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8 Mar 2025

Angry at mom
Being Pregnant


This dream felt so real..that my mom had change my lower half to a male part due to being bi-gender, thinking I was trans. We fell into a argument and I was the one yelling due to feeling uncomfortable and confused why she had done that without my permission. I was able to feel everything like my own body, I could touch people and everything like in reality. My older sister was there, giving me a look saying that I should be happy with the new me. I yelled at her as well due to anger and was confused why she would ask that. I yelled "how would you feel if you got your private changed into a dick!" Then she looked shock, looking away from me with guilt. I felt like I was in that dream for hours because I remember moving around feeling uncomfortable with having a male part. I kept looking at it, my lower half to the point I didn't even understand myself anymore due to everything that had happend. Then I woke up feeling shocked and confused.

8 Mar 2025

Being hunted
Abandoned home


I had another dream that was a little bit more intense, it kind of picked up where my last dream had stopped, but the person I was with was a completely different person at this point. Anyway, so I was in a car and I was driving and I realized I needed to get some gas, so I stopped over in this one area. The gas station was closed, so I was like, well, I guess I'll just keep going somewhere. And by the time I had done that, some guy came up and said, oh, I've got some gas in my house, why don't you just come on over right down the road, I could just fill you up a little bit to get you to a gas station. I said, okay, and I follow him and I get to his house and I quickly realize that this is not a normal house, that there's just junk and piles of stuff everywhere. And then I walk into his house and wait in the kitchen and then I start to realize that it's almost like a hoarder house, there's mattresses on the floor, doors are missing, piles of just random stuff, mattresses and clothes and boxes and coolers and all kinds of stuff is just everywhere all over the floor, blocking some of these doors and stuff. And I quickly realize that I'm in a bad situation here and I think that this person is a bad person, so I start to panic and I go to leave. He follows me and he's like, where are you going, I haven't put any gas in your car yet, you can't leave. And at this point I had just enough gas to just at least get out of there and I tried to leave and he pulled me back in and this time he pulled me into this house again, dragged me in by my arm and put me into a room and tied me up and then I somehow manage to get loose and be able to call a friend and this friend is a guy friend who comes and helps try to get me out of this situation and then this is where the dream starts to turn into like a movie and he comes and he tries to get me untied and then I get free and we make it outside and I manage to get out somehow and then I realize, oh I forgot something and then when I go back I realize that there was actually another person, another woman that was also being held captive, similar to me, so I try and get her freed and then that's when he realizes that we've all managed to get out and escape so then him and somebody else that he had that wasn't there before at his house chased us down out to the cars, we had to split up and we, I ended up going back into the house to try and hide, I hid behind a door in his room behind a chair on top of a pile of clothes thinking well if he comes in here he probably won't see me or something I don't know, he ended up coming in and sitting in the room on the floor to watch like TV or something like that it was really weird and then I swear that he could probably see me and he doesn't see me at all and that's when I hear this other girl that was there make noises like she's screaming or something like that he gets up and he tries to go find her that's when I see he has a gun in his hand and pocket and so then I begin to come out and I see him through a window go outside looking for her that's when my girlfriend comes in that I had called and gets me out of this room and then we realized that he had actually like barricaded us in so the door that we had gone out before is now more closed off than it was before and we climb through these piles of things hoping that the other person that he had with him at that house doesn't see us but at this point just taking a chance to try and get out and so we are climbing through and I get through the door and then I realized that we're not just barricaded in by things he's now managed to somehow put a cage up around the door so that if we have to try and get out we have to get up and out of this cage thing that's when my guy friend somehow manages to get out but by the time that he got out the other person had started coming after me and then so did the guy with the gun and so while he's over there I'm trying to clip through this cage with some wire cutters and like make a hole to be able to climb through this guy comes and he tries to get me and pull me out of the window but when he does that my friend that had gotten out comes running at him and the other guy with a big axe and he throws an axe and misses both of them then comes and grabs it out of the wall and tries to come and get me and that's when there's a fight and one of the guys gets the axe and then he starts running and he they throw the axe at my friend and he gets immediately decapitated and at this point I'm still trying to cut the hole through the cage I get a big enough hole and I climb up and out and the other girl that had gone out I yelled for her to also grab her gun and she got a gun and she and I managed to get out but I was really sad because my friend obviously got killed and then I woke up from that one.




