our message was being broadcasted. I stood up on a table at the front of the auditorium facing the camera, but my legs were shaky. I was on an unstable table and I felt super wobbly. I was having trouble standing firm, and two very tall people stepped up. They both stood beside me and helped stabilize me. I held their shoulders and I stood tall and delivered our message. After the speech, I decided to demonstrate and fully show the strength behind our words, so I floated to the center of the room. I was levitating and flying around by harnessing my inner energy. I remember it was a little bit clunky at first, but eventually I got the hang of it. I floated back to the center in front of the stadium and floated with my legs crossed to balance and recenter myself. It shocked everyone and I myself was in awe. It felt very much like a meaningful, almost spiritual-in-nature, dream.

16 Jun 2024



Was at the metrodome, was wondering where home plate was there in relation to target field. Was sitting but the baseball game had finished long ago. Richie was there and my family, my dad and sister already left. Richie somehow had a tape measure that went from the roof of the metrodome but didn’t go all the way down, his tape measure only went to 280 feet. We were looking for his grandma to head home before the metrodome was going to be demolished the next day to build US bank stadium. We found his grandma, somehow Richie could close down the lights at the metrodome there were maybe a dozen other people sitting in the stands, he shut down the lights. Then I started singing “hello darkness my old friend” and everyone started singing “sound of silence” by Simon and Garfunkel and smiling as a goodbye to the metrodome one last time as we walked out the windy doors.

12 Jun 2024

My crush


I was in some sort of stadium with two friends and we had to participate in a competition making art that would later be judged upon getting to my seat I remember being really scared because we were high up and the seats were at a slant so I was afraid I would fall so I held on tightly to my seat while I worked on my project I was the first to judged and the judge was quite harsh when judging me and and everyone laughed that made me very angry and so went on a rampage destroying everyone's work despite the fact I was scared to stand I stomped and crushed everything in site and the judge went and judged the remains at the end he came by and put his hand on my shoulder where I quickly swung around and grabbed him attempting to harm his telling him to keep his Gosh darn hands off of me before letting him go.

9 Jun 2024

Plane Crash


I was about to go to sleep and i was in an old room at my grandparents house. There was someone behind me also in the bed who i cant remember. The closet door was close to the bed and after closing the door that was inside the closet, it opened back up. I went to close it again and it opened again. I then spoke out loud assuming it was a spirit and asked it to close the door and turn off the light and the spirit listened. My dreamed then transformed to me on the plane and the pilot announced that because of a specific person the plane was going to crash into a baseball stadium. The plane ended up crashing and i ended up in third person and watched the plane crash into the stadium.

6 Jun 2024



I was playing professional baseball for my favorite baseball team the Seattle Mariners. Oddly enough we were practicing with the Seahawks jerseys not with mariners jerseys. We walked around the stadium to get used to it. The song "take me out to the ball game" played over the speakers. Then we were given an inspirational speech which didn't really make much sense. However we would decisively win our first home game.

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