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10 Feb 2024
I was out in the forest and helping a stranded couple with directions but then suddenly king Kong emerged and stole the woman. I followed from behind as her fiance ran away. When king Kong was busy I rescues the woman and she fell in love with me.
I was at the park with my mother and my brother and sister when a creepy man came towards us and tried kidnapping us. We ran away and found people with an RV so we hopped in. Before my sister was all the way in the man had grabbed her leg and then I went to try and kick the man so my sister could get in but my mom got mad at me for running towards danger and she attacked the man with me. We were on the road a long time after that. Then out of nowhere the man that was following us earlier was behind us shooting at us. A bullet hit my mom in the back of her head and she died. Then I randomly found a gun and shot the dude that shot my mom.
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I was looking outside of the window where I live and I see these random people taking down the American/ Puerto Rican flags that are hung up and they are replacing them with red flags. I had this sinking feeling in my stomach about what was going on, like something was wrong. I see my other neighbors looking through their windows and porches to see whatβs going on. These random people outside our spray painting things, destroying things and it seems like an invasion. At first they make it seem like they are a nice group, and start bribing people with sweets, money, gifts to get them to join this group. I become terrified to even leave the apartment and I start thinking of ways my cats and I can leave along with my dad. My dad is somewhere working. Me and some of the other neighbors who donβt agree with what is going on meet up in one of the abandoned apartments and we all watch from the window together what is happening. It seems like so much time has passed at this point because the outside it completely overtaken with red and people dressed up in terrifying gear. We then see someone dressed as the devil. And when you look the to the right you can notice a small beach area. The neighbors and I discuss how scary this situation is but how we can fight back. We all agree to fight back and to not accept any gifts. All the sudden they start jumping over the balcony and going to fight the intruders. A huge boat comes out of nowhere and more and more of these enemies are coming out of the boat. Itβs a blood bath. Im recording what is going on from the balcony so we can show proof to the world of what is happening and so I can let my friends know of the situation that is going on. My fear increases in the dream and I realize we should have left and moved as soon as we saw this invasion coming.
I was in a room that was unorganized full of people. I spent or lost a big chunk of my money and then found lots of money and was excited to add it to my account. But I felt guilt because someone was upset that they lost their money. Then I woke up
I was arguing with annoying girls at my school.
I was in my schoolβs gym at a party. My crush was there and I spoke to him briefly. Then when I walked away and turned around, he was gone. I encountered one of my friends and although they look nothing alike, I thought it was my crush. Later, outside, me and the other people at the party broke open and climbed over a huge gate wall to get food.
Mt partner and I were at the beach with my old school friend and he was walking around with her and left me behind
I had a dream that I was in my boyfriends house and I saw a young lady engaging in lewdness and obscene sexual acts outside my boyfriend home. This woman was having sex with two men outside of a grey vehicle. She was naked from the waist down and had on a light blue cami and there was a dude in a white undershirt. The grass was green beneath them. She was also wearing nothing but the light blue cami and white gym shoes. She was on top of one man while the other was next to her. My sister was within the home with me and had witnessed this action as well.
I was in a house watching tv with 2 random women one was pregnant and one wasnβt when someone broke in and i tried to protect the pregnant lady while the other made a diversion and got shot in the back and died
I was laying in the bed of a truck in a drive in movie when someone came and shot me in the back of the head with a gun
I had a dream that I was in my boyfriendβs kitchen cooking and cleaning and that I saw a white cat laying on a sofa bed in the living room in front of the living room window . This white cat looked comfortable and big and fluffy and white and was wagging her tail and she had a very big belly! But what was even more interesting was how content this white cat appeared to be. I was naked in the kitchen cleaning and I saw myself naked and poised in the kitchen as if I was happy to see someone or myself coming through the kitchen door. It was early morning and the the sun was pearing through the kitchen window with elements of shadow but not thick enough where the shadows overwhelmed the light.
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