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24 Feb 2024
My parents transformed my childhood bedroom in an attic. I always dream I am cleaning it. I can’t wake up I am stuck
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I dreamed of my daughter last night. I was at her dad's home to see her. There were a few women who showed up and they all went to the garage, I don't know who they were but I was alone with my daughter Lilly. I was able to hug her and kiss her and tell her how much I love her and miss her so much, and she says to me she's ready to go. That she loves her family but she's ready to go be with me now.
In the dream, I ran this shop with my “dad”. It was a thrift/pawn shop. It had many toys from the 2000’s of which I have great memories with. I fell asleep on a chair in front of the shop and forgot to lock the door. Later that night, my quote unquote “Grandpa” broke into the shop and snatched me. The grandpa looked inhuman, but not creepy. That next morning, I was found in a trash can in a park with lots of green hills. This process reoccurred the next night. I woke up in a trash can. My “grandpa” was standing on a high hill. On the other hill, there was also this mysterious entity. I began running as fast as I could to get away from them. I found an axe and be headed the second monster, and I believe my “grandpa” as well.
I am in my apartment when the ceiling falls through. I look up and see new faces. A new couple. Then my dad comes and magically fixes the ceiling in 30 seconds. Then I go outside and see there's a person moving in next door. I go to look at the apartment and it's huge. My family is now with me looking at this apartment. It has all the luxuries and never ends including giant windows and a whirlpool tub. I tell my friend Kris is if he wants to be my roommate then we can live here and he tells me to get married. Next I know is I'm on the phone with my mom and she is supposed to call me for lunch. Then I am upset that she did not invite me for lunch when she invited the rest of the family. Next thing is I'm lying in bed and tiny red bugs start crawling in from the ceiling. There are millions of them coming in and I grab my cats and run outside. This is when I realized I'm naked and I'm trying to use the cats to hide myself. I run up to my neighbors apartment and realize I'm still naked. I try to cover myself but my mom just looks at me. She brought me a lobster that's dead and cooked. I take the lobster down to my room and put it in the sink. Then I stomp three times and the bugs disappear. After this, the lobster comes alive and tried to kill me. I finally am able to kill it by cutting it down the middle and it's juices and guts spill everywhere. Someone who is at my place with their wife and kid are mad cause they are allergic. Then I wake up
Being trapped inside of my old school where I had many traumatic experiences from, including bullying and harassment. In the dreams i’m usually sobbing for my mom and can’t get out of the school to find her. I try to ask others for help in the dream, but they never end up actually helping me. Usually they will just bring me to another place or room that still isn’t anywhere near the exit. Finding the exit to the school is near impossible.
I was at a movie that was in a basement with seats and beds. My husband and i tool the bed spot and ended up a young man amd lady took the other bed seats. The movie cut out and all of a sudden a friend i havent seen in 10 years, or more, was there and I was excitedly showing jer a beaitiful rainbow blanket o crocheted for my grandaughter. Then all of a sudden the man from the other bed space was there and trying to talk to me intimatley, my husband was no longer in the dream. I was ignoring him and trying to show amie the blanket and all of a sudden i was runnin down a hall way.
This was… a bit of an odd dream that I’m going to try and put into words. (FULL DISCLOSURE: There was nothing sexual of the kind in this dream.) So it started with me in the shower. And I was fully clothed for some reason. But… I wasn’t alone in there. There was a woman with red skin, pitch black eyes. Even the whites of her eyes were black. And she had these thin long horns and a long thin arrowhead like tail. She would be in the tub with me, and for some reason… we were laughing? And when I would exit the tub, I’d look back and she would be gone. It was almost like a link was closed whenever I stepped out of that tub. But this time… it was different. When I got out of the tub she was still there this time. Standing up, looking at me expressionless. And when I went to open the bathroom door… it didn’t open. That’s when my heart sank a bit. Then I looked back at her, her hand was raised. Almost in a way that you’d think that she was using some power to keep you here and not let that door open. That’s when things got a bit too real for me. Which resulted in me using all my strength to open that door. Whilst I was doing that she let out a… demonic kind of shriek. And when she did that. Two things entered my thoughts. Either you use all of your strength to open that door. Or two… you use all that strength and break off the door knob and then you’re trapped in their with her. So… a lose-lose situation. Didn’t have much to lose at that point. And to my surprise the door opened at that’s when I woke up. But… I can’t but wonder when I got of there that the link never closed back up. Hopefully I don’t have a continuation of this dream 🙃.
Skiing? Or just walking. I’m the mountains-some kids come. Looking for my dropped pen .
I was on a bus full of people and I was calm and relaxed I noticed a mall coming up to the left and it seemed familiar because there was a person with me that I I knew he was a coworker, and I told him let’s get off here because it’s easier to enter from this point, because there were two ways to enter, and we got off the bus and begin to walk crossing the street and we entered, and then I went into a store bought a shirt I had a black back pack after buying a shirt, I walked out of the store into the mall area and noticed that the backpack was gone. I approach all security and explained to them that if they find a backpack, it belongs to me and I will be over at JCPenney’s well after talking with Security I walked over towards the JCPenney‘s but it shifted into a room where I was changing and there were two people a girl in the guy and as I begin to put on the shirt it didn’t fit the woman was asking me was I in a relationship with another woman I don’t know who the woman was but I remember the name Jennifer I told her no I woke up the whole time. I thought of my normal regular job that I’ve already came off and the reason for me buying the shirt was to go to another job at the JCPenney‘s which in my dream I believe that perhaps it was a job not sure, but I know that I went through an interview with a lady. Perhaps that was Jennifer.
My best friend was moving into a house with her new boyfriend and my kids and were helping her move. The house was big and kinda shaped weird, but loved it so I was happy for her. As we were sorting boxes and sending them to the areas they belonged in the house her dog started growling and barking crazy. Then out of nowhere I felt a presence (ghost), you could feel it the most around the stairs that lead to the bedrooms. Due to her dog barking, I had to take the dog home with me and the kids. A few weeks later my friend had a house warming, her kids, friends, and family were there, I knew most of the people but some I didn’t know. It was a fun event until the ghost showed up and ruined the party. I could never see the ghost but I could feel the energy shift from it being there.
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