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16 Sep 2024



Last night I had a dream of my Uncle Ski passing away my Nana (diseased) came and said “There’s a curse on our family and when I asked my dad about it he lmk his worry about dying young and it was basically up to me and my aunt to end that curse




DreamApp: Journal & Dictionary

DreamApp provides an answer for what you saw in your dreams immediately after you wake up.

16 Sep 2024



I dreamed I was in college. It was not my college. I was planning the food schedule and so on for the weekends. I want to order pepperoni pizza every weekend and maybe go out on many different dates with different people. However, it seems I was a female and saw a celebrity across from me. He had nice abs and a great look. I was thinking how cute he was. Then the dream shifted that it seems everyone around me was hiding a secret. Some did drugs, some did alcohol. Some were hiding their own shame and did not want to tell anyone around me. I was going through all my old high school English teachers like it was a fast class one over after. Then I saw a video game on TV above the school library and wanted to play. Suddenly, I was in a world of Skyrim as if I teleported there ad a warrior and I had the arrow and bow. I shot the arrow in the water and it revealed a golden map. Then the dream shifted back to school. I don't remember the rest

16 Sep 2024



i was in the car with my mom and two of my coworkers were in the backseat. my mom asked me if i would like to go with her to the trip to canada in 2 days or if i already have a different plan for transportation. i looked at her like i saw a ghost, what trip??? apparently people have been preparing for a trip to canada for months and i just learn about it now! i told her that i would see and she sighed. later on i was in a locker room with another one of my coworker and i asked her how she's planning on going and if i could go with her. she said she's been planning this trip for months and theres no way she could take me in. she was very surprised by my question, i mean how did this even happen?? how could i have missed this information for so long ! then there was this sudden cutscene of me and my mom being in a field with a tree and a young woman was standing right in front of us. she had hair as long as rapunzel and a lot of her hair was on the tree! my mom and i were stunned but she explained that this is a cultural thing. i only have a very vague memory of what she actually told us but then the cutscene ended and my mom and u were back in the real world and i was worried about my transportation method to canada. then i woke up.

16 Sep 2024



I dreamt that I was in a group that was like a panel. The panel was made up of principals and superintendents. The facilitator was asking the participants questions about the abilities of students and was asking each person who had been a principal about the abilities of students at their level. When the facilitator got to me they said oh but you have never been a principal. And I answered, actually I was a principal for 12 years. They asked me where and I told them that I was a principal at an early childhood campus. I also knew the answers to a lot of the questions they were asking. When they asked my former superintendent questions about students he didn’t know how to answer the question. I knew the answer because I had actually taught students that age. We had to prepare lessons to teach the other members of the group and my lesson would be on the last day. I was looking at the different ways the other participants were going to teach the lessons. I also dreamt that I was in my house and that there was someone there to help fix a problem with our internet or computers. I usually fix those problems. My husband kept criticizing the way I did things. I finally got fed up and walked away and decided I was not going to help with anything that was going on because he wasn’t happy with the way I did things. I went into my room and started putting laundry away and he came in to argue with me. I told him to get out and not talk to me. My mom was also there and told him to leave me alone.

16 Sep 2024



I was home, I finally moved over to the other side of the house where I’m supposed to be. So I was cleaning and organizing everything. It was snowing outside, so I shoveled some of the snow. Before going inside, I’d noticed the snow was gone from the front of the house before I got to shovel it. All of a sudden I was with Anthony and Jaelynn. At first I was taking a math test, passing for Jaelynn while she wasn’t there. Nobody had noticed I wasn’t Jaelynn except for Anthony. I took a school bus like Jaelynn would have, and we saw Jaelynn outside. She smiled and came running closer to the bus, waving at me and Anthony, I was thinking it wasn’t a good idea since nobody had noticed I was pretending to be her. We got off the bus and walked with her, suddenly Anthony was having a conversation with her. I don’t remember what he was saying but it was making her upset. I’d said something in her defense and Anthony told me to shut up. He got angry that I was butting into the conversation, all of a sudden he was coming at me, grabbed my shirt and had me on the ground about to punch my face. Jaelynn was about to stop him while I was already crying. I woke up at that moment and I was actually crying in real life as well.

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