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Dream Interpretation: Eyes 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Eyes? Discover the significance of seeing a Eyes in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Eyes appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol indicates your ability to look into things more closely and your desire to gain clarity over them. Eyes are the reflection of your soul, and a dream as such indicates that your subconscious mind is trying to warn you to be extra careful with any decision you make. However, different dream scenarios mean different things. For example, if your dream eyes are looking at you, you could feel scrutinized by others or afraid that people will see your flaws.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

If you are going through any issues in your daily life, it's better to understand the situation first and then handle it with care. Be alert when making any decision; trust your instinct and impulses. Understand yourself and become aware of your higher conscious level.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about eyes can evoke a sense of curiosity and intrigue. It may bring feelings of awareness, observation, and the desire to see things more clearly. This dream can also elicit emotions of vulnerability, as eyes are often associated with the window to the soul. Additionally, it may generate a sense of connection and understanding, as eyes are often seen as a means of communication and expression. Overall, this dream can leave one with a mix of wonder, vulnerability, and a desire for deeper insight.





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Dreams of users containing the word Eyes

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15 Jul 2024

Baby boy


I dreamed that I had a one year old baby boy. I currently have no kids. I was at my dads finishing a project for school - I’m not in school but thinking of going back and attempting law school. When I finished my assignment I went to pickup my baby boy. But this is where it got weird. He was at childcare held at a casino and it was around 9pm. It took awhile to find the correct room. I’m pretty sure I had a friend with me. I went up to the lady working to check out my son from daycare. I also had to use the restroom so I asked where it was. She told me so I started to head that way. It was down a hall and the hall got increasingly dark with lights flickering. I looked into the men’s since my son would potentially use this restroom one day and there was a statue of a large clay human sitting on the counter next to the sink for decor. The statue had blobs over its eyes and it was baby blue. It frightened me immensely. Then I went to look at the ladies restroom. The same figure was in the ladies room on the counter except its eyes were missing and it had pink outlining the empty black eyes. It was so uneasy feeling that I decided not to use the restroom and never to bring my child back to this place. I debated to ask the lady what the statues are but didn’t feel it was necessary and I woke up from the dream shortly after that. My son was mixed. I’m currently dating a black guy, he’s Haitian and I’m white American/Finnish.

14 Jul 2024

Running away


Going up to the school I used to go to at Hakone by a train The train is connected to other regions where they aren’t irl Mother’s voice in the back of my head urging me towards where she wants me to go to through the journey Apparently I have to catch a train to Lake Yamanaka I navigate myself through this process like it’s a map of a game stage and I’m a first-person avatar Cloudy warm weather, Gōra station, plum blossoms, melting snow, chilly and warm at the same time Sense of being watched, a pair of eyes peering at me by the corner of my vision no matter where I turn to Scene changes when I decide to break out of mother’s guiding voice and do my own thing Now I’m running away from those pairs of eyes from earlier and their ‘friends’ Turns out they were a part of some group Now the guide of my mother is replaced by some operator’s voice streaming in the back of my head I rush to the school, but even if it looks like it, it doesn’t feel or seem like the one I used to go to irl There’s live concerts being held by some v-kei/kurofuku-kei artists I’m navigating myself through the processions of people and the crowd, sneaking into the backstage studios for some peace and quiet Then I’m somehow at the Italian neighborhoods the next second, the whole school just got done turned into the aesthetic I’m now hiding with a bushy man(Italian), and after he’d start making advances away from the guy Eventually I cave and he fucks my head out in the office room till I pee Then I have to hide the evidences(the stench, the puddles on the floor) before the Principal comes in The guy ran away before I could, now I’m trying to slip out without being noticed by the school’s security people

14 Jul 2024

Old Man


The world was tones of Gray. I was on a bus except nobody was driving. The bus came to a stop in front of an empty field, the doors opened and I walked off and into the empty field. As I was walking a strange shed/shack appeared, it was like I was drawn to it. When I got closer the dirt I was walking on turned to mud and I almost couldn’t keep moving forward. When I got to the shed and opened the door I saw a naked old man sitting on a chair tied up and hurt. His eyes had been scooped out and his finger nails ripped off. The inside of the shed and the old man were all in color and no longer grey. He was just screaming, I couldn’t stop staring at him in pure shock and terror. I couldn’t move I was frozen in place staring at this hurt screaming man. I felt so empty, like his scream was taking away all my joy and life.