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8 Mar 2025



I was in a village that had houses on the lake/sea, they were wooden houses that looked run down and it seemed that one of the houses that my friend was in was sinking slowly. We were all gathering her things to try and help her save items. There was a tense environment always because it seemed that she was afraid of her father and she was angry and mourning the death of her mother who loved to paint and take pictures. We helped them reconcialiate and then when she was gone I went back to her house and rescued as much of her mother's things so I could surprise her. There was lots of water now but I managed to get 3 bags full and when my family caught me helping they started to help me too. It all felt quite nice up until I got back home and someone thought it would be funny to pass on cactus pricks and put them on the cats. Suddenly my cat in waking life came home and she looked okay, until I picked her up and she had black thick thorns/sticks in her. They were all over her back legs and I was trying to take them all out slowly but she had so many, she was crying and I was crying. And then as I was taking another one out it started getting thicker and bigger and I was so traumatised, crying and pulling it out, I kept on saying "I'm sorry girl, I'm so sorry" by the time I pulled it out it was a large rifle bullet. And I screamed thinking she might be bleeding from somewhere else, and then I looked at her tail and it had been cut. I was feeling weak in the knees and I couldn't stop crying. I woke up then and have been feeling with nausea and it has really effected me in waking life. I felt as if someone had assaulted my cat and a part of me.

8 Mar 2025



My family and I were on a walk at a trail that follows a local salmon ladder and art the very top is a large waterfall. At the bottom, there is a brewery. All along the way, there is a wooden fence that keeps walkers on the trail, away from the small cliff to the waters. I have my 3 children with me and my husband. Suddenly, I look up the waterway and a massive flag flood is barreling down. I scream for my children and try to get them away from the edges. After the large wave goes by, I look for them. My 2 youngest are climbing and playing on the wrong side of the fence, near the high, rushing waters. My oldest is laying in a puddle, knocked unconscious but ok. My husband is not far from her, having a seizure on a rock. I need to get to all of them. I'm calling my youngest children back from the edges, begging them to be careful. My daughter listens and come down, but my son does not. I keep watching my daughter and my 2 unconscious loved ones while he plays on the edge. I'm moving towards him as careful and as fast as I can without scaring him so he doesn't fall in. My seizing husband is turning purple and my oldest is still motionless. I finally get close enough to grab him, but he dodges and screams "no!", almost falling in. I grab for him again, catching his arm and pulling in to safety. I scream at him "why cant you just listen and be safe?!" Suddenly, my husband, who is now both seizing on the ground and standing right in front of me, takes me son from me and tells me im being too aggressive with him. I turn to go help my other child and my husband, but then i wake up

8 Mar 2025

Dirty toilet
Being Late
Childhood home


I have night terrors that are the same environment so to speak each time. Typically it’s a moisture between a mall and airport that also has my old jobs there alone with my elementary school. I find myself changing ages depending on where I’m at but for some reason I’m almost always late for my flight, I’m not sure where I’m going but something always makes me miss it. The plane is not typical it is clear glass glob that goes into space when it takes off. Usually I’m panicking because I lost my ticket at last minute. The outside is my old neighborhood I had a lot of trauma in and I’m constantly digging in a dirty filthy dark home that looks similar to my old house from Back then trying to find babies and animals crying for help buried under clothes.

7 Mar 2025

Black man


There was a terrible war and children near a sand dune were badly impacted. I was moved to great compassion. Then my friend Jon had a wheelchair and couldnt afford a nicer one that wasnt broken and i cried because he couldnt get better and i couldnt help. Then he left us and got into a car and started beating his chest to intimate my husband. My husband got really upset. Kurt cobain was there and i talked about how 90s holed pants were the greatest but that that style has made a recent comeback. Then i was in a mansion with huge ceilings and windows that was gorgeous. I saw a black man lay back on the couch in main area with arms out back down as if to relax. Then we made some nouse and had to hide. I hid in a room of one of the women who lived there and there was a bed that was mediocre and a ton of gym equipment.

7 Mar 2025



I know I was in a mental kinda school/prison and everyone was doing there time but then the scene I’m in a grocery store/house with Ike’s and doors leading to rooms. Everyone has different weapons on them around me and everyone fitting like physos I remember there was a fat white man and the end of the ile staring at me running after me but he never moved. I was so scared I wasn’t a physco and I knew I was in a dream but I couldn’t leave it and people kept killing me but I was always alive. I went up to the fat lady who I thought I could trust she lead me to a room and gave me two creams I speed the green one on her face thinking it was some voo doo poison it was green. But while I was doing this I inhaled the on the white cream labeled moisturiser. The lady told me I was going to die in an hour. She then heard a noise and came out the roo. While she was killing other I hid in the closet and closed the door but the closet door wrinkled and people came in the room and could see me. This tall guy with a machete knife I remember always aimed on me. This dream was so disturbing and every time some was killing me id close my eyes and ears but I remember and think there’s already head phone on my head

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