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10 Mar 2025



I went back in time and ended up at a weird restaurant where everyone's supposed to be rude to each other. Except all the customers were being nice. So when the waiter came over and just didn't take my order I took matters into my own hands. I went into the kitchen and ordered my food. But then they brought me the wrong thing. So I told the waiter it was wrong and he said "and? It's not like you'll do anything" so I just laugh and say "oh there is a storm coming your way" then he walks away and I gather all the food at the table and walk over and dump it on the waiter. And start going full Karen and screaming about telling the manager unless he brings me the right order. Then when I'm done everyone starts clapping and leads me to a secret backroom. Where there's a full garden and I'm allowed to eat whatever I want. So I start wandering around and eating all the fruit. And then I find blue berries and they're the perfect sweet and sour flavor. But then I keep walking along until I find sunflowers and I see that I can plant my own, but I have to solve a riddle first. But everytime I'm about to solve it someone comes over and solves it first. Then finally I lose my shit on the next person who does that and I start screaming again. Then someone comes over and hits me over the head with something. And I wake up

10 Mar 2025

Being Pregnant


This dream felt real. I had a baby... Which is a nightmare for me. I don't want kids. But in the dream I had a baby. The baby was huge and heavy, like half my height. I had him in my arms, swaddled, just for a few moments, trying to figure out what to do. I was internally panicking but on the outside I knew I had to take care of him no matter what. I don't remember giving birth but I knew it was my child. He was aging fast. By the time he had his first poop, he was able to walk to the toilet. I had to potty train him as his poop went everywhere but I was patient and cleaned it up. As he was rapidly aging, he also helped clean up his own poop from the walls. I was so proud, as I didn't even have to ask him to help. By the time we were done, he was walking off to school. I was scared internally but again proud of what I had done.




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10 Mar 2025



It started with this little girl who was like a sister to me. I wouldn’t say the sister I never had because I have two, my twin and my half sister who’s like… 8 years older than me. But anyway, she was walking with me to school in the rain, our neighborhood was quiet and peaceful, it was like a foggy gray and green dewy haze. But then the scene changed to my mind in darkness, and I was solving these purple puzzles and this voice kept talking to me, explaining that I am blood and due to a prophecy I am the child of the god of blood, soon god of blood. Then I woke up from this haze, but the girl and my “boss” (I think was the voice) were gone. We were in an office building and the animation changed to Fortnite? And I quickly got to my feet and we went to this vehicle station, my boss explained that we needed to pick a vehicle out of the 3 that had a fast break (when we press that button to stop the vehicle) and it could stop almost immediately. The first one was fast, but it didn’t break as fast. The second one was almost perfect, but we had to slow down a bit before we could break. And the third one was the best, but it didn’t go very fast, so I suggested we take a helicopter. There was only room for two people (and for some reason the little girl changed into almost my age) so me and my boss went into the helicopter and the girl hung onto the sides. But then my boss, who was driving the helicopter, stupidly went outside the door to crack the window open. But we’ve been heard noises outside the door and there was a man already waiting for us and he shot everyone and he shot my boss and he was about to shoot the girl and I quickly went back into the room, used a water bottle to crack the window open, and just when he was about to grab me I jumped out of the window. Then the scene changed AGAIN to me and my best friend Karmen destroying an entire mall, we were at forever 21 but it looked like a cross between aeropostale, aerie and H&M. Anyway, there was this Latina mom and she wasn’t skinny at all but she wasn’t like.. obese. Just a bit plus size, and she had like 7 kids and they were all surrounding the mannequin, and I grabbed a shirt off the mannequin because I didn’t see any other copies of the shirt around (the shirt was a slightly oversized beige knit sweater off the shoulder). Then the mom goes “Oh, you can’t do that.” And mumbled some Spanish and being the bigger person I’m like “oh, they’re right there? Thanks.” And she just nodded but then the shirt I was looking for wasnt there. Then come back to present time we put the entire mall on fire and walked away laughing, dark green grass, pitch black outside and it looked like we were in New York because we looked back and there were so many skyscrapers and stuff. And we were talking about how we would never murder anyone again and how we were going to hell (jokingly). Then we met with some friends and we were playing tennis together in pitch black, and then karmen gave me a piggy back ride.