1 Jul 2024



Large store buying a birthday cake. Then it turns dark and there is a 5 eyes glowing in the distance. Looking straight at me. Then everyone becomes dark. It wasn't scary I was just avoiding the monster. It tried to catch me a number of times but I would just find a way out.

28 Jun 2024



My ex boyfriend was laying down on the couch and holding his phone. His eyes went white. He was watching a video of himself being possessed. My family was next to him but not paying attention to him.

28 Jun 2024



So I had a dream that I need to buy some rice... So I went outside to do so.. but for some reason I bought the casserole with me. I thought that it would be necessary to measure.. I got on my bike and looked for a store, I asked a lady assigned there for a plastic to put the casserole in... The lady gave me plastic and I put the casserole in the plastic. I was about to leave and go in my forward direction but I saw there were many unleashed dogs waiting for me.. Then I turn my back and looked at the unleash dogs as I hold my breath taking courage to go in my way... Then, I remember being lost... I ended up seeing my classmate (guy) I decided to approach him and asked for directions.. but his reaction are unexpected. He asked me why I'm here/there and so... And in the end.. he didn't do much help... Luckily there's another classmate that passed by... We aren't particularly close in real life but we talk at least 10 times.. or so... For a very specific reason. So I was lead down on an alleyway then we stop 🚏. In the way I saw many familiar faces... Fictional and Acquittances from real life. Then we were waiting to cross the other side of the highway... But the vehicles are moving in a fast phase.. then I happen to chat with a boy.. and we cross passed together, I did feel a little nervous at first but we laugh it off after we cross. Then, I remember I was in the sea. I saw a girl riding a killer whale. I think that killer whale is a mystic. Well, then I remember I was inside the house... With 2 ladies... Mother and daughter perhaps? I'm not sure. But the conversation seem to get louder... They're talking about something I couldn't comprehend... Probably about magic and stuff... And then, there's this white egg... The woman put it in her belly... And it sinks like it's meant to be there... Then the other one does too... And then... There's this black thing... And the woman grabbed another egg...She dropped the egg and it bounced back...the egg keeps bouncing faster and faster... Then the other woman did something weird and just absolutely creepy.... Somehow there's eyes on his mouth as she opened them... And there's this black fluid in his mouth or so... I tried putting the egg in my belly as well... But it didn't sink in... My tummy didn't buldge like them.. so they said disappointedly that I should try again... Then I went outside and do so... For some reason

27 Jun 2024



It started out with my boyfriend who had brought his old hookup into the house and we’re going to smoke a blunt, I got so angry she was in the house that I ripped up the blunt and started screaming “I don’t want her in my fucking house” so my boyfriend got irritated with me and asked her where the rest of her things were that she came to the house to pick up. Next thing I know we are all outside and we’re playing the game Red Rover, and all the kids have no eyes, then I see my old foster brother Ben and I run up to him and jump into his arms and wrap my legs around his waist and he starts carrying me around and telling me that I’ll be okay and then I woke up

