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Dream Meanings – page 1283

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11 Feb 2024



I dreamed that I had roommates in some strange hotel/apartment, I was told to come over near large windows looking out at the water where there was a dock. The dock was unloading a shipment of snakes. My roommate told me to point at one to claim it so I did. As the snakes were released, I realized they were enormous, to the point people were riding them. It seemed the implication was that I would be riding the snake I chose.

11 Feb 2024

Light (Not Dark)


I had a dream that I went to Reading festival, and the stage was really small, and somehow I managed to get backstage with a couple of friends, and Green Day were playing, and they were setting up their equipment, and they were building a barrel, I don't know why they were setting up the equipment themselves, but they were asking us what colour our hair was, and we were telling them, and then it got quite dark, and one of my friends was flying a drone, and she was getting worried because she couldn't see the drone because it was so dark, and it wasn't hers, and she was worried it was going to crash, and she was going to get in trouble, and then I went to go get a drink, and it became light again, and I tried to get back on stage, but I thought I don't really care because there wasn't a lot going on there, so I was kind of just sitting at the front of the stage waiting for them to start, and I thought I would text Paul, and I couldn't find him in my phone to text him, but I eventually found him on WhatsApp, and I thought I'll just dictate my message, so I pressed the button, and I chatted into the phone about what I was doing, and when I went to send it, it had actually just searched a load of things on Google, and I was really struggling to send him a message, so I had to then find him on WhatsApp again, and just send him like one sentence at a time, and send it, but he looked like he'd never sent me a message, but anyway, and for some reason everyone could see my knickers, my skirt was lifted up a little bit, so I was trying to pull that down, and then I'd ripped my top, so I was trying to fix my top, I'm so sorry about that.




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