21 Dec 2024
My dream consisted of me going into multiple different parallel universes. It started with me and my girlfriend Nikki. She was teaching me this “game”, where you float and you balance rings on your body. It was like how you float on your back in water, but we were doing it in the air. The rings were like the ones you throw on bottles on a ring toss. She was coaching me for a competition. I was getting ready to go in for the competition but it was in a solo room. Nikki showed up and I was like, you need to go, because she wasn’t supposed to be in there. The instructor/judge came in and was telling me to start. I saw Nikki out the window trying to warn me about something. I started to float when I realized the judge was evil. I had to run away. I started running into random doors in this building. I was going up and down into any door I could find until I found myself somewhere different. I could tell I was somewhere else. I don’t remember all of the universes, but I remember some. One of them was kinda in a backyard and there were bushes and butterflies. And then I would go through a door and be brought to another universe. One I came into was in an ocean and we were standing on these big planks of wood. It was scary because the waves were so strong and I thought I was gonna fall in. I found a dock and jumped onto it. There were some wooden stairs that I walked up and there was a birthday party going on. I was there and it was all fun and games until this evil man showed up. I remember hiding with everyone under the tables. At some point I found a chance to run away and back down the stairs I came from. There were some universes that were like animated or cartoon-like. At one point, I broke down crying and repeated 3 times “I wanna go home” banging my fist on the floor. I woke up and I was on my staircase at my childhood home. The stairs are winding so I couldn’t see who was at the bottom, but it sounded like Nikki. I don’t know if I was “home” or not, but I ended up in a different universe. This time I was in a very nice and luxurious bathroom that I had built apparently. Some judges came in and told me that I had won first place in this building competition. I felt very proud, but then one of the other people in the competition came over to my room. He seemed very friendly at first, telling me that he had won second place. All of a sudden, he did a 180 and tried to attack me because he was jealous and thought he should’ve won first. I ran and escaped him, and the other people in the competition and the judges managed to keep him back away from me. We went out to this huge playing field where we were all floating. We were in a square formation. A lady announced that we had all won a free set of abs. Suddenly these machines popped up in front of each of us. It was like a workout machine mixed with guitar hero. We just had to complete one game and then we would have chiseled abs. I remember being lazy and not wanting to do it. We all made our way over to these bleachers and it was nap time or something. The guy who had won second came and sat by me. I trusted that he was calm now and he was for a bit longer than last time until he started to come at me again. I ran away under the bleachers and into a different reality. This time was in an office building. We were on the top floor with no where to go, and someone was chasing us. There was an old elevator that I ran into with the people I was with and we took a chance on it. I clicked the down button and close door button until we got to the ground floor. It opened up on the other side into a little garden, that led into a parking lot. We all walked out as if nothing happened. I asked this girl if I could go home with her, because I didn’t know where I was going. We went to her house and Sabrina carpenter was there and we were having a slumber party type, but I felt excluded. I remember handing Sabrina a list of things I think she should do or write songs about or something. This is about where I woke up.