27 Jun 2024

End of world


So it’s starts with my parents, my family, bullying me. Telling me mean stuff so I start crying. I run outside and I see the moon has a chuck missing from it. In the dream, I start remembering all the other dreams I’ve had about the end of the world and I start feeling nervous. It’s a lovely day outside, people are laughing and messing around in the street yet I just have this really bad feeling today would be the day the world ended. Even the sky, the clouds, were acting strange- which happened in all my other world ending dreams. But there was one difference in this dream. While I felt a lot of fear, panic, I sat outside and for the first time I prayed to the universe that my stalker guy- the one I feel like I have- would show up for me. I just so badly wished to be free of this place. Away from my family, everyone that hurt me. For the first time I just wanted him to hurry up and get me even if I’m kinda afraid of him. After awhile I had a few out of body experiences. I can’t remember them all but one of them was this man was accidentally yeeted up into space during the Great War on earth. Before he could get too far, Seraphim, er idk different angels started tossing him around like a rag doll. The angels weren’t the human kind tho- they were the ones that kinda look like machines with a lot of eyes and wings. At first glance, it looked like the angels were hurting him but I had this feeling that they were actually trying to save his life. Maybe a bit aggressively, but it felt like they were trying to bring him somewhere safe. This reminds me of the time I went outside, irl. I was super high and depressed and I looked up at the sky and the clouds looked like an angel woman. And let’s get real here, not like clouds are supposed to look. No it wasn’t some vague image but almost like a cloud painting of a very realistic woman with wings. Like a god was trying to communicate with me specifically 🤷‍♀️

27 Jun 2024



I was being chased by something, didn’t know what but I knew I was in danger. As I tuned the corner to my street I saw my father on a cross. His mouth was torn open, eyes gouged out, and arm missing. I then froze as I saw this and the thing that was chasing me jumped on me, dropped me to the ground, and stabbed through me with a knife or sword.

22 Jun 2024



I was going to cook dinner for friends and purchased a lobster. When I got home to take out the groceries I put the lobster out n a table and noticed that the head on the lobster looked very human. I told my dinner guests that I didn’t feel right cooking the lobster because of the way it looked. The lobsters eyes were wide and would follow me as I walked around the kitchen. My guests assured me that it would be ok that I just had to throw it in the pot of water. I told them that I did not want to boil it alive. One of my guests told me to cut off its head and then boil it but I told them that I could not bring myself to cut the head off because of the way it looked. I was so torn because I did not know what to do with this lobster, and did not know what to feed my guests

22 Jun 2024



THIS NEXT DREAM WAS FROM 2 NIGHTS AGO In my dream last night, I was in this palace that would randomly morph into my human home, like they were in the same place. There was this guy-he was kind of feminine with long hair. I thought he was really hot. I think his hair was purple in the beginning of the dream he looked just like a kid-like me. he seemed real protective of me for some reason. He had a mean personality, I liked him a lot though, I kept reminding myself "just as a friend". he had super Duper pretty eyes. I think they may have been multicolored or something. I don't know why, but he gave me dragon vibes. He seemed to get mad at everyone, but me-but he did get annoyed with me. He followed me around a lot for some reason. I was trying to teach him which shit, but I was too fucked up to really say anything (as in high) I couldn't really tell his reaction to this. like he was annoyed, but he wouldn't leave. It felt like he just kept mentally calling me cute. I met a lady online and we met up at this massive underground garage, talking about ghosts and malicious spirits. She had really pretty long dark hair and a surreal face, truly gorgeous. She seemed really nice too. We found each other through our phones. while we were walking/talking we saw a scary ghost and ran away together. Around the end of the dream, I was upstairs in my bedroom and this time, the guy from earlier-he was much older, his hair cascade down his shoulders. He had a real tall build, but a thin frame. when I got in bed, he crawled in beside me and laid on his side facing away from me. I don't know why but my body kept like unconsciously trying to cuddle him, but every time I put my hand on his waist, he snapped at me. I had to hold my hand against my chest, so I wouldn't accidentally touch him. the problem was, I was pressed against the wall and he laid so close our legs, and probably my side touched his back. I felt pretty bad- I mean he seemed really uncomfortable with touching, but his presence seemed to put my whole body at peace so it felt really nice laying next to him. I wanted to touch him so I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I'm not sure exactly what happened next but I think he brings me to some kinda alien ward jail. I don't know why I was there. I was pretty scared. He told me I wasn't allowed to leave so obviously I tried to escape, but I was too pussy to completely leave because I felt like I was in big trouble or something when I got back to my room, another bed was moved in and he was standing beside it calmly (yet his energy screamed pissed) I felt really scared. He said I needed to be punished. I needed to be spanked. I almost felt like crying. I went and sat by the foot of my bed. he kept trying to say something like don't be scared you'll like it but I didn't believe him. he doesn't even like me touching him now he wants to hit me. I think he hates me, though he looked a little panicked when I walked back into the room. I'm not sure why. I think something went wrong at his job. I wish he just give me a hug and be my friend. Why does he wanna hurt me so much when I'm obviously scared. he felt like a warden. like a pretty monster that wanted me to suffer, why did you lay next to me if he dislikes me also for some reason he had the aura of what I assumed to be a dragon he smelled like the sun feels pleasant and warm.

