10 Mar 2025
It started with this little girl who was like a sister to me. I wouldn’t say the sister I never had because I have two, my twin and my half sister who’s like… 8 years older than me. But anyway, she was walking with me to school in the rain, our neighborhood was quiet and peaceful, it was like a foggy gray and green dewy haze. But then the scene changed to my mind in darkness, and I was solving these purple puzzles and this voice kept talking to me, explaining that I am blood and due to a prophecy I am the child of the god of blood, soon god of blood. Then I woke up from this haze, but the girl and my “boss” (I think was the voice) were gone. We were in an office building and the animation changed to Fortnite? And I quickly got to my feet and we went to this vehicle station, my boss explained that we needed to pick a vehicle out of the 3 that had a fast break (when we press that button to stop the vehicle) and it could stop almost immediately. The first one was fast, but it didn’t break as fast. The second one was almost perfect, but we had to slow down a bit before we could break. And the third one was the best, but it didn’t go very fast, so I suggested we take a helicopter. There was only room for two people (and for some reason the little girl changed into almost my age) so me and my boss went into the helicopter and the girl hung onto the sides. But then my boss, who was driving the helicopter, stupidly went outside the door to crack the window open. But we’ve been heard noises outside the door and there was a man already waiting for us and he shot everyone and he shot my boss and he was about to shoot the girl and I quickly went back into the room, used a water bottle to crack the window open, and just when he was about to grab me I jumped out of the window. Then the scene changed AGAIN to me and my best friend Karmen destroying an entire mall, we were at forever 21 but it looked like a cross between aeropostale, aerie and H&M. Anyway, there was this Latina mom and she wasn’t skinny at all but she wasn’t like.. obese. Just a bit plus size, and she had like 7 kids and they were all surrounding the mannequin, and I grabbed a shirt off the mannequin because I didn’t see any other copies of the shirt around (the shirt was a slightly oversized beige knit sweater off the shoulder). Then the mom goes “Oh, you can’t do that.” And mumbled some Spanish and being the bigger person I’m like “oh, they’re right there? Thanks.” And she just nodded but then the shirt I was looking for wasnt there. Then come back to present time we put the entire mall on fire and walked away laughing, dark green grass, pitch black outside and it looked like we were in New York because we looked back and there were so many skyscrapers and stuff. And we were talking about how we would never murder anyone again and how we were going to hell (jokingly). Then we met with some friends and we were playing tennis together in pitch black, and then karmen gave me a piggy back ride.