10 Mar 2025



I had a dream I was staying at my aunts house and I was getting ready to sleep . I was not comfortable in the room I was sleeping in. So I crossed past her room to another bedroom. I noticed I startled her and her gentleman called apologized and continued to the other room. I opened the door and layed on the bed. On the headboard I noticed this light. It was shining on what seemed to me a big tank/ enclosure. There was a gap on n the front panel though. I see a big moth like bug fly out of it and into a dark corner to the left of me above the side table. Behind it seemed like there were many smaller but still big ones. Startled I fell out of the bed and they heard me and followed. At first they seemed harmless. Then one landed on my arm and I tried to swat it away. This angered them and they started attacking my arms biting me over and over until I smooshed them all one by one. I pulled them off me skin as some clinged on to my arms by their teeth. Once I killed them all I looked down at my arms to see they were covered in bites. As I finally take a breath and try to relax I see the huge one unraveling. I immediately ran to my aunt in the next room crying tellling her what had happened. Her reaction was nonchalant. She just said I knew that tank would not hold up. Then I woke up.

10 Mar 2025



I'm running through the woods looking around like I'm being chased, but I don't see anyone, then I make it to the exit and I'm behind some old womans house in the neighborhood that I grew up in. Her fence is still broken from where my sister and one of our friends ran into it with a sled, I look at that for a second and then keep running. I run down the street until I make it in front of my aunt's old house, then I spot some purple/pink flowers and decide to pick them for my mom, but they burn my fingers when I do. Then I walk over to my aunts neighbors house, but the people who lived there were related to me. My sister, two cousins, my boyfriend, and my nephew are all there waiting for me. My sister tells me the woman who lived there died but I don't really know who she's talking about, we have to go through her things and decide what to do with it. After spend a couple minutes in the garage we come out and are suddenly at a campsite. Everyone is getting their stuff set up so I pick up my nephew and decide to go to the bathroom, once I make it to the building with the bathrooms I realize that all 4 of them are really gross and I don't wanna go in there, but there's this guy outside who offers to clean one for me real quick and when he comes back out he starts flirting with me. I tell him I have a boyfriend but he doesn't care, he's very insistent that I at least give him a chance and go on a date with him. I just walk away from him and go back in the bathroom, but as soon as I walk out of the stall it's suddenly a gym with a bunch of women that I don't know in it. I walk around looking for the door but I don't have my nephew with my anymore and some of the women start being really mean to me. One of them shove me and I land in a chair, another woman pushes the chair I'm in up to a table and starts lecturing me about about my whole life, telling me that I need to fix everything or I'm gonna ruin my life. She pulls out a map and starts pointing to different places as she tells me that if I don't start getting my shit together I'm gonna lose everyone I love.

