Dream interpretation about Leaving, Friends, Son, School, Heart, Laughing, Party, Church, Phone call, Dinner, Face, Front, Seat, Looking, Passenger, Ask, Playing, Pretty, Racing, Smile, Speak
I dreamed about hanging out with my friends, Alex, Nahila, Kyle, Dalton, and Kyle’s peers somewhere at campus during lunch. While we were hanging out at the radio station, I heard a phone call and it was coming from Kyle’s phone, so he answered speaking French. I couldn’t help myself but be a bit curious about the phone call. Afterwards, most of us were all just chatting and joking around with music playing, while I noticed someone coming in. I believe the lady politely greeted us, asking about her son’s whereabouts. A few seconds later, Kyle re-appeared to the station, and he was speaking to the lady in French, who I realized was his mom. While I see the two were talking, I couldn’t help but think, “OMG, is this really happening!!?” with a calm smile yet scared look as I feel my heart is racing like pretty fast. After she left, our friends started asking questions and saying his mom looks/seems nice, while Parrish made a comment about my facial expression. Noticing my face, Alex asked me what was up, laughing as I gave her a ‘Stop’ look. After a long day at school, I decided to go with Kyle and his friends at the Gapay church club, which was great. After that was over, I took the front passenger seat, since I wanted to ask him something.
Dream date:
10 Feb 2024
Emotional tone:
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