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10 Feb 2024



I don’t understand the premise of this dream. It was all sorts of mixed up. I remember a giant, angry body of water that was as high as the sky. It swallowed cities whole. At one point in the dream I crashed my dads car into my moms car. My moms car had the entire top half cut off. My dads car was totaled as I crashed it into the garage. I remember having to go to some sort of summer camp, but I kept ditching meet ups as. In this dream I could feel the raw emotions as clear as day. I felt so lonely and sad. I called out to my girlfriend and boyfriend for comfort, but received no word back. It’s been awhile since I’ve called out for them in my sleep.




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10 Feb 2024



I dreamed about hanging out with my friends, Alex, Nahila, Kyle, Dalton, and Kyle’s peers somewhere at campus during lunch. While we were hanging out at the radio station, I heard a phone call and it was coming from Kyle’s phone, so he answered speaking French. I couldn’t help myself but be a bit curious about the phone call. Afterwards, most of us were all just chatting and joking around with music playing, while I noticed someone coming in. I believe the lady politely greeted us, asking about her son’s whereabouts. A few seconds later, Kyle re-appeared to the station, and he was speaking to the lady in French, who I realized was his mom. While I see the two were talking, I couldn’t help but think, “OMG, is this really happening!!?” with a calm smile yet scared look as I feel my heart is racing like pretty fast. After she left, our friends started asking questions and saying his mom looks/seems nice, while Parrish made a comment about my facial expression. Noticing my face, Alex asked me what was up, laughing as I gave her a ‘Stop’ look. After a long day at school, I decided to go with Kyle and his friends at the Gapay church club, which was great. After that was over, I took the front passenger seat, since I wanted to ask him something.

10 Feb 2024



I had a dream that I was meeting a couple that lives in two different houses and one of them really liked me so I looked in each house and turned out that one of the men secretly was sleeping with other women which made me angry so I told him to go back to live with his mom and I told him my interests before that he seemed to be watching season 11 of SpongeBob SquarePants and I told him that I loved fnaf some people came into the house and was looking for him strangely I used the toilet but it was out in the open so people saw me and before that I went into work only to be told that I should leave later on a coworker of mine told me that the shuttle was going to come get us but I didn’t go my coworker popped up randomly I had one other dream about finding Nemo it was a fact about the character Bruce the shark and how they made his razor sharp teeth they had the writers teeth scanned in order to make his rows of teeth and I saw my grandpa too

10 Feb 2024



Me and my family went on a long road trip to this huge pet store that had every animal you can think of. Wild animals and all. I was enjoying myself at first because I love animals and I was holding all the different animals. I was really in love with the monkey and sloth but then because the cages were like open at the top as I was walking through animals I was afraid of started just jumping on me. Predators of the sloth and monkey got on me and caused the monkey to jump into a cage with a snake where it got killed and then a big lizard got on me and killed the sloth. Then a bunch of snakes and big lizards that weren’t friendly just kept hoping on me and they begin to bite me, I tried to pry the teeth off and put them back where they went but they kept clinging on and more animals began to jump on me and bite me until I was covered and just being bite everywhere! I just screamed and cried and no one helped me. I somehow ended up getting free but I was running through the place trying to get out and I kept running in to more dangerous animals. I was terrified and crying and trying to sneak past but they would get close enough to bite or scratch me and at the end I was running form a lion.two of the workers came and grabbed me and I thought they were going to help me because I was so injured and bloody so they carried me but at the end the big guy tried to rape me and I used all my strength to kick him off, I woke up in the middle of him assaulting me

10 Feb 2024



Last night, I had a dream that I saw leaflet on a shop window saying 'swim to these 7 countries and you will win £2,000,000'. I knew i was a good swimmer so decided to sign up and take on the challenge with two other competitors. At the competition start. There were photos of the countries and what we would expect to see when we reach the country. We started to swim to the first country and saw the eiffel tower, that was an achievement and I still felt energy so I swam to the next country on my own. I was starting to get in a panic because the water was cold, I couldn't see any sign of land and I thought I was going to die. I eventually kept on swimming and got to the second country where I saw a big run down house which has a working tap so I could have a drink but I thought to myself i don't know how I'm going to manage the next five countries. That's when I then woke up and never found out if I made it or not.

10 Feb 2024



I had a dream about someone I previously liked actually being my boyfriend. I do have a boyfriend now but it’s not that guy. So the guy that was previously the guy I had liked was my boyfriend in the dream. When we started dating, he sent me photos of his ex’s text messages saying how she wanted him back. He sent those and said that “it doesn’t change anything”, and said “love you”. While we were at lunch, (it was a school setting) he was sitting at my table with me and was teaching me about some math lesson that I supposedly had, and honestly I understood everything even with his cute accent, while he was talking I went to go play with his hair a little, but I hesitated and drew my hand back. But it felt so real and I felt good. But in real life I know that this guy I previously liked, likes my friend so, I don’t have a chance.

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