9 Mar 2025

Abandoned home


I had 3 dreams last night. Well they sequed into one another kind of. The first dream I was in a bookstore by the sea I was going to be attending a writer's retreat and needed to get books for the seminars I'd be in. I ran into a former friend from grad school, Heather. In real heather and I had a strong friendship and then she ended it when she graduated and I didn't. In the dream she was saying how the speaker for the seminar was really tough and would I be able to handle it cuz it would be a lot of nonfiction. I ignored her, got my books, and when to to seminar. It was in a greenhouse by the beach it was sunset. The speaker was really rude but I didn't care. Then I caught sight of an ex of mine, Nathan. Nathan was excited to see me and we left the seminar. We went to his room which was underground he had a collection of weird glass objects and I gave him a piece of glass I'd found on the beach earlier. He hugged me. Then we went outside and everything was strange. No one was around. The moon was full and bright on the ocean and a giant robot was rising from the ocean . Nathan was holding me close and had become like demonic and he whispered into my ear "I love you so much even though you're poisonous" then he disappeared and I was in a mountain forest with my mom going into a thrift/art store that me and a friend had helped fund that sold art by Black women and queer people. I went inside to celebrate the opening but while I was shopping there was a woman there telling me my taste was tacky and I should just leave. I ignored her and bought a ceramic purple heart for heather and a googley eye earning and green stone earing for Nathan. When I returned to the writers retreat I gave the heart to heather telling her that even though i don't want to be friends I still hoped she had a good life. She told me Nathan had been kidnapped. Then I woke up. When I went back to sleep I was standing before a large abandoned gothic manor on the side of a mountain. I entered because it was a family home and I needed to clear it out. Also I was looking for something but wasn't sure what but thought it might be inside. Inside were a family of ghosts, Victorian era, they were trying to hide the houses contents from each other because neither wanted the other to inherit the riches inside. But everything was covered I'm cobwebs and desolate. I left and was suddenly with my friend Kari and an ex friend alejandra. We were going out drinking. Kari and alejandra has bought new dresses and wore makeup but I just wore pants and a shirt no makeup still I was excited. We entered a store to buy snacks and they wanted to pre drink, but i only had $10 so I declined buying anything. We then went to an elevator that took us down to a hip bar. They wandered off and I entered a roller skating ring that was dark with flashing neon's lights and music. It was for people over 40 but no one noticed I was in my 30s. I danced and then left. Saw Kari and alejandra by a standalone bar flirting with the bartender. The news was playing. I asked what I could get for $4 and the bartender recommended a durian pineapple passionflruit drink. It was sweet and yummy. Kari and alejandra disappeared again and all the bartenders left amd even though I was alone I realized I was enjoying myself just me. I left and went home and my mom needed my help writing an essay then I woke up

9 Mar 2025



Here's what I can recall from a dream I had some time back so it went like this All I can remember is my younger brother was up on the surface level of some sort of facility it looked like we were in some post-apocalyptic world and my younger brother was up on the surface while I was down in the underground bunker where the safe was with this woman and child And then I remembered out of nowhere these men were bringing my younger brother to me Hill hostage and I closed the vault before they could get any clear shot and aim at us and before they got any closer and I locked it and they were telling me to open the vault door and let them in or they would kill my younger brother there I was contemplating and dealing with some intense emotions and even though all this was happening in me I look back at the woman and child and I think they represented my feminine energy and mindset qualities as well as my inner child and whatever my little brother did in that situation it seems like he let himself get caught or he got involved in a situation where it went all downhill and they came looking for me I don't know but that's all I can remember but I definitely can say this though I was dealing with those tough emotions my younger brother who I do hold dear and love I was not going to open the door in the end I already decided that he was going to get killed by them because I refuse to open the door and sacrifice all of us and I know once I open the door they will kill us and then him too or him first and then us doesn't matter this also doesn't matter but maybe it helps if I give you every bit of detail The woman and child were black though that doesn't matter to me any woman or child endanger kind of makes me kick in my aggressive protective side but yeah

9 Mar 2025

Swimming Pool


I was at this pool party and it was snowing outside and I had to jump in one of these warm water places to remain warm. So I chose the outside one and it was a little bit cooler than the inside ones that had covers but it was alright so I jumped in it. It remained warm for a while and it was a long few hour test but luckily for me only it's better for five minutes. Then I passed and then I jumped out and all these girls were dancing with all these guys so I started dancing with the leader and the leader passed me on to a girl and I started dancing with girl after girl after girl and we were doing the waltz. The dancing was actually going pretty good and we were having a lot of fun and then finally after a while all these girls were talking and talking and talking. The dancing eventually stopped and we were all just standing there talking and I wasn't paying attention to what we were talking about and then I started flicking rubber bands at people but not actually hitting them because they were just getting real close while I was waiting. So I was flicking all these rubber bands and then I woke up.

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