3 Nov 2023
I had a dream that I was at work but it wasn't my current job or like anything I had done before, ut was this big maze like building and every room was like another giant warehouse, but for some reason even though nothing was familar and I didn't know anyone there, I just interacted like it was my daily routine, I found all these cats and then the dream changed it was like they were all mine and they where in a home that was apparrently mine but i'd never been in before, then all the cats kept running away and getting lost, I was so stressed trying to find them and I followed them to a field where U was trying to dig them out of a rabbit hold but as I was pulling them out all these people showed up and started playing with them, then this woman that even though I know she isn't I recognised her as my mother, she shated handing out food to everyone and it was like a picknick, it was at tjis point I realised I wasn't an adult in my dream anymore but a child, I woke up shortly after to my cat pawing at my face, very strange dream even for me, I don't normally dream of people or places I've never seen before,it's usually a mash up multiple places I know connectling into eachother, or peoples i've previously known but not thought of in a long time