3 Jun 2024



This isn't a new dream, it's a more older dream that I wanted to put in the app to see what you have to say. So the dream goes like this. I dream that me and my husband were at the first house we grew up in, me and my family and my brothers. In real life he has been there a couple of times so he knows what the house looks like but we haven't stayed in one place for long, especially during the divorce, my mom and dad's divorce, but we ended up back at that house in the end. Anyway, in my dream it was me and my husband and we were in the garden, the back garden where the fruit trees are, there's a dam, a water dam that provides the garden with water and such and also there's a small shed where the garden worker guy keeps the tools and lawnmower and stuff, but it's not a very big shed, we didn't like going into the shed because it only has a door and it's very dark inside there. In my dream I remember me and my husband were over there at the shed and I was inside the shed, the door was open. Also I just want to say this was a really hard fever dream because it felt so real and I was very distressed because it felt like my waking self wanted to talk to myself in the dream, but my dream self didn't want to listen so it was like a fever dream. Anyway I was standing in the doorway of the shed and I seemed normal at first, I was beckoning my husband to come closer, but my waking self wanted to scream at him, don't go closer, that's not me, that's not me, be careful. And I, the person in my dream that was me wanted him to come closer, but he was hesitant, he was very hesitant and I think he knew something was wrong, but it did seem like me, so he came closer until he was near that I could almost touch him. He stretched out his hand and I grabbed his hand with one of my hands and I wanted to pull him inside the shed, but my dream self was very strong, my waking self was screaming don't hurt my husband, don't, it's not me, it's not me, and I woke, sleep, it was a fever dream. Anyway, I grabbed his arm and he squinted his face because it was painful, I don't know how I was able to be that strong, I, my nails pierced his skin and he tried to let loose his arm to let go of me and he didn't come right, I was very strong and his eyes travelled past me inside the shed where it was very dark, it was like this darkness that beckoned him to come in, but the darkness is also me standing there and then his eyes went wide because I don't know if he could see, but there was like this, this thing, this dark thing also standing behind me like a creature, but you can't see, it's just, it's like the portrayal of the darkness inside, portrayed as a creature that's standing over me and guiding my personality, my actions, wanting him to come into this darkness with me and I just had this evil sinister look on my face, like this pleasurable smile, like I'm going to get him to do this thing, but it's not me and suddenly my eyes started to turn dark like black and suddenly around him in the garden, my family was there, a lot of people that I know, my brothers, my mom, my dad, his parents and they were just looking at the scene standing behind him and their eyes were also dark and he, he looked at me and he was just sad that this happened and me, my waking self was just screaming at him, please don't, don't, that's not me, eventually he let, he got loose his arm from me and he stood in, stood in the doorway, he didn't step into the darkness, he was standing in the bright light of the garden, but his eyes started to close off and he just looked sad and he didn't know, it seemed that he didn't know what to do, if he wanted to go with me, that's not me or to stay there because the me that was not me wanted him to come into the shade, into the darkness, but he knew he couldn't and that was the gist of the dream.

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